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Potency Vs. The Ceiling

Potency Vs. The Ceiling

  • Potency

    Votes: 16 35.6%
  • Tolerance

    Votes: 29 64.4%

  • Total voters


Active member
Hmmm.... been thinkin about this, so I figured I'd just run it by you all....

So it seems to me that the definition of potent herb is, the ability to deliver full effect of high with the smallest amount ingested, inhaled, ect.

Now,herb with a ceilingless high, I would define as a variety that gets you higher, and higher, with increased intake, and it can be either potent or not so potent.

Id like to hear of the experiences that you all have had with the strains you have experienced....please list strains or crosses and indicate if the strain is; potent-P , ceilingless-C ...or both.

Thanks all...

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
For heavy smokers, there isnt any such thing as "cielingless weed". Only moderate users. I either get a buzz or not and because i smoke so much, if it isnt potent i dont get high.

I smoke 6-8 joints of sensi star every day, which is the most potent indica strain money can buy. My wife has several friends that smoke on the weekends and 2 tokes of my star can put them in the bed or leaning over the toilet, flushed and sweating.

It has a low cieling for me. I have to burn one every few hrs to keep a good buzz. Moderate smokers can smoke on 1 joint all day and too many tokes can send them off to the hospital asking questions about overdose.


yeah depending on ones tolerance really effects how high a ceiling is on different strains.

that sucks ds toker perhaps you should take a break.

a certain amount of tolerance is definately better to be functional while high.

blueberry is a strain thats not so potent with a high ceiling.

the issue in my mind with all this though is what constitutes potency. For example I had some bomb ass sativa strain that I brought down for a a bunch of indica heads and they all said it wasnt so potent because of how clear it was. The shit was very potent with a high ceiling and some people ended up demanding to go to the hospitol because of it. It had sneaky potency like you smoke it and your not sure your even high then you realize your really high or some "realized" they were dying or some "realized" they were in a lucid dream, trippy stuff. some stuff is potent in unique qualities of high while lacking some qualities people use as markers to determine potency. Its so relative really.


Active member
Hello D.S., I love the sensi star too. Very potent. Have you had any different type of results with a sat. dom. smoke?

Hey Croissant, I'm completely in agreement with the statement "tolerance really effects how high a ceiling is on different strains". That said, Ive read reports of strains that are still able to take seasoned smokers higher, and higher.
You also wrote " some stuff is potent in unique qualities of high while lacking some qualities people use as markers to determine potency".... exactly! you nailed it! Ive also had the same experience with the potency of blueberry....


For heavy smokers, there isnt any such thing as "cielingless weed". Only moderate users. I either get a buzz or not and because i smoke so much, if it isnt potent i dont get high.

I smoke 6-8 joints of sensi star every day, which is the most potent indica strain money can buy. My wife has several friends that smoke on the weekends and 2 tokes of my star can put them in the bed or leaning over the toilet, flushed and sweating.

It has a low cieling for me. I have to burn one every few hrs to keep a good buzz. Moderate smokers can smoke on 1 joint all day and too many tokes can send them off to the hospital asking questions about overdose.

id have to disagree with this !!!

sensi star and all indicas for that matter have a numbing body stone affect ,witch as your tollerance grows becomes lesser and lesser !! iv found this my self at first your wrecked, and as you smoke more your tollerance increase's

now the same cant be said for sativa! nearly pure/pure sats !!
i think you can find sativas that keep gettin you higher and higher and higher to the point that witch your body/mind tells you no more !!!! no matter how much you smoke it !!

i may be wrong but thats what iv found anyway !!!

but soppose everyone is diff !!
i'd go with the potency. it hits the body and then zaps your brain cells. i didn't get an apetite but that's just me.


Hey Croissant, I'm completely in agreement with the statement "tolerance really effects how high a ceiling is on different strains". That said, Ive read reports of strains that are still able to take seasoned smokers higher, and higher.

I think a lot of that has to do what someone has built their tollerance too. For example if someone is used to smoking herbs with qualities that are in a certain realm then they try something with qualities out of that realm the ceiling goes way way up untill they get used to it.

Ussually its like someones used to smoking indicas then they try an electric sativa and they just keep getting higher and higher.
What I have found in general is indicas hit you harder with a smaller amount and sativas are less potent in a smaller amount but have a high ceiling and since most folks are used to indica dom stuff a sativa can just keep getting you higher and higher.

some stuff seems to have the overwhelming attributes of both sides like tahoe og and sfv og.


Active member
I think a lot of that has to do what someone has built their tollerance too. For example if someone is used to smoking herbs with qualities that are in a certain realm then they try something with qualities out of that realm the ceiling goes way way up untill they get used to it.

Ussually its like someones used to smoking indicas then they try an electric sativa and they just keep getting higher and higher.
What I have found in general is indicas hit you harder with a smaller amount and sativas are less potent in a smaller amount but have a high ceiling and since most folks are used to indica dom stuff a sativa can just keep getting you higher and higher.

some stuff seems to have the overwhelming attributes of both sides like tahoe og and sfv og.

Great perspectives, Croissant,....By that logic I guess I should be looking for a strain with "high tolerance" as well as a "high ceiling", ...hmmm this "defining qualities of high", is pretty in depth.... and very subjective to preference of the individual....


apples and oranges.
Are we talking a laid back, couch lock, medicinal indica? or we talking a soaring, trippy, introspective sativa?
To many variables not to mention I'll take quality of high over potency any day of the week.


For me the best quality and most potent weed was certain bags of Columbian we scored back in the early/mid '70's.
Most of the younger folks who have never had the chance to smoke the weed back in the day, say it looks like shit when they see pics of it. " I wouldn't smoke that crap" is what you hear.
But man that crap would have you zoned out for the rest of the night. The 'electric' buzz between your ears that just got louder and louder with each hit. The colors that would get brighter and the sounds would get much clearer thanks to that thin leaved lady. Walking at times seemed as though you were in some kind of tunnel and trying to unlock the front door was a MAJOR task. Giggles came and went, and if you were a regular smoker, you probably had the 6pack abs from laughing so much.
Indica's are good if I need something to put me to sleep. But in essence, give me that seductive tropical lady any day of the week.



I will go with a high ceiling strain any day. While I do like the super potent strains sometimes, give me a great tasting / great high that I have to hit twice as much and I am completely happy.


Active member
Personally, Im a lover of Sativas.

A big part of the experience for me is the taste as well. It can be the headiest schwag in the world, but if it tastes like ass Im not a fan.


Active member
It seems that the high ceiling strains are predominantly the sativa dominant ones. Has anyone found a pure indica with little/no ceiling?

Wiseone- The columbian herb you are writing of has the high that a lot of us are looking for.I came on the scene after the really good import was available to most, and Ive been in the game a while, but never had those effects, that intensely. Im wondering if you were a daily smoker at the time you were getting the great Columbian? The closest I ever had to your description was some Zacatecan that was grown by an old hippy dude in mendocino.


Well-known member
Waaaayyyy back in the mid to late '70's, the local farm boys were growing a Colombian Gold/Thai/Acapulco Gold cross that finished around mid November and turned pure purple after the temps dropped. It was soaring, electric and had no ceiling. The more you smoked, the higher you got, to the point where it became uncomfortably high. Jumpy, paranoid, seeing shit out of the corner of your eyes, auditory hallucination high. Put that shit away, I don't WANT any more high.

Potent and no ceiling. And I smoked a lot of pot and had a nice tolerance built up and that shit still blew me away every time.

Trust me, potent pot is not a recent invention. This shit rivaled anything on the market today.


Wiseone- The columbian herb you are writing of has the high that a lot of us are looking for.I came on the scene after the really good import was available to most, and Ive been in the game a while, but never had those effects, that intensely. Im wondering if you were a daily smoker at the time you were getting the great Columbian? The closest I ever had to your description was some Zacatecan that was grown by an old hippy dude in mendocino.

At the time when I remember those highs I was a relatively new smoker 14-15 maybe/
One thing to remember is the condition of ones physical conditioning when seeking a new or better high. So many times people look for something stronger simply because they have taxed their system. For instance, at the moment my system is taxed BIG time. I can do bong hits, get high to a point and that's it.
I plan to stop smoking for 2 weeks (or at least cut way back for 1 week then clean the last), clean my system out with lots of juice/water/fresh veggies/etc. so when 420 rolls around in a couple weeks I'll be 'virgin' fresh to smoke weed and get wasted.
The biggest point I think most miss when this subject comes up is LOCATION. You can have the best kickass sativa beans out there, but those Thai or Columbian genetics ain't going to reach their potential if your growing them out of their location. IMO, I don't care how good someones indoor grow may be. If you can't match the conditions they were accustomed to for generations upon generations you'll never match the buzz they can produce. Theres just something about the sun that just transforms weed from being "ok" to "HELL YA!!!" especially in the tropics. And unfortunately the buzz you seek, as well as me, will not be grown in a closet or anywhere here. It's in a thin leaf pure sat lady whose soaking up some intense tropical sun while being nurtured by some peasant farmer in a far away land.
But that"s not going to stop me from trying to grow it :wave:


Active member
Wiseone-Id say that my first attempt at growing pure sativas outdoors was a bit dissapointing. They were good smoke, and I was able to get some of the desired traits to come to bare, but never had the bell ringing, overwhlming effects I was after....
This is a malawi that I grew in nor-cal...


I hear ya on the sat growing. I'm a sativa lover myself but have come to realize that I'm not going to find those highs that once was so common back in the day. We didn't call it catching a buzz for nothing. Not to say that those sats and highs don't still exist, because they do. But the problem is finding those that have them and can grow them out properly.
EDIT" speaking of sativas being grown in their natural tropical enviroment: https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=175243

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
I dont think it makes a bit of difference whether its sativa or indica. If you smoke it a lot and often, your going to build up a tolerance and the buzz is going to be limited. I trade an old buddy for some of his mango haze pheno and its Jack herrer quality smoke, but a couple weeks in of toking it all day every day and it might as well be indiana hemp. Its time to switch back to the star.

heavy users build up a tolerance and it doesnt matter what theyre smoking. Years ago we got bricks of hash that was stelllar, but 3 weeks in and you could barely get high on it if you didnt take a break for a few days. Tolerance.
Alien Genetics, my mind is blown of your description of the Nepalese plant. That is so awesome, I would dream of having access to such a female or more importantly some male plant.

I think tolerance is the key here. I medicate many(4-8) times a day, smoking blunts. I have 12 or so strains I keep as clones and run different breeding projects which usually give me 4-5 more distinct phenotypes of something to medicate with. At any time I may have access to lots of 6-8 strains, and a little of the rest of my strains.

Daily, I cycle through smoking sativas and weaker strains early on. Later, I shift towards more indicas and potent plants. Monthly or so, I shift through which of the 6-8 strains I have lots of based on harvests. I try to control which clones go in and when so that I always have fresh sativa's and indica's with new flavors and slightly different highs to use.

I find that if I have a really big harvest and end up with lots of something, which happens from time to time, I get really burned out on it. I usually never smoke something more than once a day, and never more than twice, but if I do, it really won't get me high the third time in a day. Even if I only smoke 3 times compared to 6-8, it still will not get me as high as I would like.

I find that this has happened specifically with Sensi Star, I get really burned out on the high of that plant. It is really nice for like 35min, then it runs out and I find myself really wanting more. If I smoke the same amount of some nice sativa or a hybrid with even a little more head buzz than my SS cut, I am high for like 2-3 hours.

I also find that if I end up with all sativa buds, then I get burned out on the psychedelic high, and need something else to settle my stomach or help my back pain. Sometimes, that can get so bad, that the sativa's won't even get me high...

The key to staying medicated is the 6-8 different strains to have at all times. It is also nice to have access to 6-8 more of similar varieties with different flavors. All else fails, even 2-3 days of smoking 1-2 times a day will knock my tolerance back, then everything is one-hitta-quitta.

Peace all.