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Powdery Mildew Rx for flowering plants?

Lacto Bacilli serum hands down!

:yeahthats Strait up, used it ALL, and 2% milk, 1/9th ratio!
And for late flowering (like the last 3 days) I soaked them like three to four times during lights out. SOAKED THEM! Once in milk, and then PH down w/ RO water. If you let them get moist they might get more spores, but i had really low RH, and 80/83 degree room when i did it. and it worked amazing. Really made them taste better too. And no PM showed up during the dry/cure. Also Spider mites HATE the cold, so with the RO water I would fill my pump with ice cubes, and i couldn't find one bugger the whole time i trimmed =)

used the H202... it comes back in day or two. but it will work instantly. Fizzing sound.... crazy shit.

But these home remedies only work to keep the spores of the PM down. The fungus lives on, stealing your nutes and eating your foliage. (or at least mine) :badday:
Keep fighting the good fight guys, I'm right there with you.
Tried em all. Sulfer works best IMO.

See my "sig" below.
I'm on that one next! haven't been able to do it with the oils I am using. I read it is a big no no to mix the two within roughly 10 days.
Pirate, do you know if it works well to treat the room itself (walls, floors, ect...)? Or will the sulfur linger and cause problems when I bring the girls back in?
i just dipped everything in my home 3 times at 2 hour intervals and cleaned the temp grow room. will dip again in 3 days for 2-3 weeks. and then once weekly with ZONE+PENATROTOR by dutch master. ill post up how it works out...

i have a burner and it didnt help last time i had pm 3 years ago so ill be doing the dips/sprays and sulphur burns aswell..

anyways keep on keeping on... CC


i just dipped everything in my home 3 times at 2 hour intervals and cleaned the temp grow room. will dip again in 3 days for 2-3 weeks. and then once weekly with ZONE+PENATROTOR by dutch master. ill post up how it works out...

i have a burner and it didnt help last time i had pm 3 years ago so ill be doing the dips/sprays and sulphur burns aswell..

anyways keep on keeping on... CC

At what stage are your plants and how big?


Active member
I use Greencure. I use a regular spray bottle. I spray every day. I don't spray the whole plant every day, though I will pretty much soak it down every week or so. The first time, I'll soak them down good. Then I check every day, every plant. When I spot the white spots, i spray it. This keeps the reproduction down. No way could i dip the plants. maybe if they were small, but then a couple sprays and they're soaked, so why dip?


I use Greencure. I use a regular spray bottle. I spray every day. I don't spray the whole plant every day, though I will pretty much soak it down every week or so. The first time, I'll soak them down good. Then I check every day, every plant. When I spot the white spots, i spray it. This keeps the reproduction down. No way could i dip the plants. maybe if they were small, but then a couple sprays and they're soaked, so why dip?

I like Greencure too.

Jim Rockford

Well-known member
Just a big thanks to mark6699331, I've found the zone/penetrator combo the final key in getting rid of the pm.

I had a really bad breakout, and it came from a hempstar clone I got from a fiend who just accepts pm as a way of life. I always forget. The hempstar got about 2 weeks into flowering and devestated two flowering rooms (one hempstar in each).

Here are the steps I've taken, and it's been over a month since I've seen it:

1. I vaporized sulfur in both rooms 3 times in a week. 4.5 hours each session. I feel sulfur vapor affects the final product very little. Test smokers couldn't tell on this last batch, I had some 7 days from harvest.
2. Full cleaning. Like wipe everything in your grow room with bleach water.
3. I dumped a full box of baking soda on the floors of both rooms. If new spores fall to the ground they get fried before they reactivate.
4. I used mark6699331 recommended method of dipping whole plants. I just sprayed the more mature plants, but anything one week into flowering and the young ones in the veg room all got the full submarine treatment.
5. I burn sulfur every 10 days now, pull out the mature plants and just spray with zone/penetrator.
6. I dip the clones and young plants every 10 days.

I've done this for a couple months now and haven't seen a hint of pm. Thanks to mark6699331, I've tried so many things over the years and I think the zone/penetrator is final step to kill it off in the young plants where you can't see it. The sulfur/baking soda on floor keeps it from reproducing in flowering rooms. I can't believe that this shit might finally be gone.


Great thread! I got pm recently from some pre '98 clones. It has spread like crazy. Never had it up to this point. I have been aggressive with ventilation and kept it in check, but I still see new outbreaks daily. Some of my stock seemed to pick it up quickly, while some of the strains aren't effected at all.

I got a clone once before with pm on it, but must have gotten control of the pm while in quarentine as it never amounted to anything. It was also a bubba kush.
What about those doing SOG? I for example slap about a tray of clones (72) right to 12/12 on a 4x8 table, no veg. I can see dunking them (zone or JMS)at that point being doable, but if someone has a bunch of tables that would mean dunking 100s of plants every few days lol..

I would only dunk during veg./early flower or at least with the oils. However, if you do, rinse...no... SOAK! your girls in rotation of 2%milk at a 10-20% ratio, and then rinse with PH down and water later on. Do it couple days in a row, spraying once with milk and then once of twice with water during lights off. The key is to keep them soaked from the first spray until the lights are coming back on (so that there is little to no "damp" time). Great way to battle the mold, and take off any type of fungicide you used. I was going to try to maybe go with a smaller plant count this time (well a lot, but what ever you can handle), and treating them good during veg., so little will need to hopefully happen during flower.

JMS pdf says you need a 400 psi sprayer - anyone using handhelds? They say nothing about dunks.

They don't say anything about dunks/handhelds, because they are for larger crop/grove application normally. It does instantly emulsify on contact with water, and they do say that "the only way it will help mildew is if there is TOTAL coverage." I used it for mites, and haven't seen them come back... yet...

Zone is a root conditioner, we're using it as a foliar/dunk?

I don't want to use sulfur but might try zone/penetrator on my moms (foliar) and start watering with some silicate. Then dunk the rooted clones when they go to 12/12 (zone again or JMS) and hit them with some greencure through flowering if I see spores.

I wouldn't foliar with it, it does save a lot, but didn't fully work for me at all. Dunks with a air stone to agitate is total insurance, but time consuming.

Will post results, I have PM for the first time, very extensive. Neem isn't working. Great for thrips though lol

I'm right there with you buddy! keep up the good fight! I hope this helps a little, let us know how it goes! I'm going to try the neem as a soil drench, it didn't work well for me either, but i'll see how this application works.


got some white widow clones a few weeks ago and now my room, including all my mothers but one, have PM. great. thanks guy.

going out to buy zone+penetrator today. on the dutchmaster website i don't see anything called penetrator but i see something called saturator.... are these the same thing but different names? judging by the description its the same product but i just wanted to check with you guys to be sure.


Active member
so i just bought zone plus penetrator. and i dunked 40 plants .. each plant sizing from 1 to 3 feet in size.. im almost on week 2 of flower.. i sure hope this does the trick!! alsoo will this help with thirps at all??? i sure hope so other wise i have even more problems to worry about.

thanks for all the great info and please if anyone knows my thirp question i would love to hear the answer.

thanks... sneakin

Sparky 6

I'm growing my first crop here and one of my plants has some bad powder mold. The plant is doing great other than that but this needs to get under control. I sprayed it down thoroughly with a solution of higher Ph water and baking soda. Going to repeat that today.

This is my first treatment because I don't have any other on hand. If this doesn't work I plan to get some Dutchmaster Zone and Penetrator. Great thread thanks everyone.


Active member
heyy there opt1c. thanks for the info.. i bought a bottle of spinosad online. should be here in a week... i was wondering... can i mix this stuff with my zone and penatrator and just dunk the hole plants?? or should i just spray and dunk seperatly. please if anyone knows i would love to figure this out.

thankssss, sneakin