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RooR HeaD

Real sick toro toob im felling that alot. you were right some of toros cleaner work ive seen thats for sure! if u dont mind me askin how much did u drop on that bad boy! or pm me if u dont want to post it hear id like to know. honestly toob their is one slide their that would work real well with it but you would have to drop at least 350 to get it. its a EA slide absolutely sick but a lil pricey in my eyes for a slide! but when u buy a bong like that u need to go all out with a slide! the jason lee wouldnt look good with your toro. i actually linked it a few pages back i might buy it myself for my toro it matches my worked section a 100%.

yea pakc those locks look pretty good i like the red and yellow one better then the other one so i say light colors! cool to see your hit from a hand pipe must look cool when smokeing it. so do u own other artist work or u just smoke out of you own shit?

and yea pack those r some real nice fillachellos. i know deppe makes the cleanest one but i still would take a claw over either. cause the first claw i ever use and my favorite claw ive ever seen was a fillachello. i waant one so bad and my friend only had to pay 250 for his claw at my headshop 400! but it was a local claw shop i hear hes real local type of blower.

as of deppes price i think it all has to do with dementia fuck dementia ive heard a few facts a bout them that i will not support their shop no more. as of 500 a section your talkin 1500 for a small dry then tony? i would buy some deppe work if i came by over priced or not! yea tony thats my favorite claw as well or the mosaics.

beasters lol havent seen weed like that in a while! man times have changed for me at least i cant even get beasters anymore i could only get bomby but when i was in 8th grade i could only get beaster feasters.

and yea swish lets see some glass man! i would love to see your collection if you truely have been smokeing slingers when we were in middle schooland u talk like u know your shit so u got to have a decent collection right?

pack a bowl


my collection sucks to be honest

i stopped buying pieces a while ago and have mostly buying materials instead.

Mr. Tony

Active member
as of deppes price i think it all has to do with dementia fuck dementia ive heard a few facts a bout them that i will not support their shop no more. as of 500 a section your talkin 1500 for a small dry then tony?


and yea swish lets see some glass man! i would love to see your collection if you truely have been smokeing slingers when we were in middle schooland u talk like u know your shit so u got to have a decent collection right?

I know considering how much shit he talk he better have some fly ass shit

RooR HeaD

i understand pack i would b buyin materials as well instead of buyin pipes by other blowers. i love how u got your RIP pipes in teh pic as well. your new lock broke? but maybe i would buy some pieaces by my favorite artist for insperation. do any blowers help u with ideas? like a j lee dale suanders thing.

wow tony 1500 for a smal dry thats somethign else. i thought ive heard it all when it came to pricey glass but that truely takes the cake. thats like jason king and 3000 dollor ozs sold to paris hilton!

yea i would think swish has to have hot shit for all the knowledge he trys and speaks! if i was smokeing that long i dont even know what kind of lgass i would buy now aday!




I have a broken beaker bottom roor that i would like to get the tube cut off of and made into a roor jar. If anyone possibly has the ability to do this. It would be greatly appreciated. Let me know

pack a bowl

it can be really tempting to walk into a shop and leave with a new piece rather than money.. especially if i can get a sweet deal, hahhaa.

i only pieces i'd buy anymore are pieces i can't make basically.. so something like a toro would be delightful since i don't see myself makin crazy tree percs and putting them in tubes, hah... or at least not as clean haha. or if i found another glassblower interested in my work (assuming im interested in theirs) i'd be down for a trade, but even now cash is a little to tight to be putting pieces aside for myself.

i'd love to work with other glassblowers but i work alone 100% of the time. i've learned everything off the internet and have never had a lesson aside from a few to make sure i enjoyed working with glass (made a few janky beads with that guy and thats it. didnt even get to hollow work with him).

lol broken pieces are there since i've been meaning to repair them / modify them (still not sure what i wanna do to the EA bub with the rainbow retti). the new sherly was cracked all over the can from unobtanium and cracked in half for good when i went in my car and put it in the seat pocket roughly.. disappointing of course but it just means my next one will be cleaner and be made with a few lessons learned.


does anyone know if a decent single perc straight tube can be had for under, or around $300? I've seen the $260 perc on smg, and it seems nice, but i really don't like that liberty logo.

Thanks in advance for the help:joint:
does anyone know if a decent single perc straight tube can be had for under, or around $300? I've seen the $260 perc on smg, and it seems nice, but i really don't like that liberty logo.

Thanks in advance for the help:joint:


It's not exactly what you asked for because it's a double perc, but for the price you can't really go wrong, after shipping it will probably be about $170-$190.

There has been some really nice glass posted recently props to RoorHead and Toob for their cool Toros, you guys have some really great stuff!


i got a single perc straight tube volcano for $100... just look around

does anyone know if a decent single perc straight tube can be had for under, or around $300? I've seen the $260 perc on smg, and it seems nice, but i really don't like that liberty logo.

Thanks in advance for the help:joint:


Active member
Since there is no glass sub forum, all the glass junkies hang out here. Unless you have a j lee or claw or salt etc (not prodo pieces) you dont get much say lol

I know its fucked but maybe people will realize that we need a whole forum instead of just one page

there's no need for a whole forum, but i was gonna make a heady glass thread but never did :joint: because there IS a difference in glass.
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Active member
if you made a headie glass thread it would get deleted. I made a post your broken bongs of the past thread it got deleted.

What are you talking about??? not needing a whole forum. I guarantee most people here are for a subforum


Active member
if you made a headie glass thread it would get deleted. I made a post your broken bongs of the past thread it got deleted.

What are you talking about??? not needing a whole forum. I guarantee most people here are for a subforum

i just see the same people posting in this thread, myself included but eh prolly be easier getting a mod to okay a new thread than getting a whole sub-forum but try to get one ill support it.:joint:


Active member
all im saying is there are alot of subforums in this community, and alot of them dont get alot of traffic. i dont see why one more would hurt idk

RooR HeaD

id b down for a headie glass forum! cause the people who know their shit could talk their then teh people who want to post prodo could post hear! honestly u dont have to have a lee or claw to post hear toob has some of the sickest shit in this thread and he doesnt have a lee or claw! samee with cts he has a nasty true jbd mother ship. at the end of the day im sorry id rather talk about nasty ass glass then a 20 dollor flee market bub with pieace of beaster next to it. as of tony and that guy i understand tonys post he was just speaking knowledge thats all. and the guy took it the wrong way.

their r to many babys in this thread if u cant take it dont dish it!

and swish lets see some glass man? i want to see some old school slinger action?

and yea tony jason king or somethign like that is the deppe of medical sales! his average oz is like 1000 bucks!

RooR HeaD

Theirs nothing wrong wantin to talk about this then a prodo pieace!
going up to 42 soon hopeing to get my hands on something like this. if any of u r from mich and go to 42 degrees can u please let me kow about their bearclaw inventory right now?
man im so stoked im actually getting a bearclaw soon! its about time

Bobby Stainless

"Ill let you try my Wu-Tang style"
and yea tony jason king or somethign like that is the deppe of medical sales! his average oz is like 1000 bucks!

I'd take the Pepsi Challange with his shit, any fuckin day of the week.

Fucking 1000-3000 a oz! That is just lack of intelligence coming into play, nothing more.

pack a bowl

overgrow had a glass forum.

over here were only have a food and music forum though for some utterly retarded reason.

icmag will always be like that kid that would hang out with the cool kid (overgrow) and wanted to be popular but sucked and couldn't cut it.
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