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Pot Size...how small have you gone?



I did my own grow in 32oz yogurt containers under a 600w HPS. I had to move my ladies during the grow to my friend's house... They were horribly cared for, had no fresh air, high temps, and terrible feeding. I managed to pull 1 3/4 ounces from my biggest. I feel that under my care I would've gotten much better results. eh, what can ya do... The next grow will be way better.

Very impressive! How long were the plants vegged for in the 32oz containers?




Damn, 16z cups. Thats crazy!! Why is it that you can grow such big plants in such small pots with coir? this boggles me as it goes against all the traditional "biggest pot possible" rule for max yeild.

Please someone explain.


Active member
Last test run from seed, a variety of low to high yielders....everything in 5 inch, this F13 was almost 2 oz, in coir, on drip.
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Active member

here a grow i did a wile make i got a 83" male out of a coffee can i grew this bute out doors last summer using pet store brand coco and gh floranova nutes


i ran a chem4 plant in a 5.5" pot and got 2oz.. i forget how long the veg was but the plant was 12" tall at flip. canna coco and floranova nuts in a top squirt recirculating set up.

day 37:

day 55:


New member
man this is inspiring, i will be running 3.5" pots at about 4 per sq ft. i wonder if 14grams per plant is possible. wow! great thread!


here a grow i did a wile make i got a 83" male out of a coffee can i grew this bute out doors last summer using pet store brand coco and gh floranova nutes

Probably turned male because of that small pot and rootboundness it had hahaha great plant tho ;)
IMO running them with little veg and in really small pots is a good way to find keepers from a new pack of seeds with the least amount of time/work put into them. Who wants to waste 4 or 5 months on genetic traits you don't want? Not me. If they grow great in 16oz-1/2 gallon , imagine the possibilities.

On that note, any of you guys experimenting with the small pots had issues with having to flush often? I've heard that but didn't have much of an issue with my 6 in. pots.

Thanks again guys for keeping this thread alive. I think it's a really cool concept in COCO atleast.


Active member
If anything registeredtoker i would think it's easier to flush a smaller pot....needing to in the first place seems like a different issue relating to other things, who knows though.

Coco+autowatering= easy time in small pots, many possibilities. Agreed on the seed testing strategy, yep. It's more about getting a little bit to sample than getting the biggest yield possible with new seed, that comes later.
Thanks Aeric - SuperNuck said to me once you had to flush more in small containers due to the salts build up more. He was referring to hand watering though. I've been hand watering warm water in my nutes and run to waste at about 30% with little problems. I'm just curious what it would be like in say 16 or 32 ounce cups. Truthfully, I didn't have much root bind in 1/2 gallon pots with only one week veg, so I was thinking of growing out my remaining 20 BOGbubble seeds in 16 or 32 ounce cups just to see what happens. Maybe get 1 or 2 keepers that aren't herm or male....lol sorry BOG but the BOGbubble is a little herm prone in my view. Moving to better things next but want 1 or 2 to keep in the garden.

I'd love to drip but my space is relatively small and I'm a newb. I think drip is the way to go though but right now it's hand water for me. Maybe I can use 32 oz container and get away with watering twice a day. That would be fine.

Any feedback is appreciated. :)


Active member
Yeah sure bigger is better when handwatering IMO unless u don't mind it. I would prefer not to water more than once a day by hand, and for it to be easy...smaller scale. I always think about the "what if" when handwatering...what if my car gets stuck and i can't get home...etc...one mistake and they could all be dead.

Warm water? Sounds like more harm then good....proper runoff (15-20%) and not feeding too heavy should be enough to do the job, with the occasional plain water flush, any more than that and ur doing something wrong, not shaking the nute bottle enough, nutes are low quality and have undissolved solids, or your water has too much lime etc....i worry more about salt buildup on long term veg, mothers that sit in the same pot for up to a year, maybe more, in that situation i'll actually transition between salt based (GH,AN, Canna etc) and semi organic (pure blend, foxfarms) Pure Blend is great for not building up salt. Also removing the top centimeter or so of the medium and replacing it helps too. Good growing. Peace.
I've had no ill effects with the slightly warm water. My thinking is it washes away more salt than regular cold water, same with the 30% run off rather than the 10-15%. If you think about it, in hot climates, rain water would be alot warmer than tap water anyway, so I wouldn't think it would hurt them. But that's just a guess. :confused:

Oh, I'm using Canna nutes, so low quality is not an issue.

Peace bro.


Active member
True...if it aint broke...i use hot water for the first rinse before using, same reason. Canna..good stuff.
hey pp, that's a good question. I've only grown in COCO, but maybe one of the guru's out there will chime in.

Or hell, try it out and see. Might be a good experiment. :D


I've tried small pots with Promix and I didn't get very good results. My plants were between 36"-44" tall at harvest and they ended up coming down about 1.5 weeks early because they were dying. I was watering 2-3x a day and they'd dry the pots out over the course of a few hours. It was the only harvest I had to take early due to plants dying- I'm guessing because they were so root-bound. I've never had plants die on my like that before and I've been doing this for many years.

They were all in 6" magnum pots (6" x 6" x 7" or 6" x 6" x 8", I can't remember offhand). Coco seems to take the small pot thing a lot better.
yea texas, I think it's the oxygen qualities in COCO that make small pot growing a reality.

I'm leaning with staying with 5.5 or 6 inch pots in COCO since I'm hand watering. I think going any smaller wouldn't be realistic for that type of watering regimen. I bet you can get great results in super small pots with COCO and a drip irrigation setup.

Someone mentioned using hydroton as a mulch in small pots to help with the evaporation. I might experiment with that and see if I can use smaller pots, like 3.5 or 4 inch.
hey pp, it's best to use coco specific nutes, as it has buffering specially for coco. Most fert companies carry good quality coco nutes now. I use Canna products. They work great.

Too much moisture is not a problem with coco due to very high oxygen exchange, so hydroyton might work perfect for small coco pots.


New member
I use 5 1/2 sq pots about 1/2 gallon ... of Coco Perlite 50/50 mix
In flood and drain trays using CNS17 Coco nutes
I veg Pot of Gold Kush and Afghooey for about 7 days
then flip to 12/12
I get plants 3 to 4 feet tall and great yields.
I know others that don't veg at all and go straight to 12/12 with great results

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