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First time making hash, will two males work?

Scotch Mist

New member
I just found 2 males and I'm gonna chop them tonight. One is around 6' the other is about 8.5', they're both just under 3 months old. I'd like to make hash out of them if possible. I've never really made hash before, just once with trichomes from a grinder, it made a tiny little piece.

So I was wondering if these two males would be enough to make at least a little bit of hash, and if it would be any good. Which method would be best in this situation?

They haven't had any nutrients in the past 2 months(only fox farm grow big and ocean forest soil in the first month), but I sprayed Serenade fungicide on them about 3 weeks ago as well as a regular neem oil/dishsoap mix. Should I flush them and clean the foliage before chopping them and making the hashish?

Sorry about the poor grammar lol, I'm heavily medicated at the moment :)


yeah, males will work. resin content is lower tho', so you might not get much. but hell, it's worth a try!

I used rick simpson's naptha method. very easy. after you've boiled down the solvents leave the oil in bowl/tray for two days so that the remnants of the naptha can completely evaporate.
when yr happy this has been achieved (you can smell it's gone) re heat yr oil and suck it into syringes.
to clean yr utensils warm them up and wipe clean with a wad of kif or tobacco (not that you'd be smoking that. would you?) then smoke it!
simpson says that one ounce of oil can be cleaned from one pound of heads. I gained something less than this ... but my heads were shitty ... which was why I made oil.
so seeing as yrs are males you might not get too much.


Thanks, is there any other way to do it besides using naptha or butane or some chemicals?

With any high-ranking spirits and will serve you, unless you want to use chemicals.



Bec means whiskey or vodka, I think. best way too, but expensive!

incidentally, I heard that cannabis disolved in alcohol is called 'green dragon'. would be a different sort of drunk don't ya reckon?!


if there are no visible trichomes on the plants you will not get any hash with the bubble hash (ice and water) method. you'll need to use solvent to get any active ingredients out of male plants with no visible trichome coverage.

Scotch Mist

New member
if there are no visible trichomes on the plants you will not get any hash with the bubble hash (ice and water) method. you'll need to use solvent to get any active ingredients out of male plants with no visible trichome coverage.
Yeah that's what I was thinking. I guess I'd use the naptha method then.

u can also make canna milk out of those males...
Never heard of it, I'll have to look it up

Ty for the help all