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You said powdery mildew on cannabis is systemic, the real word for that is endophytic.

Can you show me an example of endophytic powdery mildew on cannabis?

This is not a difficult question in any way lol :wave:

so he might be using the wrong term, so am i, i'm trying to use a term that means the sickness is inside the plant and keeps reappearing in the clones.


Plant Whisperer
It is NOT in the plant! Or sulfur would have no effect, same as most of these sprays used.


sulfur only works as long as you keep using it, same with most nonpoisonous sprays. but the worst thing about sulfur is the terrible quality of bubble hash you get from rooms using it. same with sprays they make the bubble taste like shit.

i'm still waiting to hear how to make a pm carrying mom into a non pm carrying mom just by increasing the health. what steps do you take to increase an outwardly healthy plants health.


sulfur burners and most sprays are just repressing the symptoms, they are not curing the disease. else it would not always come back till you use toxic shit like e20.


Plant Whisperer
basically what would you do exactly step by step to turn a pm sick mother that is not showing pm but all her clones show pm at week 4 of 12/12?

So your saying the mother has fruitless mycelium in one room and the cuttings flowering in another room are showing fruiting mycelium?

You'd have to ask yourself what is different between those two rooms... We couldn't answer that without a lot more information given.


Plant Whisperer
sulfur burners and most sprays are just repressing the symptoms, they are not curing the disease. else it would not always come back till you use toxic shit like e20.

This is not true. No matter how much you kill the PM mycelium if the environment is perfect for spore germination it will always come back. Even if you use E20 it will eventually come back, or you'd only need to use E20 once and never use it again.


you do only need to use e20 once on any single plants that has pm. this will be confirmed by too many people to count that used the shit. like i said before in this thread i have a batch of mums that were never sprayed for pm and are totally healthy except they are getting too tall for the space and will soon be replaced with new clones of each. the point being that i don't even have the e20, i just know what i went through when i had those mums with pm that only showed up on clones in week 4 of flowering. but yes the correct ventilation, climate is the first step, but plants without this sickness is the second step, then you don't need a third step like a sulfur burner or a bunch of sprays. but if you do get a new clone of something you want to keep, then a dunk in eagle 20 will insure that you start out with a clean plant. i been doing this for a long time and have seen pretty much every situation you can imagine, i'm telling you that pm is only repressed by sulfur, it is not cured. if it was only on the leaf you'd be able to cure it from the outside and wouldn't need eagle 20 to get right inside the plant and fry the actual disease of pm rather then just suppressing the outward symptoms of pm. but even if i'm wrong about the actual science about the pm being inside the plant or only outside, i'm right about the practical reality for the grower. ie sulfur won't cure it, nor will most sprays.


Plant Whisperer
I have been able too KILL pm with many things... the reason E20 is doing well for you is because IT IS systemic and stays IN your plant for a VERY long time...

I will stick with my plants natural immune system and a healthy environment. Believe it or not but those two things alone will KILL pm FOREVER and give you better/happier plants :ying:


so you have cured pm in mother plants and never had it come back ever, without regular sprays and or sulfur burners?

can you list the concrete steps you took from the moment you discovered a mother plant with pm till the moment you had a fully cured mom no longer needing sprays or sulfur?

the e20 is only acceptable on a clone that will be a mother plant, never on plants you are planning to flower. in the end i took the other route and killed all my moms and started again with fresh seedlings after bettering the ventilation, so far so good. the e20 is just a way i could have saved the genetics.

btw when you admitted the e20 only works so well because it is systemic you basically admitted that pm is systemic too. :)


Plant Whisperer
ahh ok, I hear you. I'm honestly pretty envious because I thought my room was as clean as can be and then bam... PM infestation. First ever too. I'm wondering if my soil went anaerobic due to not enough perlite or something... plants looked healthy as can be but still some PM on the smaller lower leaves here n there... hmm.

I have pot plants growing in a humid greenhouse using clay soil with no perlite and I dont have any PM. I have wood chips, moist atmosphere, food, and everything a fungus could want... I have never used a pm spray in my greenhouse or ever needed to.

I really think the plants immune system is number one, plus some plants are more resistant than others.

I haven't had to use anything to fight pm in my indoor veg for over 4 years.

Learning the life cycle of the pm you have is key in killing it forever :ying:



Plant Whisperer
Baking soda, olive oil, and dish soap have been of great help.

Why the two (soap, oil)? I'd would think you only need one or the other to make the baking soda stick? I do like the shine the oil,soap gives the leaves :)
I am glad I have not ever had to worry about this. I grew in 70%-90% humidity for years, and never once saw mold, or mildew. Now I am in 16% humidity, and still nothing.

Compost tea ya'll. :)


Plant Whisperer
so you have cured pm in mother plants and never had it come back ever, without regular sprays and or sulfur burners?

can you list the concrete steps you took from the moment you discovered a mother plant with pm till the moment you had a fully cured mom no longer needing sprays or sulfur?

the e20 is only acceptable on a clone that will be a mother plant, never on plants you are planning to flower. in the end i took the other route and killed all my moms and started again with fresh seedlings after bettering the ventilation, so far so good. the e20 is just a way i could have saved the genetics.

Seeds alone will not save you... It will come back... The spores are not gone... Go outside to the north part of your house and look at the weeds/plants close...

I have weeds with PM growing on them at my house and my neighbors roses are flocked like a Christmas tree LOL :ying:
Seeds alone will not save you... It will come back... The spores are not gone... Go outside to the north part of your house and look at the weeds/plants close...

I have weeds with PM growing on them at my house and my neighbors roses are flocked like a Christmas tree LOL :ying:

Fungal spores are everywhere. You can either decide to get "good" fungal spores to inoculate your leaves, or the "bad" ones will do it for you. :)

I don't think they are getting the fact that fungal spores are everywhere always.

It actually is funny that someone thinks they can rid their environment of fungal spores, and or bacteria.


Plant Whisperer
Fungal spores are everywhere. You can either decide to get "good" fungal spores to inoculate your leaves, or the "bad" ones will do it for you. :)

I don't think they are getting the fact that fungal spores are everywhere always.

It actually is funny that someone thinks they can rid their environment of fungal spores, and or bacteria.

To add



is ten feet from this


it is 10ft from my cage and 20ft from my greenhouse.



yes healthy plants with no pm history and no genetic predisposition will stay pm free, even though pm might be all around.

of course new seedlings alone won't save you if your environment is not dialed in, but they will save you if it is dialed in, at least they have been pm free for over a year now, without sulfur or preventative sprays.


Plant Whisperer
In that group picture I have 2 OG cuts and the ChemD who for sure have had pm.

I found weeds right next to my flowering cuttings with pm on them lol :ying:




This is what all that white fuzz is from lol


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