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Just picked up this baby from a local shop a couple of days ago. MGW Stemless with matching a/c. It was the first piece that caught my eye when I walked in, and I couldn't leave without it.



Anyone know about Hvy glass? I saw a couple of pieces that looked real cool, very heavy. Anybody smoke a Hvy? Glass is so expensive and it's not like a car. You can't test drive before ya buy:)



Anyone know about Hvy glass? I saw a couple of pieces that looked real cool, very heavy. Anybody smoke a Hvy? Glass is so expensive and it's not like a car. You can't test drive before ya buy:)


ive seen them in shops around my way. They are pretty pricey, but from a glance they are stong as shit. I like their adverts too


Never really thought I'd put a video of myself smoking on the internet...




ive seen them in shops around my way. They are pretty pricey, but from a glance they are stong as shit. I like their adverts too

Thanks for the input. I was hoping to get someone who has smoked one to weight in but I couldn't wait any longer. I took the plunge and ordered one last night. Should be here next week, I can't wait. Thing looks like it's built like a tank, 9mm thick glass. That's want I wanted, a work truck, not a sports car. Something I can really use a lot. I've had a few sports cars and all I have to show for it is a pile of broken glass.



Active member
Right guys who's got all the glass hookups, links??

here's some of my links for glass:
http://www.bitfreakglass.com/ (but you need password from bitfreak)

there must be loads out there, so come on hook me up with some of your glass links





Bought a new pipe today from the local tobacconist. It has a meerschaum bowl so it doesn't need to be "broken in" like briar pipes and I thought that might be nice since I don't plan to smoke any tobacco in it.

Also got some 9mm activated carbon filters from the local headshop that fit the pipe.


Thanks for the input. I was hoping to get someone who has smoked one to weight in but I couldn't wait any longer. I took the plunge and ordered one last night. Should be here next week, I can't wait. Thing looks like it's built like a tank, 9mm thick glass. That's want I wanted, a work truck, not a sports car. Something I can really use a lot. I've had a few sports cars and all I have to show for it is a pile of broken glass.


Congrats! Please let us know how it turns out, and of course post pics!

lob19 v.2

Hi guys

You have some really nice pieces here, some are really amazing. I have never seen anything like this in any bong shop (inc. Amsterdam, Berlin, London etc.) so sic!

I'm planning to buy a bong but I'm on a tight budged. I've found some nice bongs from WEEDSTAR for resonable price. I was wondering if it's good value for money.

I'm looking for something similar to this Mr.Babbas bong:

My new B-day mini beaker...I love it, hits sooo smooth!

I found Mad Proffesor 2 but it look to fancy for me

Also the Messiah Illusion look pretty cool to me but it's more expensive one (edit: sorry link doesn't work)

What do you think about those bongs? Any recommendations are welcome ;) thx.

Does anyone have a chong or jbd piece on this thread? If so what page? Sorry but don't have the time to look throu this hole thread, it's supper huge lol peace green rasta


It's definitely legit. People will complain about the price, but you get a lot more than if you paid twice the amount for a glass bong.

Hit's just as smooth, is basically indestructible, and it looks awesome.

You can fill up the tube with just the suction of your cheeks and clear it in half a second with your lungs/by pulling the carb, and repeat that until the whole bowl is gone without relighting it, and still have a few seconds to hold your breath.

Whereas most bongs have you worn out by the time you clear them once, and you can't see the smoke stream/mess with it the way you can with the incredibowl.

I can make spiraling vortexes, pooling masses of smoke, or just milk the whole chamber and inhale the entire bowl at once if I want to without using my entire breath...

I'll try to post more video of the stuff I described, but it's hard getting a good shot of yourself doing it...
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