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Mr. Tony

Active member
Im sorry to say this, but anyone who says something is to harsh or too big or to anything to hit. Just stop smoking then. Ill smoke out of anything, anytime, anywhere. I like every bong, will twist up any blunt, or any weird "ANYTHING" that u can make a smoking device. sorry. i just felt like saying all this. Smoke on!

Why are you hating because he has a certain preference.
Thanks for the posative replies, it cost just over 1300Euros.

I know what your saying about your lungs RooR Head, have you tried using a vape? your lungs would love ya back if you invested in one of these


I think you would probably prefer the Silver Surfer Vape as it has loads of cool glass acessories and has GonG adaptors so you can hook it up to your Toro/RooR for extra filtration.


I would love to get my hands on a Toro but being in Europe that is very difficult, if anyone has an Email address/Phone number for Toro they could PM me I would be very greatful.


how much are those worked diffusers by roor, cause the plain diffused go for what 50 plus bucks right? I always thought worked diffusers would be awesome idea just except it would drive the price up of something that tends to need replacing every once in a while, unless your not as clumsy as me.
how much are those worked diffusers by roor, cause the plain diffused go for what 50 plus bucks right? I always thought worked diffusers would be awesome idea just except it would drive the price up of something that tends to need replacing every once in a while, unless your not as clumsy as me.

if you're going to break it then don't buy it.

Worked diffys start around 100-150$...

Mr. Tony

Active member
I may or may not have said it. It just seems too simple to me personally. a retti window'd slide would have the same tones but more appealing.
The slide itself or the design? Many on TC like the design, the slide itself is plain because it's his first attempt at the 'tetraploid' (I assume anyway, I know it's his first attempt though..)

It's not really plain though, I understand what you mean, but it's more sleek I would say. That's not black glass, it's a dark dark translucent purple called dark ametyst. It's just extremely hard to capture in a picture.

I also don't think Brock uses windows.. he's amazing though. Look him up on glass pipes org if you don't know of him. He shares a shop with Deppe, Ivan and Jake C (i think Ivan and Jake C anyways)... Actually, I wonder if Deppe would ever use the design. Brocks going to use the tetraploid on bigger discs in the future, so I will post them up when he does. I also requested that he try a 2 colorway theme for his next one. I asked if he would do half of the design in black/white and half in color... The cool thing about this design, besides the design itself, is that depending on how you arrange the colors, the effect is different..





See what I mean?

Mr. Tony

Active member
I don't know, I do know if the design were on say a Deppe piece, and I hadn't posted it, you would like it.


but that's not a retti and it sure isn't a deppe so no.

don't get me wrong, deppe's line work kills it, his retti's are so tight and so clean. Though the price he charges is astronomical and for the $ there is a plethora of other artists work I'd like to own.
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