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ppfd / par

Week 4

Active member
I had to dial back my 300w flower LED as I have potassium issue otherwise. And I've seen seedling stunt and not do anything from too much light. In Veg I can get away with all they can take as long as I feed them the Ca, especially with higher CO2.

Just set up a seedling tent with a 50 w light for the next grow of a couple autos today. Seem to have some flower congestion as two tents are now in flower. I'm thinking of cutting the main colas off the mature ones and letting the smaller buds go for two or three more weeks. I have the time now.
What's up Three Berries...this the same 3 Berries from RIU?

Week 4

Active member
That's not that hard to do with a tent in a closed room. Even with a tent I found it accumulates to above the room level. A couple people or animals and 1000ppm with the windows closed is easy.

In the winter I may see up to 3500 ppm.....
This makes sense, I have a CO2 meter in my office and it sometimes raises to the 800s.. so yeah, I see what your saying now.
RIO RollItUp


Well-known member
If you had a sealed environment with good CO2 control then it would be converted to plant mass, as would any excess anyway somewhere. Not hard to maintain 1500 ppm in a room.
Yes, but any grower that can manage such a build, isn't needing advice on it. I'm not advising anyone to use it. Even in your example, people are making co2 for you. Making co2 is bad. You raise the idea it's all locked away in your plants, but that only really works if you are not burning them. The net result, is someone made co2 for you.

Ask yourself this. Are you yielding more than the best non-co2 growers. If not, then co2 is a bandaid for some other issue.

I would rather work towards lowering co2 than raising it, where the circumstances are so simple. Telling people they need co2 is never true, when it's not a limiting factor.

Week 4

Active member
So back to the OPs question, I think lifting the light up past 30 inches, maybe even 40 inches and getting that ppfd your looking for from there will help. The plants will recognize the new intensity of light and start adjusting. Here's a cool vid explaining it.

Three Berries

Active member
Yes, but any grower that can manage such a build, isn't needing advice on it. I'm not advising anyone to use it. Even in your example, people are making co2 for you. Making co2 is bad. You raise the idea it's all locked away in your plants, but that only really works if you are not burning them. The net result, is someone made co2 for you.

Ask yourself this. Are you yielding more than the best non-co2 growers. If not, then co2 is a bandaid for some other issue.

I would rather work towards lowering co2 than raising it, where the circumstances are so simple. Telling people they need co2 is never true, when it's not a limiting factor.
My CO2 use is from ambient atmosphere. I have little control over it and cost nothing as it is from the exhaust of my heater. But it makes a dramatic difference.

Lowering CO2 is putting the plant on a diet.


Well-known member
In that case, I also use co2 lol
About 650ppm as it's indoor. It's very difficult not to get higher co2 indoors. Unless I go out :)


New member
So which is the best method to use your led bars and train your plant to get more light?
More or full power at higher height or something else?What do you do at your grows?


Active member
Yep my basement is always about 900-1000. I run my room at 1200-1500 ppm.

A 20lb propane tank lasts about 6 months In my 15kw room. Just working in my room for an hour or two will bring the co2 to about 3000+ ppm from breathing. Plants gobble it all up in no time, but i have to be conscious of it when I've got small plants going.

Week 4

Active member
Yep my basement is always about 900-1000. I run my room at 1200-1500 ppm.

A 20lb propane tank lasts about 6 months In my 15kw room. Just working in my room for an hour or two will bring the co2 to about 3000+ ppm from breathing. Plants gobble it all up in no time, but i have to be conscious of it when I've got small plants going.
You gotta be careful at those levels man. Don't leave your car running in a closed garage folks.

Miraculous Meds

Well-known member
So which is the best method to use your led bars and train your plant to get more light?
More or full power at higher height or something else?What do you do at your grows?
I start around 300 par and increase 1% a day after germination. I leave the lights high and adjust strength. 300 to 500 par will grow healthy veg plants. 500 par will grow quality flower. I try to keep under 900 par max and 500 min all the way to my tables. Every flower is bag worthy with this approach and leaving some room for light penetration and air flow.

If your in a lit room or have a tent thats filled with led bars, then this strategy works really well to keep the lights high. If your in an open environment with walls further away, then starting the light low and raising with growth may be better for you.


New member
Most info that doesn't originate from legitimate research in Cannabis is pseudo science. Lots of science is pseudo science. That's what it's called when you cherry pick a single aspect of a natural process to focus on, while ignoring all other relative variables. Light intensity acronyms and nonsense podcasts are the last things growers should be worried about.

You need a different nutrient profile than anyone currently offers to run full power led. Everyone pushes nitrogen with no support for some reason. You need more pk and a few trace minerals to increase Led intensity. Nitrogen is very efficient under led. Cut it. Make up the difference with foliar manganese citrate. Goodbye bugs and pests. Run enough P to keep your leaves green, not blue-green. Goodbye small buds. Run enough K to keep your tips green. Goodbye mids. And enough calcium and boron to keep your leaves 2 dimensional. Hello entourage effect.

You have to keep up with photosynthesis, metabolism, and translocation. Nitrogen is never a weak link in my garden. Potassium always is. Raise potassium get deficiency elsewhere. Everything depends on how much calmag, salty compost, lime stone, etc you overdose on. Growing organic Cannabis under led kinda sucks, with how sensitive Cannabis is to nutrient balance under Led. None of recipes make sense. You're on your own until a bottled product comes out that will actually allow full power led lighting.

"Proper supply of mineral nutrients is essential for efficient and sustainable cultivation of any crop. Among the most important nutrients for plants are nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. However, few studies have investigated the response of cannabis to these nutrients. As a result, cannabis cultivators often rely on nutrient recipes developed by fertiliser companies, or by community consensus based on previously clandestine production. This poses a problem because deficient or excessive supply of nutrients may reduce yield. "

"A challenge in developing fertiliser recommendations is that the number of combinations of nutrient concentrations that can be empirically tested is limited due to logistical and statistical considerations. As a result, most nutrient studies have a limited range of nutrient compositions that can overlook potential nutrient interactions across a broad range of nutrient compositions. Studies on cannabis response to nutrients so far have either investigated different concentrations of one nutrient while holding the others constant, or provided different concentrations of NPK in a set ratio. Neither of these approaches can evaluate nutrient interactions, which could have substantial impacts on the recommendations of optimum application rates. "

"Even under ambient CO2, the linear increases in yield indicated that the availability of PAR photons was still limiting whole-canopy photosynthesis at APPFD levels as high as ≈1,800 μmol·m−2·s−1 (i.e., DLI ≈78 mol·m−2·d−1). These results were generally consistent with the trends of other studies reporting linear cannabis yield responses to Light Intensity"

"The results also indicate that the relationship between LI and cannabis yield does not saturate within the practical limits of LI used in indoor production. Increasing LI also increased harvest index and the size and density of the apical inflorescence; both markers for increasing quality. However, there were no and minor LI treatment effects on potency of cannabinoids and terpenes, respectively. This means that growers may be able to vastly increase yields by increasing LI but maintain a relatively consistent secondary metabolite profile in their marketable products."


Active member
I wasn't being selfish. Perhaps I could of worded it differently though. My use of co2 would negatively effect the entire planet, thus, how is it helping me. Instant gratification for one person at the expense of others, isn't helping anybody. Even me. I'm not that short sighted.

The accepted record for grams per watt wasn't using co2.

I see no relevance in these pics. Somebody used co2 to grow some plants you can see the floor through. I think I should post your pics as proof it's not useful?
Don't worry i hate floors too! The worst i tell ya. Thankfully it’s starting to disappear. :cool:

Ps got a link for that G/W record?



Well-known member
Search the net for sshz doing orange gasm under gavita.
About 28oz per meter. Billy Liar claims more, but the pictures matter more than claims. You can see sshz is doing it.

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