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Pot law creates legal haze for businesses


Fred el Gato

WTF happened to managing your employees based on "performance"!??

Used to be you could go into just about any big store and find at least ONE person that knew the whole place... inside and out. Most times, it was the stoner kid. *shrug*

Nowdays they have "We're a Drug Free Work Place" posters in every store and nobody has any customer service skills and nobody knows wtf is going on or where to find anything.

I medicate 24/7... I don't have issues with employers and drug testing because I've refused to work for anyone like that for years. I have issues with my employers because I'm an Aspie... lol completely different story.

Seriously though... I don't care if the person is a heroin addict, as long as they show up when they're supposed to and do their job properly while being safe about it. Employers shouldn't either.

More ignorance... *sigh*

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:

Because of the testing and "drug free"(in quotes because yeah come on whos kidding who) workplace, all that are left are the too old to be working still, or mentally challenged. Yeah some are done by kids, but their too busy on their phone to help you. That workplace can hire the mentally challenged and get paid by the Gov. for doing it. Hire 10 p/t oldtimers at minimum wage instead of one at a living wage. No skin off their ass if it takes 3hrs to get a 20min oil change and the oil plug stripped. Or if you stand in the checkout so long your bread molds and the milk sours. You'll be back, cause their the only ones around. The stoner did his job and quick so as not to make waves and risk exposure.
I too smoke 24/7, have a current and active union card and have only worked at one place that tested(worked 2wks before test came back) I failed. Luckily I'm at a place in my life now where I choose if I want to work and for whom. Yeah a full time gig would make life a little easier but I wouldn't be as happy:joint:
:plant grow:

Grow on,Fred



I guess not everywhere is the same, but I can't go in a store and find a sober worker

these are grow stores after all

still signs that say no talking about anything, but whatever


Active member

I guess not everywhere is the same, but I can't go in a store and find a sober worker

these are grow stores after all

still signs that say no talking about anything, but whatever

Well, in colorado you can talk about cannabis now, especially in grow stores.

If they don't allow it... they're going to lose a lot of business to the shops that do. :tiphat:

As for them being medicated at work... I've noticed that a lot of people in colorado use heavy indicas when they shouldn't be. *shrug* Noticed that for the last 3 years I've been here now.

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


i love to see all the squirming by employers! hell i have been doing the dot urinalysis since it started and i'm tired of doing all the squirming...

my last job they wanted me to do a polygraph - for a fu*king truck driver! haw haw! i told them how insane that was before i quit - for all the good it did...

seriously fucked up shit...


Uhhh... but they usually have a choice of insurance carriers. I can imagine some positions not having any carriers that would leave out testing... but not most companies.

Again... the only reason insurance companies require it is ignorance. If the owners of the companies had ANY idea how prohibition and company drug testing truly affects every aspect of their daily life... none of them would require it.

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:

I don't know how many businesses you've run, let alone businesses with hired-on employees who you had to insure, but I sure would like to know which insurance company is 'cool.' FYI, workers compensation insurance coverage is required when you have a certain number of employees. In any event, please, which WC carrier would be the better one, one that doesn't require pre-employment testing, to use?

Are you 100% certain that the insurance carriers are all that ignorant? One of the most powerful lobbies in the nation, if not THE most powerful lobby....


Active member
I don't know how many businesses you've run, let alone businesses with hired-on employees who you had to insure, but I sure would like to know which insurance company is 'cool.' FYI, workers compensation insurance coverage is required when you have a certain number of employees. In any event, please, which WC carrier would be the better one, one that doesn't require pre-employment testing, to use?

Are you 100% certain that the insurance carriers are all that ignorant? One of the most powerful lobbies in the nation, if not THE most powerful lobby....

Umm... yeah, after 50 some jobs... I'm pretty sure. I've worked for large companies and small companies, in three different states. Only a few of them 'required' drug testing and it had nothing to do with the 'size' of the company.

I'm sure there are employment positions where the risk makes ins carriers believe they should require drug testing across the board... I generally avoid those types of jobs. *shrug*

Why don't you do some research yourself before you jump on me next time? My carrier handles are only rated for a few people at a time and I'm already carrying quite a few. Thanks. :)

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


I'm not jumping on you, I'm asking a question. You seem to know which workers comp carriers are 'cool' and won't insist on pre-employment testing, so why not share the information? Then others would know, like the gal downcountry from me who runs the only pet store in the county and is forced to ask prospective employees to drug test specifically because it's what her insurance carrier demands for coverage.

I see that you've worked for others, not run your own business. Never mind!