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Horse-toothed Jackass
Chicalyx: I didnt know ALL gong tubes are boro. So there aren't any gong tubes that are soft glass?

Blacklight: Quite an impressive Roor collection. Does the carbon filter make a big difference? Do you feel it really gives a smoother hit?
I was looking at the narrow bowls myself. So they really keep the ash out of the water? I imagine you have to be careful in packing it so it doesn't get clogged... Are they more susceptible to clogging than a regular bowl?


livin my way the high way
wow thats a true work of art can you take some pics at different angles so i can see it in all its glory. may your friend RIP

well i guess that post got deleted so my post makes no sense anymore.

please ignore
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Bababooey said:
Chicalyx: I didnt know ALL gong tubes are boro. So there aren't any gong tubes that are soft glass?

Blacklight: Quite an impressive Roor collection. Does the carbon filter make a big difference? Do you feel it really gives a smoother hit?
I was looking at the narrow bowls myself. So they really keep the ash out of the water? I imagine you have to be careful in packing it so it doesn't get clogged... Are they more susceptible to clogging than a regular bowl?

Thanks Bababooey, The Carbon filter & Narrow Bowl both make a Big differene. When using my bong, I bearly use my A/C anymore. THe A/C has a joint size of 14.5 so it only fits both the blue & red Roors. I jus use my Purple Haze wit the bigger joint size, narrow bowl and C/F and it gets the job done quickly, 2 pulls from the bowl is all she wrote. Now with the narrow bowl, the only thing is that it has to be well made. The first one I got was damn near perfect, but I broke it loading a bowl being dumb. I got another with the same joint size but the narrow hole wasn't as narrow as the first one. And the shapes of the holes where also diff (hard to explain). I would still get one though if I just had a reg bowl. I don't like using those gauzes much. Those things don't let me get the hit I'm looking for :bashhead: ...

- I got the red/white RooR from everyonedoesit as the gift set with the A/C and other things. The Purple HAze Edt come from WeedCity. That whole week was weird for me. The Orders came in one day after the other, I felt like it was my B-day cept I paid for it all :smoweed:



What happened to the post with the Clinton piece? That thing was amazing, especially for 02...was hoping for some more pics.

Baba...far as I know there's not any soft-glass GonG out there. Maybe, but all of the clear tubes ("scientific" style) from any brand are boro.

Also, on the topic of cheap GonG, I'd like to say we should all attempt to support U.S. artists. The market is being flooded with chinese-made perc trees that are quickly slapped into a tube, which is then sold at a price near what a U.S. made perc tube would cost. If you just need a simple straight tube or beaker, fine go as cheap as you can,, but if you're gonna be dropping the money on a perc, may as well make sure it's of the highest quality and the money is going to an individual more than a company.


Wath the.....Cannabisaurus :nono:...man do yourself a flavor and buy yourself a glass pipe or smoke joint!It's nasty,it's a plastic bottle...and...it's fucking nasty man!!I don't want to be rude or anything but it's not healty at all to smoke in something like this!

RooR HeaD

These glass blowers r chargeing more and more now a days that pieace styles p posted is hot but that price is not! I remember back in the day u could buy a pipe like that for 60-70 bucks and that was it! but now its all about the dollor i saw a J Lee spoon not to long ago for 290 and i wouldnt pay more then 80 for it its all about names now adays like nike or rolex! but hey at least the weed prices for bomby arent to bad in the usa! and we could alwasy get good weed! or at least for all of us in the east coast! no medical 75 8th prices and most of the medical shit ive seen or smoked is no different then the bomby i get in Buffalo NY
A nice shot of my Bling Pin before i give mine and the professors outdoor harvest a try out of it!

some roor jugs

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Cannabisaurus said:
Here's my double filtered homemade piece. A couple Pom bottles, icemaker line, candle holder, and some sealant. I have to have a glass bowl though :rasta:

Nice one, Cannabisaurus. (though grubby, mate, you need to build a new one!) Have a look at my homebuilds a couple of pages back - another PomBong there too (simpler).

I know people tend to favour glassware (and fair enough, many of them are nice to smoke and pretty, if you go in for the swirly-hippy/techno-spaceage thing) but all the posts on "how can I clean my bong" etc seem to demonstrate to me where bought bongs really fall down - you have to clean them, it's a pain in the arse, if they are glass they often get cracked or chipped or whatever.

So I gave up on bought bongs years ago. I just make myself a new one about once a week or otherwise when mine gets grubby. Ream out the downtube with some fairy liquid, a small piece of sponge, rammed through with a metal rod (trusty tent spike, see my earlier post). All done, takes a few minutes, costs nothing, always have a clean piece to smoke, never fret about someone "hurting" the bong, have the sense of small satisfaction of having done something creative & constructive... easy.

So, stick with it. Keep building!

Peace :joint:
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AmsterdamnesiA said:
I just realised that I still hadn't posted my collection so here you go .....

I've just got back from Amsterdam so I will post some new stuff later...

Nice collection... good and clean too, by the looks of it.

Am not really in to bought bongs - see my other posts - but I have seen the fancy brassware & glass bong you have on the lower shelves for sale (for much cash) elsewhere on the web. What's it like to smoke?


RooR HeaD

RooR HeaD said:
These glass blowers r chargeing more and more now a days that pieace styles p posted is hot but that price is not! I remember back in the day u could buy a pipe like that for 60-70 bucks and that was it! but now its all about the dollor i saw a J Lee spoon not to long ago for 290 and i wouldnt pay more then 80 for it its all about names now adays like nike or rolex! but hey at least the weed prices for bomby arent to bad in the usa! and we could alwasy get good weed! or at least for all of us in the east coast! no medical 75 8th prices and most of the medical shit ive seen or smoked is no different then the bomby i get in Buffalo NY
A nice shot of my Bling Pin before i give mine and the professors outdoor harvest a try out of it!

some roor jugs

Hey amsterdamamnessia how u been heres my collection not as manny as u but all i need is my 2 german roors and my dry headie and my bub headie!and im good the only other thing i truely want is a bearclaw!


New member
Thanks limey, you have some nice pieces yourself. We have a buttload of glass pieces but no bongs sadly. Eventually, I would like to invest in one, but right now I just don't have the cash. I did a couple really simple bongs before and then I kinda felt all gung-ho one day. It then turned in to what I would like to think is my own functional artpiece. I agree though, it definitely needs a good cleaning...I should do that now while I'm thinking about it.


Horse-toothed Jackass
AmsterdamnesiA said:
I just realised that I still hadn't posted my collection so here you go .....

I've just got back from Amsterdam so I will post some new stuff later...

So you pretty much just buy everything you see, huh? :rasta:

VERY, very impressive collection. You have it all: bongs (percs, a/c, hurricane), bowls, bubblers, vapes (cano, whips)... How long did it take you to collect all that?

You should have a contest one day: you and a buddy attempt to take one hit out of each of your implements. Neither of you will probably finish, but it'll be nice to try. :joint:
Thanks for the cool comments, sorry I didn't answer your questions sooner.

limey said:
Nice collection... good and clean too, by the looks of it.

Am not really in to bought bongs - see my other posts - but I have seen the fancy brassware & glass bong you have on the lower shelves for sale (for much cash) elsewhere on the web. What's it like to smoke? :joint:

It's a pretty cool bong and quite good as an orniment (most people wouldn't know it's a bong) and it hits a bit smoother than most single chamber bongs, in the fat metal part of the downstem there are two diffusers, if you were thinking of buying one I'd advise you to save your money and get a nice glass piece instead.

Bababooey said:
So you pretty much just buy everything you see, huh?

VERY, very impressive collection. You have it all: bongs (percs, a/c, hurricane), bowls, bubblers, vapes (cano, whips)... How long did it take you to collect all that?

You should have a contest one day: you and a buddy attempt to take one hit out of each of your implements. Neither of you will probably finish, but it'll be nice to try.

I've been collecting smoking toys for about 13 years. I started on metal pipes like the Bud Bomb, Agent Blue and Amazed. When I heard metal pipes were not as healthy as glass I switched, then more recently I found out about vapes.

I've tried smoking out of all of the pipes at once (the bigger bongs from the zong to the standard little sista) it was with some dry sift hash and it was pretty cool but it was a bitch to clean them all after.:violin:

I went to the Roor store in Amsterdam a few days ago and bought some new bowls and a reducer for my zumo so I can use an ashctcher with it:muahaha:

The pics are a bit poor (I should spend some money on a decent camera but I'd rather buy glass:rasta:) the new ones are the last three on the right.

In the Roor store they had a really cool Roor Germany tree perc with an ashcatcher which had a built in crown bowl, worked diffusers and some really nice blue and orange work, the lady said it would sell (if it was for sale) for 3-4000 Euros, I think the lady said it was made for the cannabis cup last year.

This is a bub I bought from Homegrown Fantaseeds, I bought it to smoke out of while I was in Amsterdam.
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