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'Pot Cops,' 'Weed Country' Examine Marijuana


The whole Gracie Farm thing is bullshit. Dude running buds for dispensaries out on bail is bull shit and all this does nothing to help the community. I was hoping they would go a different direction with the whole series.


Active member
This show is terrible. Looks as if they are all getting busted. The guy out on bail who ran a dispensary is a total cocky dick head. And the grace farms guy's wife is a total nut case... Only guy I like is the B.E. farms old vet guy he is cool... But over all show sucks...


At least we can all agree that B.E. Smith seems like a pretty cool guy. The guy that made the cbd tincture seems alright for the most part, but I haven't watched every episode. I, like pretty much everyone else here, can not stand how they edit the show.


Game Bred
should they be putting up a front because they are on TV?

we go on and on about how this shotwell is "bad for the movement" and whatnot...
should he be less of a douche because he is on TV? or should he just be his douchy self?

if he were to be eloquent in a suit and tie would he be "good" for the movement?

or should we just show the world we are humans just like them. some douche some crazy some just old and tired of bullshit.

my wife and i were watching the "land dispute" and she went on about how "he has pot growing he should just fold"

i responded "would you say that if he did not have pot growing?"

my point is if this were a show about orange farmers we would just have a douche distributor and a couple of farmers.
these exact people exist in every walk of life.
This show is like watching football for me, I start yelling at the TV! Lol mostly shitwell and those stupid ass pigs!!! When the pig said even if we take just one plant off the street so that just one person doesn't get addicted to marijuana.... That was it, bullshit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
Shitwell had all of his charges dismissed yesterday,he's a free man this morning.


so did they give him all of his stock back for his store, money, etc...?

i would guess so.

the guy is a douche for sure, but anytime law enforcement is defeated in a drug case it's a victory to me.


ICMag Donor
So Mike gets his conceiled carry permit revoked, and decides to take all his guns to a family member so he doesn't get additional charges. Then Tawni says they were forced to give up their weapons, then the narrator says the guns were confescated...all just a bunch of stupid hype to build drama.

When the survey company re-marked the property lines, the old line wasn't just off a few inches or feet, it was off by quite a bit. Mike should have been smart and just dug up the encroaching plants and moved them.

Or he could just let Tawni handle the situation, she's obviously the level headed one lol.


Well-known member
Don't quite understand the show... being scripted identical to Moon Shiners and all that.

Why did Mike B. get rid of his guns aynyways? He got a letter regarding his carrying concealed permit. Does this apply to his right to own firearms in his own home? I thought carrying concealed permits were strictly for actually carrying your gun around with you. - Although I think he did the right thing in regards to federal targeting.

Why does the supposed weed scientist making tinctures call cannabis "strands"? I love how they creepily close their eyes and smell the colas before harvest. Porno vid style..

Matt Stockwell appears like the idiot that he is putting the bulls-eye on his back (not that they all aren't), but I sometimes get enjoyment out of his rants on national TV... telling the pigs how it is. "They do this shit for a job. We do this shit for life. Fuck those pigs.. they'll never win" - or something to that effect. Loved it. I'd be interested in seeing if this guy is a free man in the years to come. He's got quite the crew behind him....sqeeze and the gang..lol.

Still don't understand the reality of the show. So the opposition has a camera crew with them. The growers have a camera crew with them... and they just so happen to be catching each other on hidden cameras in the process.

I'm waiting for the after season round table discussion start (gold rush style) so we can see the director chat it up with Mike Boutin and the boys. haha.. shit is too much.

Wonder how much Mike B. is charging for that fresh weed that one ex-cop likes to eat?

The show is a giant joke.. but I'm tuned in every Wednesday. lol. Atleast the networks have got their target audience figured out. We like watching shows about making shine, growing weed, and mining gold. Funny to see the "more conservative" networks jumping on the bandwagon and giving the masses their weekly fix of drama. I'd much rather watch neighbors disputing a weed plot then a bunch of yappy housewives cluckin' around pretending like their not broke.


I got this new STRAND that will knock your dick in the dirt. That guy just seems like he doesn't know anything about this plant. Did he Google how to make a tincture for the show? I will say I have a friend that use to own 3 dispensaries, and he would say strands. I always wanted to bitch slap him when he said it. He was in it for the money too. Motherfucker went out of business before the second year was up.:)


ICMag Donor
I don't know why anyone would agree to be part of any pot show, it's the kiss of death!

And Shotwell's defiant anti gov rants don't make for better tv, it will bite him in the ass in the end, just ask Marc E.


So the helicopter that flys over BE's farm... just happens to come when Nate is over harvesting for his patient. Obviously the tv crew hired a helicopter to fly over, they had shots from the air of what was happening on the ground...

Because it wasn't the Oregon Jackson County Sheriff helicopter that the creative editing made it look like was scoping out BE and friends and ready to bust them. Lame but I guess the medical marijuana growing scene is just too boring for reality TV... at least the parts they could get on camera :)

Lucky 7

Active member
Ha ha; love the comments . . . . so wifey sees me watchin the show, sez, "hey let's go up there!"

"Hell no! It's a frickin war zone Hon!"

I got this new STRAND that will knock your dick in the dirt.
wondered about the Stands!

He's got quite the crew behind him....sqeeze and the gang..lol.
he he yeah

Watching this and the Moonshiner's makes me nervous! ha ha


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/



Doesnt look like a copper chopper to me, camera crew heli. Stupid they try and pass it off for the cops. B.E. is a bax dude flipping off film crew.gotta love tv.

Hank Hemp

Active member
Oh those damn oldtime grey haired Nam vets don't give a sh*t, won't respect authority OH wait that's me, sorry.

Hank Hemp

Active member
I don't think the pigs use Huey's anymore but I could be wrong. The smaller copter is what they use around here anyway.