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New member
Hey all, fairly new to the ic family, but feel like ive been here for years, (lurked around for 6 or so months).
but being the creative stoner that i am i decided to do something i would have fun with and love.
opening a clothing brand called "danklife"
let me know what you think
check this sneek-peek

Danklife logo 1.png

few more pictures coming when i scan them.
LOL - I'm glad you put "few more pictures coming when I scan them" because when you said "check this sneek-peek" it was only a logo.

Good for you bro. Do your thing, I hope it works out well ~


Thanks man I like that logo for my own clothing line. JK, though shot for the moon and when you have reached it mars.


New member
thanks guys, just wait till you see the rest of the drawings ahaha theyre awesome. every stoner needs one of these in there closet (next to your mother plants lol)

*how can you put your own picture up like how you have the cat with the gun, and what do you get when you donate to icmag?


thanks guys, just wait till you see the rest of the drawings ahaha theyre awesome. every stoner needs one of these in there closet (next to your mother plants lol)

*how can you put your own picture up like how you have the cat with the gun, and what do you get when you donate to icmag?

Have to hit 50 post, as far as donating I believe you get a bigger avatar, can use a gif (or moving avatar), a special title, and the comfort an satisfaction of having helped ICMAG.


i like it but. Not to be critical i couldnt do what you do but I really don't like life design part. But my opinion doesnt mean anything goodluck with it.


I was trying to think of a different way to write life in a different design. So I'm just not saying I dont like it and not helping with a different idea. How about just dropping the life part keeping its just Dank. Still calling it Dank Life but logo just says dank.


Freedom Fighter
Dude...because it appears that you are serious, let me say this...
That is a horrible idea-- I have friends in this business, and it is not an easy road even if you have crack artists on your payroll...not to be mean, but bro...that "Sneak Peak" looks like a 3rd grader did it--
Do not invest any $$ in this--
Hope that helps--:tiphat:


New member
**TeamZissou thanks for your opinions im all ears, but ill post more designs very soon, i think youll like this new one more, cuz i do.

****But 420kali can you draw? dont be close minded and negative, this took like 15-20 mins, and was basic.
im not going to stop, most brands i see these days are toy's.
just photoshoped mashed up bullshit
would you put that on? honestly
im not sure what your into, or style, but obviously not urban art, street art, partying, graffiti
thanks for your words, but you dont really know..i guess they're will always be those "haters" as much as i hate to say that phrase.
fyi- ive printed lots of shirts in the past and that logo
and sold them all, moneys not bad

also please send me links to your friends brands
and please dont joke around with me saying its like alife or ubiq


New member
kind of generic,true but show me another drippin logo that is mainstream? yeah i could do nugs, but half the people wouldnt want to wear nuggets to school, college, and work. little to loud

i do have a half drawing of a bud like getting operated on cut open like with trics all over, needs little more work


Active member
im not sure what your into, or style, but obviously not urban art, street art, partying, graffiti
thanks for your words, but you dont really know..i guess they're will always be those "haters" as much as i hate to say that phrase.
fyi- ive printed lots of shirts in the past and that logo
and sold them all, moneys not bad

so all at once you've decided (apologies for the rap lyric quote) them haters green as a pool table and twice as square, doesn't like "partying and graffiti" :)laughing:) and also that said hater doesn't know anything about art because he said your logo was unimpressive. What are you so angry about? Your logo DOES suck...and that's coming from somebody who makes his living in graphic design and marketing for small biz operations...and no, you're not gonna get any samples kiddo, but head back to the drawing board with this one. If that sample is what you have to show (and really, why would you give something as a "sneak peak" that isn't at least indicative of your work actually being at least passable?) then you might want to stop with the diatribes and start listening to some suggestions from people who know better.

kind of generic,true but show me another drippin logo that is mainstream? yeah i could do nugs, but half the people wouldnt want to wear nuggets to school, college, and work. little to loud

Dude, how stupid do you think people are? This is 2010, "dank" is not the underground term you think it is, whether the shirt has nugs and pot leafs all over it or not it's going to make a statement about the person who's wearing it (usually "this guy is advertising his pot usage for no reason and is a gigantic tool because of it")

sorry to be a prick, but seriously dude...
To be honest, I never see people wearing marijuana themed clothes. I think the niche market is so unbelievably small that it isn't really worth exploring at all. I know as a grower I will never wear any article of clothing that suggests I'm a user. It's just asking to get tailed home by somebody I think, even if it is just a thug looking to jack your stash. Besides that, it is just tacky and makes you look like a burnout.

Now that I think about it I once had a tow truck driver pick me up wearing a highway 420 hoodie. I gave him a nug of some platinum bubblegum and it was obvious by his reaction he lives off schwag lol.


donut engineer
Hey all, fairly new to the ic family, but feel like ive been here for years, (lurked around for 6 or so months).
but being the creative stoner that i am i decided to do something i would have fun with and love.
opening a clothing brand called "danklife"
let me know what you think
check this sneek-peek

View attachment 49488

few more pictures coming when i scan them.

Selling clothing/t-shirts seems to be everyone's "first business" because of its accessibility. You'll quickly learn how competitive a landscape it is, and how difficult it will be for you to turn a profit. I say Godspeed, but have a 'bail date' set for when you want out of the business if its not going well.

I'll tell you what I tell all of my friends starting boutique retail stores / restaurants / clothing companies: have at least 1 year living expenses saved up because you won't be taking home profits until the second year. You can always take out loans that second year. The third year is when you know the dream is dead.

Consider using your creative stoner powers along with other tacit knowledge to create a unique business, not a cliched one. I did it, others here have done it, so can you. Stoner creativity and photoshop alone are not enough to achieve more than mediocrity imho.


This is the money you could be saving if you grow
I always like the idea of someone improving their life, but that 1st logo has to go. I don't like green ooze and the word life looks kinda like a dog's dish.

You may have a logical reason for the runny ooze, but dank have multiple meanings, and one of those is an area with mold might grow. I'm sure that's not your meaning of dank.

Dank could also mean cool, awesome or great, and for me green ooze don't cover it.

In fact there are over 200 meanings. You need to capture all of them in your logo.


New member
funker, you seem like a wise fellow haha. i really do appreciate you stoppin in and typing that up, that was probably the wisest thing i will get out of this thread. really sounds like you have some experience in the business world. and know when to stop. i will rethink this on a larger scale, but for now i will still screen print on the small side as it def brings in decent money for the time and availability of machines
back to the smoking board...vanilla luna, thx djshort 4 a superb pheno.

ps. photoshop psh (shakes my head) lol
pen and marker pusher here ;P


Active member
sell something that rappers will buy. once Gucci Mane or TI rocks it in the music video, your sales will blow up..


New member

Dank could also mean cool, awesome or great, and for me green ooze don't cover it.

In fact there are over 200 meanings. You need to capture all of them in your logo.

ahaha i agree 100% ooze doesnt really cover dank correctly but i was melting at the time - check out excision - datsik mix, it'll make you melt
i take dank as awesome, good,
"that chicken was so dank" haha
but thanks for actually understanding where im comin from, just trying to stay busy and do something

most dreams and success are not just handed out, trial and error