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RooR HeaD


next time i go to pick up papers ill look at the artist. My phone doesnt send pic messages or i would upload them i dont wanna go in with a camera and look stupid

THanks man i would apprecheate that a bunch! i cant wait im so excited to go up their and get my CLAW!

RooR HeaD

Nice setup toob looks real good together!

all the talk of inlines! i used a toro inline toob yesterday! was reeally a big fan at all! at the headshop they got these new toros that r just sick! the percs in the middle is JET BLACK then with great matching work! it looks so sick and the toro label is a black outline instead of how they usually r!

i dont know swish i agree with tony with your post u put up a few pages back!

bro u were talking down on us like u were a glass king! i smoked slingers why you were in middle school! now we all know every single thing u said is pretty much a lie! which is really not cool man. and u "HAVE ONLY BEEN INTO GLASS FOR A COUPLE YEARS"? werent u smokieng slingers in why we were in middle school? whats the deal dude why lie?

RooR HeaD

Jhonny atl this is the kind of stuff im looking for! from bearclaw and if u can let me know if they have jason lee,mnp,deppe and salt! thanks again man! but im TRUELY LOOKING FOR A BEAR CLAW FIRST IF THEY DONT HEAVE ANYTHING I LIKE THEN I WOULD MAYYB LOOK AT OTHER ARTIST!

oNE of these would b best case scenario!
yea man anythign i posted is in a sense the kind of pieace im looking for notice their all decent sizes not to big!


Active member
Nice setup toob looks real good together!

all the talk of inlines! i used a toro inline toob yesterday! was reeally a big fan at all! at the headshop they got these new toros that r just sick! the percs in the middle is JET BLACK then with great matching work! it looks so sick and the toro label is a black outline instead of how they usually r!

i dont know swish i agree with tony with your post u put up a few pages back!

bro u were talking down on us like u were a glass king! i smoked slingers why you were in middle school! now we all know every single thing u said is pretty much a lie! which is really not cool man. and u "HAVE ONLY BEEN INTO GLASS FOR A COUPLE YEARS"? werent u smokieng slingers in why we were in middle school? whats the deal dude why lie?

I was into glass from 12/13 - 17~ and quit buying things after my Slinger (and a couple tubes) were broken. Didn't buy glass for 5-6 years (then i bought the bluedot recently to test run my luck :0). My Slinger broke this time of the year, maybe June, in 2003 or 04...i think 03 though...
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RooR HeaD

Cool atl if they even had something close to the first gp link then im happy cause they def sho9uld at least have 1 i like ya know! u have any idea on price range for example starts at 175 and goes up to 1000?

how much money would u bring GUYS? im thinking of going up their with either 1000 or 2000 just in case they have a roorclaw! but on the real what would u guys bring keep in mind theirs a good chance i will never go to this shop again!

RooR HeaD

swish that quwstion is so easy take a look at toobs new toro then youll have your answere! bro i own 3 german roors everyone in this thread knows my outlook on the best made bong but for me to go and buy a toro says alot on my part.

Mr. Tony

Active member
Cool atl if they even had something close to the first gp link then im happy cause they def sho9uld at least have 1 i like ya know! u have any idea on price range for example starts at 175 and goes up to 1000?

how much money would u bring GUYS? im thinking of going up their with either 1000 or 2000 just in case they have a roorclaw! but on the real what would u guys bring keep in mind theirs a good chance i will never go to this shop again!

might as well bring 3


Active member
You're missing my point.

I had to ask, because the shop and pretty much all shops, carry new tube brands or brands I can't remember. Like... the Darby tubes... they look (except for the inlines) like they could be any other shit glass maker... there's really no way to tell except for buying it yourself or learning from others mistakes.

Other than that, I have to drive 4 hours or possibly fly to NY to get a Toro. The ones 4 hours away, are overpriced, as several people have told me. The shop I goto now, has another shop which is somewhere downtown/west side of Houston, the owner of my shop, said his brother gets Toros occasionally, but who knows when that could be...? or how expensive they would be...?

So...when I see what looks to be quality glass in this particular store, I have to find out on the inernet, because I don't know new brands, I don't remember all brands from along time ago and i'm not buying a 430$ tube only to find out it wobbles or has a crooked joint.

IDK... I would really enjoy dropping about 5-600 on a Toro and having 3 to drop on a nice inline.... actually...I would reallllly like an inline toro.... :/

price check on inline toro? :p

major point though RH? Tony knows all this already, guess who I PM'ed to ask about the Darby tubes the first time I saw them? Tony.

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
its scary thinkin abou the money some people drop on glass. i think what i spend is enough but a 6 thousand dollor bong thats just crazy to me. honestly i would just pay one of the top growers on this site 6 gs to grow me 1 huge crop of my favorite strains and smoke out of my 400 dollor toro lol.

I don't personally like to spend a lot of cash on pieces....I like decadent vacations and more money to spend on wattage and equipment. And....more vacations.

Bobby Stainless

"Ill let you try my Wu-Tang style"
6 grand might get you a pound. However, you would have to find one dumb shit grower, to grow you a "huge crop" for 6 grand.

I don't personally like to spend a lot of cash on pieces....I like decadent vacations and more money to spend on wattage and equipment. And....more vacations.

My thoughts exactly. Six grand would buy me this. Would look perfect next to the Baltic Blue SC400 I just got.

1999, 66k miles, 5,995.00.

Another 15k in performance work, and you've got a extreme sleeper!

Mr. Tony

Active member
You're missing my point.

I had to ask, because the shop and pretty much all shops, carry new tube brands or brands I can't remember. Like... the Darby tubes... they look (except for the inlines) like they could be any other shit glass maker... there's really no way to tell except for buying it yourself or learning from others mistakes.

Other than that, I have to drive 4 hours or possibly fly to NY to get a Toro. The ones 4 hours away, are overpriced, as several people have told me. The shop I goto now, has another shop which is somewhere downtown/west side of Houston, the owner of my shop, said his brother gets Toros occasionally, but who knows when that could be...? or how expensive they would be...?

So...when I see what looks to be quality glass in this particular store, I have to find out on the inernet, because I don't know new brands, I don't remember all brands from along time ago and i'm not buying a 430$ tube only to find out it wobbles or has a crooked joint.

IDK... I would really enjoy dropping about 5-600 on a Toro and having 3 to drop on a nice inline.... actually...I would reallllly like an inline toro.... :/

price check on inline toro? :p

major point though RH? Tony knows all this already, guess who I PM'ed to ask about the Darby tubes the first time I saw them? Tony.

NO the person who completely missed the point was you!

I was just showing my glass and talking about different pieces/styles when you came in here, insulting me, saying my parents buy all my glass ( if you were smoking on slinger when I was in middle school what are you 30? and you need to split the price of a tube with your buddy, get a job pal), that I know nothing, that you've been smoking on slinger ( props if it was one of the ones with the recessed glass on glass joint) since I was in middle school.
Then after being asked 30 fucking time, "well lets see what you go then", we get this BS about being out of it and not having a digi cam, what ever.

Why should I have replied to your pm, you were a total dick to me, and now it's quite evident you have no knowledge or glass to back up your shit talk and negative repping of me.

Your right I'm not going to go out of my way to tell you why to get a toro because you were a dick. Funny part is had you come off different, there is a shop in my home town (i'm at college ATM) with toro tube, roor us tubes, Lux, worked DC tubes ( by darby), US tubes, manifest glass works tubes.

I would have been down to make the 2.5 hour drive each way to pick up a sick tube for you and probably gotten a fresh deal for you.

AW you would have to drive 4 hours or fly, pretty sure Roor Head is going on a 1000 mile journy to pick up what may be as little as a dry piece from an artist he wants. Sucks you want glass and are in texas because they don't get much down there.

Had you just shown a slice for respect for someone who may have been younger than you who may have a bit more knowledge on the subject I would have gone out of my fucking way to help you, but no, You had to be a dick.

I could have gotten you a worked 5mm 24" DC straight with a huge worked section, worked diffuser, worked bowl for like $400 or a triple chamber roor perc with a diffuser for about the same price.


How about a bit of respect for the other readers and the thread starter?

This is a show your piece thread, not bitch like children.

Why shit on this thread with your personal griefs, pm for fucks sake if you got something non thread related, or maybe you think it's important enough for hundreds or thousands of other to have to read?
hey look, more elitist BS and fighting...... HUGE surprise.

when will you mods learn.... stop just deleting the posts and allowing this to continue. make them start their own glass thread and get them out of here. This thread has been hijacked long enough and you're condoning it. this obviously used to be a nice thread where people could come, post a pic of a piece, and not get BLASTED for something these elitist pricks didnt approve of. It's either that, or continuous nitpicking and fighting now. Constantly. You're freaking blind if you cannot see it. Well, we all know you see it, you delete these posts daily and let it continue.........

Or.... simply ban them already...... perhaps they'll take the hint.

This is getting ridiculous. I guess everyone can just start flooding the contact address for the forum with complaints. Perhaps someone will listen. Remember to link this thread.

Mr. Tony

Active member
make them start their own glass thread and get them out of here.

There is a whole forum for bud but yet a single thread for glass. so of course multiple discussions are going to take place in this one thread

This thread has been hijacked long enough and you're condoning it. this obviously used to be a nice thread where people could come, post a pic of a piece, and not get BLASTED for something these elitist pricks didnt approve of.

Sorry but after awhile when all people post is a cheap ass production piece that most look the same it's fucking boring.

Or.... simply ban them already...... perhaps they'll take the hint.

This is getting ridiculous. I guess everyone can just start flooding the contact address for the forum with complaints. Perhaps someone will listen. Remember to link this thread.

you don't realize, this is the only thread allowed for glass, discussions will happen

How about a bit of respect for the other readers and the thread starter?

If your going to bitch about my post go back 30 pages and see what he wrote about me.

This is a show your piece thread, not bitch like children.

So what are you adding with this post?

Why shit on this thread with your personal griefs, pm for fucks sake if you got something non thread related, or maybe you think it's important enough for hundreds or thousands of other to have to read?

What were discussing is thread related.

Nice job adding something to this thread!
Nobody cares what you consider boring. This thread is a sticky to allow any member to come, share a pic of any piece they may have (NOT JUST $$$$$ GLASS) and have fun. It is not supposed to be a place where people like you bait, attack, and troll. And the "he picked on me first" bullshit is no excuse.


Grow the fuck up man, seriously. Be the bigger man, start your own glass thread, and bash people all you like there. This thread has been hijacked long enough and I can see you having more suitable discussions elsewhere if you took a moment just to make your own darn thread. Good luck.

Mr. Tony

Active member
Nobody cares what you consider boring. This thread is a sticky to allow any member to come, share a pic of any piece they may have (NOT JUST $$$$$ GLASS) and have fun. It is not supposed to be a place where people like you bait, attack, and troll. And the "he picked on me first" bullshit is no excuse.


Grow the fuck up man, seriously. Be the bigger man, start your own glass thread, and bash people all you like there. This thread has been hijacked long enough.

the people who run this forum don't want a separate sub forum or any other threads, they want it jammed and confined to this thread.
Are you serious? Just because they dont want to give you a subforum because nobody has donated or paid for advertising does not mean you cannot simply click "new thread" and make a single post. Hell, if you're not a dick and it gets the traffic it may actually end up being stickied. Click "New Thread".... its not that hard. Try something like "POST YOUR HI-END GLASS HERE" or something similar. Can't hurt, can only help. This thread has been fouled enough. Link it here when it's finished and just direct all the glass-addicts there. Good luck to you.

Mr. Tony

Active member
all you do is post those cute troll pics and never have anything to offer.

you talk about the bickering that goes on in here, have you ever graced the grow section with your presence
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