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Purple Kush Unit

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Man you beat me in frost. I didnt get mine out to the middle of the big fan leaves, but close. Next time I will have it like that


Weed Robot
Man you beat me in frost. I didnt get mine out to the middle of the big fan leaves, but close. Next time I will have it like that

i want everyone to have frost right now the nugs are geting tight and the frost is covering them making easy to harvest if i wanted i could just leave the buds uncut i think.
its been a crazy week in the grow room plants are taking co2 like crack addicts never have i seen co2 generator go up and down on the digital display.a propane tank use to last me 7 days has cut down to 5 days in last few days.before all this happend i noticed they was not eating as much so i flush with a light solution 1.0 ec and feed 1.4 ec 700 ppm and they are beasting now and breathing like animals.i was feeding 1.6-1.8 ec 800-900ppm but they didnt like it this time around.its crazy how people would think they in flower you should feed stronger they did like it for first 2 weeks of 12/12 but after they just wanted that 700ppm.i'm running at 1.4ec 700ppm guys and no burn tips and the plants cant get any greener

edit..the buds are forming seeds already that was quick guys has my mind blown

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^that is so weird. That is at least 5 several people now including me, that notice she doesnt need as much nutes in flower as previously thought, even though she will do well with them. the trend is the same too. they love it first two weeks, then after two weeks of heavy phosphorous they dont need as much, in fact they do better and get frostier without the heavy nutes, i would think.

At first I thought I was not giving enough. My first pk harvest was my best though; maybe because I didnt know what she could take and I went easy on everything including the big bud. The next round when I went heavy on the big bud it didnt get quite as frosty, and the nugs not quite as big but close. At first I blamed it on heat, but now I am suspect and think maybe i over fed her.

I am suspect that she is close to a great land race, and genetically just might not need it. What is weird is though, is it doesn't seem to really hurt her; but neither does spider mites, algae, a little leaf burn, or shipping. lol This strain is so interesting. like a slodier in a super model body.


Weed Robot
^that is so weird. That is at least 5 several people now including me, that notice she doesnt need as much nutes in flower as previously thought, even though she will do well with them. the trend is the same too. they love it first two weeks, then after two weeks of heavy phosphorous they dont need as much, in fact they do better and get frostier without the heavy nutes, i would think.

At first I thought I was not giving enough. My first pk harvest was my best though; maybe because I didnt know what she could take and I went easy on everything including the big bud. The next round when I went heavy on the big bud it didnt get quite as frosty, and the nugs not quite as big but close. At first I blamed it on heat, but now I am suspect and think maybe i over fed her.

I am suspect that she is close to a great land race, and genetically just might not need it. What is weird is though, is it doesn't seem to really hurt her; but neither does spider mites, algae, a little leaf burn, or shipping. lol This strain is so interesting. like a slodier in a super model body.

you are right on and i like how you play the plant by eye and you observe enough to back off great work..nicely done
Looking great in the DominicanGreen. Picture perfect for sure....nice and tightly packed. They are definitely starting to pack on the trichomes.

Good thinking on the PPM levels. Most strains perform much better on the low end of the feed scale. Too much nutes is a waste as well as a stress to the plants. Seems more and more people are realizing it to the benefit of their gardens.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
thanks, over the years I am learning to speak plantish. lol looks like you are fluent, maybe it's your native language. haha


Weed Robot
Looking great in the DominicanGreen. Picture perfect for sure....nice and tightly packed. They are definitely starting to pack on the trichomes.

Good thinking on the PPM levels. Most strains perform much better on the low end of the feed scale. Too much nutes is a waste as well as a stress to the plants. Seems more and more people are realizing it to the benefit of their gardens.

thanks.its time to pay close attention to the plant and not go by whats been writen in books

your killing it, DG,,,peace

thanks man somemore updates coming up

thanks, over the years I am learning to speak plantish. lol looks like you are fluent, maybe it's your native language. haha

we are speaking to the plant and she tells us what she needs.todays is a long day in the res room changing draining res
the 20 gal room already started flushing yesturday at 42 days and flushing to 56 days so soon the colors begin.this should be the must purple she is going to get in these rooms and plenty days of flush is going to bring out the aroma and taste like ever seen by me

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
well I have flushed her for up to 14 days with clearex, and she gets very floral and sweet tasting. cant wait to see it. the dry buds of this batch are going to look out of this world.


Weed Robot
well I have flushed her for up to 14 days with clearex, and she gets very floral and sweet tasting. cant wait to see it. the dry buds of this batch are going to look out of this world.

i bet you had great smoke with 14 days.i hope as time comes i get to play with her to get better outcome this has been a grow with my eyes closely watching her every moves

alright, thats gonna earn a spot in my signature...

you r some good people

lol i say some times people need to spend more time on what they are doing and lots of problems wont occur
thanks lots of good peoples around and you one of us


Weed Robot
here is the 10 gal room
at 39 days



and the seeds of Nevill's x LVPK asteroid is coming along great





i Am SoFaKiNg WeTod DiD
whats up brotha time seems to fly in ur room bro flushin already. ya almost got me askin for some harvest shots and final numbers. lol that asteroid is gonna be killa. congrads on the sucessful pollination. shit is gonna be incredible.


Weed Robot
whats up brotha time seems to fly in ur room bro flushin already. ya almost got me askin for some harvest shots and final numbers. lol that asteroid is gonna be killa. congrads on the sucessful pollination. shit is gonna be incredible.

yeah time flys 20 gal room is flushing for 3 days now the 10 gal room got days ahead that asteroid is going to be the shit i guess we all can feel it already,stay toon bro we are making history

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
oh man I can wait to see the first asteroid buds in about 4 months. its gonna be the bee's knee's.

Damn Dominican your setup is totally pro dude! Enjoy that beautiful crop:) Was wondering did you put a layer of hydroton pellets over the rockwool in veg? If so would that be advisible when using this method?



That is one heck of a grow you got going on there!! Looks like you are getting enough salad in your diet for the next year!


You have all those plants so even and well trained.

I apologize as I haven't gone through your whole thread, but do you have a SCROG under there or is this a SOG type grow?

Congrats on your grow, your skills are impressive!!
This is sweet domincangreen. I cant believe it took me so long to find this. To be honest, Ive just started researching the LVPK after acquiring some Alien Kush beans. I want to know what to look for in the LVPK phenos. I have 2 packs of AK f3s, ALien phenos, and LVPK phenos.

U are absolutely killing it brother. I wish u the best of luck thru harvest. You are going to have plenty of medicine to go around ;)
Ive grown my share of Purple Pakistans, and I can say first hand I know how dense these girls can get! Theres a lot of weight in there man! Keep us updated bro.

Im scribed
