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Pot farm boom slams Northern Calif. environment


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
EUREKA, Calif. (AP) — From water-siphoning to pesticide-spraying to just plain littering, a flowering of pot farms driven by the rise of medical marijuana is battering Northern California's wilderness areas, natural resources and endangered species.

The Los Angeles Times reported Sunday that in one remote, 37-square mile forest patch, scientists found 567 outdoor farms and greenhouses.

Most used water — totaling about 18 million gallons per year — diverted from an Eel River tributary, spawning ground for the endangered coho salmon.

Despite the state push toward decriminalizing marijuana, growers remain rogue and free from oversight.

They have graded mountaintops for greenhouses, illegally cut down trees and in one case poisoned dozens of a rare forest carnivore near Yosemite called a fisher. Scientists determined most had ingested rodenticide used by growers on pot plants.

Researchers are finding a potpourri of contaminants seeping into the watershed from marijuana farms, which are unregulated and largely operate in the shadows. Fungicides, fertilizers, diesel fuel, human waste, plant hormones and soil amendments are some of the others that are ravaging the environment.

Scientists suspect that runoff from potting soil and fertilizers, combined with lower-than-normal river flow due to water diversions, has resulted in a spate of toxic algae blooms in North Coast rivers over the past decade.

The cyanobacteria outbreaks threaten public health for swimmers and kill food that salmon and steelhead trout eat. Eleven dogs have died since 2001 after ingesting the blooms.

Growers are required to obtain permits to take water from a creek but Tony LaBanca, senior environmental scientist with the state Department of Fish and Game, told the Times that less than 1 percent of growers comply with the permits, usually only after an enforcement action.

Other research has shown other effects of the state's marijuana crops — electricity use. A study in the journal Energy Policy estimated that indoor marijuana cultivation could be consuming nine percent of the state's household electric power use.


Active member
So... they should just legalize it already and focus on using public service announcements to teach people how to cleanly grow cannabis. *shrug*

So much wasted effort on trying to control damage done by.... their other controls. *sigh*

At least things are changing faster in other states... being able to freely talk about it and hold classes would go a long way toward stopping the enviro damage. Still pointless until you fully legalize it and take the money aspect away from it.

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


Caregiver Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
seems like industrial food farming damage would dwarf the ganja farmer damage

Crusader Rabbit

Active member
seems like industrial food farming damage would dwarf the ganja farmer damage

True, but by it's nature guerrilla growing especially impacts wild areas. If this is screwing up Coho Salmon spawning and killing Fishers then it's a big deal.

Totally a product of prohibition.

Prairie Boy

They have done the same thing up here to Lake Winnipeg and other lakes also.

They have also cultivated natural wetlans and marshes which are natural filters.

They pump toxic waste into the rivers which drain into the lakes.

THEY are grain and livestock farmers,oh ya and political officials.

We as tax payers are required to subsidise these criminals as well as fund the clean up.

Makes one shake their head.

Cheers PB


Active member
What about palco and what they did to norcal? The enviroment won't recover from that for a thousand years!
Does the Prohibition argument trump the fact that we have to live on this planet?Just bcuz they do? We need to grow 1000 plants and screw up nature as well? Lack of responsibility? Socially, enviromentally and personally! Maybe time to figure out whether some pot is worth the whole expendature of resources and enviroment? I can hear it now.............its my rite.look at what they do.......All of it ends in the same way.......how much grass can one person consume in a year ? lmao 10 plus pound plants are medical lmao call it what it is ........GREED AND PERSONAL AGENDAS .:tumbleweed: The lawyers ,big chem companies,and top dog buisnessmen arethe only people benefitting.....Gee thats odd.The whole community is a worse place since the legalization scam........In the end MONSANTO will crush ,very easily , then what????Keep telling yourself that its for the betterment.:blowbubbles:


Active member
Does the Prohibition argument trump the fact that we have to live on this planet?Just bcuz they do? We need to grow 1000 plants and screw up nature as well? Lack of responsibility? Socially, enviromentally and personally!
Uhh... you missed the whole point.

Prohibition makes cannabis illegal. This makes it profitable for retards to trash the environment. Take away the profit from operations like this (remove prohibition) and all this damage goes away... or at least is significantly mitigated.

Again... all the money, time and effort wasted on prohibition is exactly the resources this country needs for education on how to grow properly and in a non-destructive way.

Free the cannabis and there's no profit in wholesale destruction.

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:
In no way trying to be disrespectful. Arent we all doing the same? How many drain to waste rooms are on here? How much garbage is each grower producing? Level of chem nutes and toxins? Minerals displaced form the earth to grow idoors ? Blaming prohibition and such seems to be a thinly veiled argument? Every grower here every time as soon as the med card is is hand its 10 20 30 100 lights. digging huge irrgation ponds ? There will never be a harmonious balance between ,love the earth types and the greed mongers.Those same people sayinh prices too high. incarceration too long. the cartels, the illegals.Well look what happened as soon as they got foot in door? Humbolt local ? 100 fifteen pound plants? Really its cuz of prohibition ?Or peoples inability to accept lawmakers are better crminals? No one discusses it but blame ourselves! More lights more nutes more pounds more clubs more access, did all the activists consider ramifications? Did anyone really need 100 plant scrips? They all sure as heck took em and blew it up as much as fiscally possible. Missed the point? Sure seems as much as you preach its to deny the facts that all the energy and time is self fullfilling babble .All about the greenbacks and blatenly advertised. Self imposed doom .Im sure all the good canna people take the excess and compost it too .


Active member
seems like industrial food farming damage would dwarf the ganja farmer damage

Although I'd like to believe that we are all conscious of how to dispose of waste/water properly, I've a small inkling that half of the ganja growers up there don't really give two fucks, and would probably benefit from some of the advise that the USDA shares with industrial farmers, maybe they'd follow it as much as the food farmers, too.


this problem has gotten a lot bigger over the last 10 years in northern california, now that washington and colorado legalize it all the people that grow like this are moving to thoes states.

how many threads do you see saying "moving to california to grow weed" now they are all going to say "moving to colorado" and 2 years from now colorado is going to run a whole bunch of stories like this and lo and behold everybody forgets this already happened in humboldt.

if you remember swimming in the rivers around them parts you also remember when the algae took over...

all my run off water goes to the garden... best blooms in years


Well-known member
I used to farm cucumbers. We had 30000 plants under 7000 Sq.m. of greenhouse, all drain to waste. Sprayed them with all sorts of shit, pulled water out of the river... Like every other farmer out there. Just on a much smaller scale and more contained than the wheat, wine or fruit farmers. It is a huge problem with modern agriculture and not with dope, legal or illegal. I know the birds on my property now individually and would be so heart-broken if they were poisoned so I just spray oils and grow with minimum minerals..

If you eat bread or any processed food you damage far much more environment through the massive space required for wheat and corn.
Lack of education and bad policy is the cause, not dope. It is though a shame and a crime...Funny no one goes after the manufacturers of the poisons? Bayer and the bunch of synthetic chemical manufacturers and non-bio-diesel peddlers should be held responsible..?


I wanna live on a pot farm, dangit. I do believe thats my #2 fantasy, behind winning the lottery with sofia vargara, hehe


Active member
In no way trying to be disrespectful. Arent we all doing the same? How many drain to waste rooms are on here? How much garbage is each grower producing? Level of chem nutes and toxins? Minerals displaced form the earth to grow idoors ? Blaming prohibition and such seems to be a thinly veiled argument? .
Again... you're talking about the damage done by prohibition to the industry known as cannabis cultivation.

I'd LOVE to grow only organic... with organic amendments in bad-ass soil. Beautiful for the environment and the most awesome way to produce cannabis.

WHY would you want to do it any other way? Gee... I'd love to 'splain it to you but it seems you haven't gone down the road of "How exactly is life different because cannabis and hemp are illegal?".

You're missing out on a LOT of information that's not readily available and being assaulted by all the shitty ways of growing that have evolved in the place of sanity. You even said it yourself
Polish Walrus said:
There will never be a harmonious balance between ,love the earth types and the greed mongers.
REMOVE THE GREED! Simple as changing cannabis from schedule 1 to schedule 2 or best of all... remove it completely from scheduling. Take away prohibition and the destruction by the greedmongers goes away overnight. No profit... no wanton destruction.

Hell... it's easy to grow with chems and let very little into the environment... all of my 'waste' (low nute strength solutions and mediums) are recycled into the environment. My yards ALWAYS look nice. Would be nice if the jack-boot thugs would spread good info... instead of intolerance.

So... back off. Your argument doesn't hold water. It's not the growers... it's ignorance fed by the flames of prohibition.

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


Hydro, how do you propose to remove what is a fundamental part of human psychology from the equation? Greed (resources), self-preservation (sex)--both are vital and fundamental to the success of this primate we call Homo sapiens.
True, but by it's nature guerrilla growing especially impacts wild areas. If this is screwing up Coho Salmon spawning and killing Fishers then it's a big deal.

Totally a product of prohibition.

Partially agreed. Partially because I know too many who are doing their thing legally, but taking shortcut after shortcut. Oh, this little bit of water siphoned off won't hurt anything, see? there's plenty left!

How many food farmers are doing that?
Uhh... you missed the whole point.

Prohibition makes cannabis illegal. This makes it profitable for retards to trash the environment. Take away the profit from operations like this (remove prohibition) and all this damage goes away... or at least is significantly mitigated.

Again... all the money, time and effort wasted on prohibition is exactly the resources this country needs for education on how to grow properly and in a non-destructive way.

Free the cannabis and there's no profit in wholesale destruction.

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:
Interesting argument, I'm just not sure how much water it'll hold if we ever see the complete end of prohibition.


Even in a legal market, there will be profits to be made off cannabis production, you will never stop the greed. It will always have an impact on the environment, regulated or not. :deadhorse


As if the million hectare mono-cultures of genetically modified round-up laden 90%+ run-off agronomic fields aren't harming the environment... What a joke!

Crusader Rabbit

Active member
The important point here is that this is taking the impact to the heart of the wilderness and the last of the animals which need wilderness to survive. This ain't no joke.


Active member
The important point here is that this is taking the impact to the heart of the wilderness and the last of the animals which need wilderness to survive. This ain't no joke.

Totally right. I wonder what the spacial limitations are for evolution.

(Sure something can live in a zoo, but can it thrive?)

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