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This is the money you could be saving if you grow
I may be wrong the ooze look might be the one. The "banner" is okay, but stretching it out a bit might make the shape I saw go away. Banners are pretty popular there were 7 on the shelves in my kitchen. Everything from rice to noodles. My family's Coat of Arms has a banner. As will most.

One way you could do it is to mimic the type of college insignias. Each one is different. Look at Milk Duds. They were and still are popular.

I found another banner on a tortilla chip bag...
In the banner are the words, "with SALT"


Freedom Fighter
Dank...I meant no hate....I was trying to give you sound advice--
My friends...ok, here are a couple who I know owners of...and yeah...I may be an "Old Guy"...but I rock these--
I am friends with most of these ppl in the ads--
And just for fun....I'll include these guys...very good friends...even tho Mulisha is so much more than a Clothing Co--

Honestly homie...I ain't jerking you around...I was blunt on purpose...to try and let you know this is not an easy road...you have some serious competition out there--
That being said...if you are set on going there...good luck bro--


Active member
Yea i know some kids who make insanely ill Tshirts but they said theres not alot of money they mostly do it for their friends and to be creative. their tshirts absolutely SHIT on that logo you posted and they aint ballin.


my brothers friends makes herb tshirts..check the website here


i bought a couple shirts from him to support local movements

you can try and sell them on Ebay though..or that other website where people sell homemade stuff.


This is the money you could be saving if you grow
I've had some simple ideas.

Bumper Stickers:

My other car is on fire
My other car is a cop car
My other car is a Big Wheel
Baby in trunk
Grandma in trunk
Grandma and Grandpa in truck
this car makes sudden stops

If you can read this bumper sticker
Back off, you don't know me that well

You've just tailgated me long enough
to read this bumper sticker twice

No Limit Hold 'em Scratch Cards - sold in decks of 52
No Limit Hold 'em scratch off calendar
No Limit Hold 'em Tear off calendar

Each idea has it's own issues from copyright infringement to impractical
Last edited:


New member
*Kali appricaite the advice and def no badblood if i came off like angry. those shirts are just the thing i dont wear stuff like that... corrupted is alright but its all tattoo outline shirts...just get real ink, and hostility i cant get down, and i know who MM is, grew up around dirtbikes, but also not my shirt style lots of hard angles and to much stuff going on. people around my way who wear shirts like that are rednecks or skeevy dopeheads from camden nj., id at least wear a band shirt or blank...blank all day! lol

*Yes2Prop215 See also i disagree, just aint my style, besides the montana paint shirt/logo that is dope as hell if your boy really made that, mad props. but might be a long shot i use montana paint all day for my mop inks. and idk i cant really get down to that cali shirt, cuz i cant relate, but i do like his slogan thing about life....but dank...i think everyone from this site can relate in someway id hope hah

***Facelift hahah i hate bumperstickers so much ill never put them on my car lol, but yeah the banner thing is more tattoo style which i will change or just give up on that one and start from scratch

im just going to do this for fun and local..but i will post more designs to see what you guys think, hopefully change yourminds and im interested in your style.... if your over the age of 26 or so im not targeting you obviously, just have to target the right people.


Active member
montana paint for mop inks? you should save the montanas for productions, for mop ink some rusto bucket paint mixed with thinner works fine.

GreatLakes THC

an Arthur P. Jacobs production
dont be close minded and negative, this took like 15-20 mins, and was basic.

Really not feeling it here either. The jury's still out though. Scan those other pictures and let us have a look. But if dripping dank life took you 20 minutes to draw, I'm not holding my breathe. I have many friends in the artist community here in MN and see phenomenal works that are created everyday. What they can whip out in 20 minutes is not basic.

Just being real dude. No hate intended.

GreatLakes THC :joint:


Sorry but, that logo looks like someone took all the boogers out of their nose and wiped them onto the letters. What is up with all the hairs?

If you are so serious about this, why do you show us some crap you whipped out in 20 mins?

Are you satisfied this logo will fit the company you are trying to become? I don't mean to be harsh, just my honest opinion.
