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It's definitely legit. People will complain about the price, but you get a lot more than if you paid twice the amount for a glass bong.

Hit's just as smooth, is basically indestructible, and it looks awesome.

You can fill up the tube with just the suction of your cheeks and clear it in half a second with your lungs/by pulling the carb, and repeat that until the whole bowl is gone without relighting it, and still have a few seconds to hold your breath.

Whereas most bongs have you worn out by the time you clear them once, and you can't see the smoke stream/mess with it the way you can with the incredibowl.

I can make spiraling vortexes, pooling masses of smoke, or just milk the whole chamber and inhale the entire bowl at once if I want to without using my entire breath...

I'll try to post more video of the stuff I described, but it's hard getting a good shot of yourself doing it...
Cool, what's the point of it though, I never really understood how it works. From what it sounds like it amplifies the power of your lungs to make a huge hit in a tiny space or something...looks kinda complicated, I always just looked at it and zoned out, which is why I never really understood it lol


It's like a mix of a steamroller, a bong, and a chillum.

You hit it like a bat/chillum - just a straight inline-hitting piece, but the smoke builds up in the chamber instead of going straight through the thing and down your throat. Smoke fills up the tube like in a bong, while pressure builds up inside of it like if you were to suction a coffee cup around your mouth

You pull the "slide" and then that pressure is released, and the smoke is just sucked right down instantly.
That's probably the most highly contested point of the whole thing - people don't believe that it can clear faster than a bong - but any video of it shows that it works... and there are a bunch of videos of it on youtube now...

I cup the bowl with my palm to control the ember, and fill the chamber with the pressure of my cheeks, then clear it with a quick puff of the lungs, and repeat that until I can't inhale any more...

You can get an idea of what I mean from the video I posted... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFnDg9cmOY4

So basically think of it as a steamroller/chillum/bong combo...

If that doesn't answer your question, I can try harder, just be more specific...


I'm going to order one on your recommendation alaskan, their website says to email them if you are a medical patient and you can buy it direct from them (hopefully cheaper than the places online!).


I think direct from them is almost half of what the usual retail is... what color are you going to get?

I've seen video of the purple that looks pretty cool, but the red is pretty much exactly the color of the lower part of your avatar...


I think the purple one is the one like the color of my avatar, according to the pic on everyonedoesit. I'll probably go with black, maybe purple, i don't know, doesn't really matter.


This guy has a purple one, and there's a red one around 2:15 in this video. I wanted all silver, or all black, but they didn't have either when I got mine, and I wasn't sure about the gunmetal grey one I got until I put the black o-rings on...

Either way, it's a great piece.
Just a couple pics of my bong since I got a new camera and I am now capable of showing its true beauty.




And yes its a tad bit dirty but, alas I am out of alcohol and no $ to purchase more atm.


I don't understand roor. They have the least sophisticated bongs and they are the most expensive. How is their business model so successful?
I don't understand roor. They have the least sophisticated bongs and they are the most expensive. How is their business model so successful?
There is a niche market of smokers out there who think that:

RooRs hit better because they are finely tuned pieces of glass that therefore hit in a way that is unparalleled amongst other bongs
Roors are "classy" (whatever that may mean)

Here's what I think though -
RooRs have consumer-fueled hype attached to them
RooRs are production glass. The things that people often say make them so good I find negligible and insignificant in every way when compared to other average pieces.

A lot of the glass market is influenced by collector's-itus, consumer-induced hype, and ego. Just like beanie babies, just like Ferraris.

I suppose I shouldn't be 100% cynical though.
Because in the end, like beanies and ferraris, these people genuinely like these things, that's all that matters. :)
But I think it's all just marketing. Hehe


Active member
Have u ever ripped a roor?
Yep, and no differenece between it and any other beaker style bong with a diffused downstem. Overpriced for the quality imo, most are pretty thin compared to pieces I own.

Some of the new ones I've seen around are so thin I am surprised they put there name to it, but it just reinforces what I always believed, overpriced beaker bong. Really how much can the flow or smoothness be changed if it is a beaker type with a diffused downstem? Last I checked they didnt do anything with percolators which as far as im concerned is one of the biggest things to achieve the perfect smoothness besides some well cured bud. Someone is hanging on to there rep and not changing with the technology hoping the giant ROOR advertised on every bong they sell will get them more customers.

If I feel the need to get a ROOR type bong, I would go with a local blown beaker for half the price and twice the durability from the feel of it.


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Case of Clubs, new piece. I scrounged up a pice of Moldavite (Space Glass) for the front on this glass piece.

Found the case of clubs for $77.00. 60 packets, 60 papers per pack. Should be good for a few years.

IcMag in the back w/a full Vapo balloon. These are the good years.
Dude, RooRs warm your balls when you hit them, there's a patent on that, didn't you know?
Anyways, screw the RooR talk!

Here's something courtesy of D Mak that I like, I'm pretty sure it was his first Orchid but hasnt done many since
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