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RooR HeaD

See u got to understand if i travel to dementia im going acroos the usa i live in buffalo ny. so when i walk in a headshop that ill never go back to, ill b spending thousands of dollors! id get a opas slide and a deppe fuccilos excuse my spelling. and the fact they woudl not sell me opas caue im not a vip customer is a joke. what am i suppost to say oh ok but ill just give u full price for a deppe pieace which would b at least 800 if not more. but if it was a vip it wold b 600. u said its a business well bro i have a lot of money and know how a business works and the next persons money is no better then anyone elses especially when that person knows more about opas then some vip celb does. but hey if they want to play the whole favor game then fuck them.


Active member
Pyrex is literally just a brand of Boro. It's not the best, it's not the worst, it's just the most recognized (known) boro producer.

That being said, I very HIGHLY doubt Roor.de uses Pyrex brand. I'm positive there boro is on Pyrex' level or better, but they don't use that brand.


Please read about borosilicate and Pyrex.


This is my son's 7mm borosilicate RooЯ.de tube and ashcatcher.


Bobby Stainless

"Ill let you try my Wu-Tang style"
So except for their US market casserole dishes, it's all boro.

Like I said a cheeseburger is the best cheeseburger.

RooR Head like to think RooR has the best boro, makes him feel warm...

pack a bowl

i hate those little squiggles they put on roors. its possibly the most prodotastic thing you could do to a tube aside from putting a wrap and rake somewhere on it

wrap and rake incase you didn't know (no i didn't make this, i hate these):



Active member
Believe that roor uses Schott boro...least they used to.

And yeah, all clear boro is more or less identical. boro doesn't get much more pure or unreactive than pyrex. But yeah as we all know, the boro used in german tubes isn't superior in any way to what's used in US.

That's a sexy tube OldTroll.


i hate those little squiggles they put on roors. its possibly the most prodotastic thing you could do to a tube aside from putting a wrap and rake somewhere on it

wrap and rake incase you didn't know (no i didn't make this, i hate these):




This is my daily smoker ....

The ashcatcher and mouthpiece are by C6 and give a great smoke. Adding the RooЯ carbon filter transforms this winner into a trip to Nirvana. As can be clearly seen, the bowl and the carbon filter have acquired a nice amber color after six or eight rips, but the water and bubbler remain sparkling clean. Your lungs and bronchi will thank you.

Unlike many here, I'm neither an elitist nor a glass snob; I assume that an EHLE or even a Weed Star filter would be satisfactory.

I wish that more glass blowers would experiment with GonG ashcatchers that will not tip over when hooked to a Sherly mouthpiece.

There are a gazillion bubblers available, many are beautiful, many are excellent smokers, and some are both beautiful and excellent smokers. Almost all of them share a couple of problems for many users.

The mouthpiece must be kept close to the body of the pipe to reduce risk of breakage and to make the unit more portable. Using a GonG mouthpiece eliminates both of these problems.

Most bubblers have little or no clear glass, and many of us want to see the "milk" fill our pipes. IMO most smokers don't want clear glass because bubblers are hard to keep clean. Using a GonG mouthpiece simplifies cleaning. Using a GonG slde has many advantages including simplifying cleaning.

It seems to me that current trend in glass is that big is better and intricate is best. I see beauty in simplicity and functionality. There are many percolator and diffuser ideas that can be incorporated into a GonG-in GonG-out bubbler.

Although many of the GonG ashcatchers presently smoke pretty well when used with a GonG Sherly mouthpiece adapter, the mouthpiece keeps them from balancing well. This eliminates many "pill-bottle" ashcatchers.

old's cool from TC?





welll I got a custom inline ashcatcher made for my newest toro thatll be here monday or teusday next week. It has a GonG push bowl and it has a matching worked gong mouthpiece attachment to turn the AC into a bub. The bending GonG mouthpiece is made so that the a/c can sit nicely on any flat surface. Some parts of it are clear and most will be worked. That is pretty much what your talking about right^^OLDTROLL^^? lots of artists are making inline a/cs with gong mouthpieces nowadays, there sickkk

heres an example of one by the same artist makin mine right now




welll I got a custom inline ashcatcher made for my newest toro thatll be here monday or teusday next week. It has a GonG push bowl and it has a matching worked gong mouthpiece attachment to turn the AC into a bub. The bending GonG mouthpiece is made so that the a/c can sit nicely on any flat surface. Some parts of it are clear and most will be worked. That is pretty much what your talking about right^^^? lots of artists are making inline a/cs with gong mouthpieces nowadays, there sickkk
Toob - - That's exactly what I'm talking about!

I've done a lot of searching and C6's gong mouthpieces are the only ones that I've been able to find. Any and all pointers, links, and recommendations will be greatly appreciated and will earn you good karma.


Toob - - your pics aren't working for me.
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