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Possible Commercial Buisness Opportunity


Some haters in here, can kindly keep their doubts to themselves. My city has approved cultivation facilities, over a year ago. In order to be successful, reading the law is necessary, if you haven't read and understand Michigan law don't troll, please and thank you.

Thank you kindfarmer420 for repeatedly correcting uneducated IC members.

I wish I had more time here, to correct each person that has doubts. But that would make me a fool for arguing with one.

The biggest hurdle is qualifying for a license, according to the law I will qualify. Whether I can receive one remains to be seen. With insurance and being bonded, on top of the 10k max administration fees and municipality 5k max fee. (500 plant). For each license needing at least two. Add in lawyer, tax attorney, CPA, testing facility and transport costs. None of that includes any power or equipment or workers.

From what I see, I'm over half way there, with my portfolio and research I have all the necessary documents to proceed. Townships ordinances/insurance/ #of card holders per county, Just waiting on that state application before I can jump in.

Yes this is not going to be cheap. But it doesn't need to be expensive either.
Anyone here can throw $$ at anything and it will work. Take that away and they fail. The past 10years I been focused on just that.

In order to survive the price collapse that will happen. I'm seeing a future where ounces will cost less than a hundred bucks with tax.

That's not this year or next but it's coming and if you can't produce quality product from penny's you will be a consumer not a producer.


Well-known member
I'd consider the bankruptcy rate of a good amount of these licensed facilities within the first year brother. There will be plenty of half million dollar turn key operations on the market for pennies on the dollar due to first harvest bugs and molds failing the lab grade alone, forget the business ignorance. Let's just hope it's not yours ;-)~
I still say, (as I did when I was Stasis) that we need to band together. If no other reason, for support. So, we can live normal lives. Especially, Us Lone Wolves, who are not married, etc. (Get away occasionally, avoid job burnout). Help each other with trimming. Processing trim, and again - Support - The Whole Michigan Medical MariHuana *Shitstem* is stacked against us. We need to level out the field.

Most of all, set up an Insurance situation, where every grower pays in, and if someone has a calamity, they get help. The elected Board people meet to decide if,, how much they get, and in what form (time, money, support). All done with Michigan Heart. The reason I returned to My State after California's 12 years growing (not to mention standard of living).