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Pot farm boom slams Northern Calif. environment


Game Bred
I doubt you'd see BIG private or public land un eco friendly gardens....if there was no dollar profit motivation. I don't see how anyone can argue this point. Prohibition has created this problem....consumeristic...profit driven mentality has created these environmental issues....fuck it...talk talk
that is not a possibility prohibition or no.
there will ALWAYS be profit motivation.
our reptiles are driven by two things. fear of loss and hope for gain.


Seamaiden.. Don't know what to say.. tobacco isn't evil, but tobacco companies...whoooooa! The only thing that will change this world is education with a big servings of bare naked ugly truth. Otherwise we are fucked?
That could be the general consensus. I don't see how it can be prevented, given human nature and all.
Or the educated making choices, living by them and being examples for other monkeys to copy. Its the only way we can make a difference sometime by taking responsibility for ourselves and waiting for the hundred monkeys thing to kick in.. and it does.
Personal responsibility is a concept I've been preaching, for a while. I still try to have empathy for others' experiences, though. I try to have understanding for motivators.
But anyway nice heated discussion people, divided and conquered we were nearly but digging all the opinions, it makes for healthy debate!
Agreed, as long as ad hominem is not used. Or, if someone's not sure whether or not they're making an ad hominem, visit the link in my signature. :)

A lot I have to say, could say, but I think I'd be repeating myself here. What I bolded is a concept I have done my best to embrace, though I'm uncertain of my sphere of influence.


Kiss My Ring
people should recognize that the logging industry has destroyed the salmon already. to now say that illegal guerilla growers are destroying the spawning grounds is just ridiculous.
were the growers shoulder to shoulder perhaps they might have an argument. and as for runoff..well those nutrients are expensive are they not? i cannot imagine anyone who works so hard getting those to their site using them in such as irresponsible manner that they would allow their precious nutrients to just runoff into the streams. guerilla growers are cheap (frugal?)
everytime i water (with or without nutes) the water goes into the ground...no runoff...runoff equals waste. you don't waste something you packed in for miles.

this appears an attempt to sway opinion of those who have little else to base their beliefs on...

it's been said that money talks, and that can't be overlooked.

blame game gets tired after a minnit.


that is not a possibility prohibition or no.
there will ALWAYS be profit motivation.
our reptiles are driven by two things. fear of loss and hope for gain.

Well dag...I was thinking that if it was cheap enough...it wouldn't be worth it. Not like the cost of of amendments...nutrients...equipment is going to be any cheaper. I realize certain human natures...but just don't see them competing with well run professional farms.

If it didn't eliminate them...it would at the least..cut them back.

Hell...I'd just like to see how it could be.
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just stay strong, this is just more bullshit. if they legalize they are gonna lose so much profit and they know it. they can make it hard for the average guy because they all know that their crops are gonna be protected by those who are in the know. its all part of the game.

reports like this i dont even pay attention to because its the same old story with these sorry bastards. every time the lil guy takes a step forward they make up some shit to take them 4 steps back. ever notice how at the point when things just/almost start to look up a hellacious monkey wrench gets tossed into the fray? the republicans are going through the same thing now, obama made it back in office so now they gotta shit or get off the pot.

its gonna be the same thing here with the cannabis BUT we have to be smarter and more responsive of their accusations. if they say "this is repsonsible/the cause of it all", then we have to point and say "well what a bout that that happened atthis time wouldnt that have an affect as well?", if they say that a particular group is responsible then we have to say " well what about what these guys are doing/have done over here in the same area?" time to start beating them at their own game and not only that but play it the way they do.

this report is bullshit, i know it, you know it and we all know who is really responsible, so i say fuck em and their reports! keep it moving


That could be the general consensus. I don't see how it can be prevented, given human nature and all.

Personal responsibility is a concept I've been preaching, for a while. I still try to have empathy for others' experiences, though. I try to have understanding for motivators.

Agreed, as long as ad hominem is not used. Or, if someone's not sure whether or not they're making an ad hominem, visit the link in my signature. :)

A lot I have to say, could say, but I think I'd be repeating myself here. What I bolded is a concept I have done my best to embrace, though I'm uncertain of my sphere of influence.

Guess we need more peeps like you...bright stars leading the way. Thanks


Active member
Again... you're talking about the damage done by prohibition to the industry known as cannabis cultivation.

I'd LOVE to grow only organic... with organic amendments in bad-ass soil. Beautiful for the environment and the most awesome way to produce cannabis.

WHY would you want to do it any other way? Gee... I'd love to 'splain it to you but it seems you haven't gone down the road of "How exactly is life different because cannabis and hemp are illegal?".

You're missing out on a LOT of information that's not readily available and being assaulted by all the shitty ways of growing that have evolved in the place of sanity. You even said it yourself
REMOVE THE GREED! Simple as changing cannabis from schedule 1 to schedule 2 or best of all... remove it completely from scheduling. Take away prohibition and the destruction by the greedmongers goes away overnight. No profit... no wanton destruction.

Hell... it's easy to grow with chems and let very little into the environment... all of my 'waste' (low nute strength solutions and mediums) are recycled into the environment. My yards ALWAYS look nice. Would be nice if the jack-boot thugs would spread good info... instead of intolerance.

So... back off. Your argument doesn't hold water. It's not the growers... it's ignorance fed by the flames of prohibition.

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:

Well spoken Hydrosun. I mean who the hell would camp out in the forest and work their ass tearing up he land for free. These bastards are making bank by fucking up the environment to produce pot. If it were legal all the pot needed in the country could be grown on a just a few farms in the san joaquine valley. And you can bet your aunt mable's knickers if cannabis was legal and more valuable than lettuce farmers everywhere would be planting the hell out of it.


Active member
all these folks complain about cannabis. look at big ag and tell me cannabis is worse...i dare you...

fuckin a


Just read another article, not sure if folks really want to see it. They're saying that, according to an article done by the LA Times, the big grows in the National Forests are not usually connected to Mexican cartels.


Major props to Los Angeles Times reporter Joe Mozingo for going deep into the California backcountry in this report on illegal pot farming in our National Forests.
Cops in need of funding have long dubbed these farms ‘cartel grows’ and have worked to trace them back to the Sinaloa Cartel or the Zetas. Astonishingly, U.S. Drug Czar employee Tommy Lanier admits cartels don’t control pot growing in the national forests.

“‘Based on our intelligence, which includes thousands of cellphone numbers and wiretaps, we haven’t been able to connect anyone to a major cartel,’ he said.

‘Lanier said authorities have long mislabeled marijuana grown on public land as ‘cartel grows’ because Mexican nationals are arrested in the majority of cases, and the narrative of fighting drug cartels helps them secure federal funding.”

Well, that’s infuriating.

“‘We’ve had undercover agents at the highest level of these groups, breaking bread and drinking tequila,’ says Roy Giorgi, commander of the Mountain and Valley Marijuana Investigation Team, a multi-agency organization headquartered in Sacramento. ‘Even at their most comfortable, the leaders never said, ‘Hey, we’re working for the Zetas.’”

Mozingo’s thorough report makes us feel sorry for everyone involved: the Mexican nationals fleeing poverty to work like dogs in the wilderness only to end up in federal prison; the expensive, well-trained law enforcement officials reduced to gardeners ripping up weeds; the National Park visitors scared to venture off-trail for fear of gunfire; the animals hunted and poisoned; the pristine wilderness despoiled.

There’s a reason illegal bootleggers haven’t set up whiskey stills in the Sierra Nevada –booze is legal, regulated, taxed and so cheap it renders such a stupid idea unprofitable. Chalk this sad saga up to another unintended consequence of trying to ban a popular plant.

Read ‘L.A. Times’ ‘Roots of pot cultivation in national forests are hard to trace’ here.

Check out L.A. Times’ Luis Sinco amazing slideshow here.

It's still extremely difficult for me to tritely say, "Well, they do x, y, and z, so I'm going to do it, too." That's not why I have done what I've done with our property, growing food, trying to help others, yada yada yada. Because if I *did*, then I wouldn't give a flying fuck about glyphosate and GMOs. But I do, can't help it, and so must tailor my behavior to comport with my beliefs, and those beliefs insist that I must stand on my own, as I know I will meet my judgement day on my own.


Active member
Just read another article, not sure if folks really want to see it. They're saying that, according to an article done by the LA Times, the big grows in the National Forests are not usually connected to Mexican cartels.
Doesn't surprise me in the slightest.

Logistically it doesn't make sense for them to set up grow ops here. I don't doubt there were more than a few done by the cartels in the past... but the risks outweigh the benefits, especially when they have access to almost unlimited land and a very sophisticated smuggling network already in place. Grow it here to save transportation costs? LOL... that's too funny. :)

LOTS of places they can grow where nobody's going to ask questions...

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


Active member
Its rich white organized crime that hires non english speaking men to work these huge gorrilla fields.

Old trick

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Just read another article, not sure if folks really want to see it. They're saying that, according to an article done by the LA Times, the big grows in the National Forests are not usually connected to Mexican cartels.


It's still extremely difficult for me to tritely say, "Well, they do x, y, and z, so I'm going to do it, too." That's not why I have done what I've done with our property, growing food, trying to help others, yada yada yada. Because if I *did*, then I wouldn't give a flying fuck about glyphosate and GMOs. But I do, can't help it, and so must tailor my behavior to comport with my beliefs, and those beliefs insist that I must stand on my own, as I know I will meet my judgement day on my own.

This cracks me up. The stupid pigs stir up so much propaganda with all these tv specials on nat geo and stuff about cali out door grows on national forest land. They see a can of beans and some tortillas, and they are like

pigs said:
oh look Mexican food. must be illegal Mexicans. that means they must work for the cartels. Cause only Mexicans eat beans, and all bean eaters are illegal, therefore they must work for the cartel. simple logic.


"Cartel" grows are nothing more than propaganda. Little else.

Having fought fire for the Forest Service...in about every national forest in the west....I know who is doing the grows. It's not Mexican Cartels. That's laughable.

Can't tell you how many grows I've fought fire around...many many. The federal government law enforcement likes to call them cartel grows (started this wave of propaganda in the mid 90's..before that...they were just grows)..believe me...I've heard all the bullshit...but my own eyes tell me different. It just is not true. There may be some illegal workers...but it's not a cartel thing

* If you are like me...spend lots of time in the woods...then you know who is out there. I live on the border...so Mexicans in our forest exist...but they ain't growing herb
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I have to disagree with the whole cartel thing. Just because nobody openly said 'hey were working for the cartel' doesnt mean they arent kicking money upstairs. I know some mexicans in mendo/grassvalley and they are 100% involved in organized crime.


I have to disagree with the whole cartel thing. Just because nobody openly said 'hey were working for the cartel' doesnt mean they arent kicking money upstairs. I know some mexicans in mendo/grassvalley and they are 100% involved in organized crime.

Ok...let's say this then. There are people involved in organized crime involved in some operations. That has always been so. It is not...however...the epidemic that the propagandist would have us believe. It's so easy to discriminate Mexicans...they are a common target. The cartels are like terrorist...commies...or any other supposed boogymen. Based on some truth...buried in bullshit...cartels perform the service of a character in a story

But both sides of the pot debate use the threat of Mexican cartels as propaganda....in order to support their views. Out of these great debaters...how many are actually...out there...in the field? Where does the information come from?

I can only speak from my experience. Maybe I'm wrong...maybe Mexican cartels have pushed all the native folks out...and taken over the industry...creating chaos...terror...disorder. Doesn't add up...but maybe it's true anyway. Compared to how much comes across the border...on any given day...anything grown on this side...is really...not worth mentioning. Talking tons....are we not? Tons come out of Mexico every day. Probably a load driving by my house right now...in a tractor trailer....right through a check point...headed for distribution in more prohibition bound states

The Mexican cartels own huge farms...in way better growing environments...and are way better protected in Mexico. They can grow year round...pretty much..safely. Volume so much across the border....that even if they lose 20% and of their loads/pay bribes...they still come out ahead. Fuck growing in the woods...grow on protected farms..go huge...that's the professional international drug trade...not pounds...tons
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Crusader Rabbit

Active member
What we've been talking about here are third world growing techniques. Slash and burn agriculture. These marijuana plots could just as easily be on the side of a hillside in Borneo instead of Mendocino. We call it guerrilla growing. It doesn't take anywhere near the monetary investment of doing a house grow. At it's most basic all a person needs is a shovel and a bag of seeds.

To do this doesn't require the backing of a Mexican cartel. If you want to go big, you and a few buddies can make a killing with an outdoor grow if you don't get caught. No different than many of the grow shows on this website.