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Possible Commercial Buisness Opportunity


Looking for like minded people that "have" resources to match, to go to the next level. This isn't a one man show, we need colaboration. In Grand Traverse county.


Thanks, I will need it. But I don't think you have read enough on the new laws that have been passed and signed by our governor and reps. My local city has passed an ordinance as well back in 2006. Grows and dispensaries are 100% legit, in zoned areas that the facilities have passed inspections from various municipalities. Greenhouse is going up in the spring regardless. If the commercial venture flops I still have my 5 patients to care for. No worries.
ya, i am a self grower, so I am ignorant to the laws affecting others, but if its legit good luck, we need positive people and business's in the northern cannabis industry.


Active member
Greenhouse that far north? It's better than nothing, maybe par with a lot of the current dispo garbage, but once those commercial indoor facilities start cranking you're going to be sucking hind teat...


Not quite sure why assumptions are made that greenhouses don't have supplemental light and heat. And maybe greenhouse isn't the right word to use, more like a hybrid pole barn. A plastic greenhouse wouldn't hold up to the outside elements I get for very long.


I already have two polebarns in two different counties to play with and private property too. So the hybrid polebarn would only be the first stage to cover expenses. After that the other buildings go up. I have moderate funds to spend, and licensing isn't going to be cheap. So considering the land and some buildings are already up. I shouldn't need a whole lot more to get established unless big money comes in and takes over the industry.


Active member
dude a pole barn is not an acceptable medical marijuana grow facility LOL I think you need at least $500,000- $1,000,000 in a bank account just for the license application second round I don't think you did enough research. Also how would anyone share a license between multiple people nope never going to happen sorry dude you should have opened a shop while it was possible and easy.


New member
1. A pole barn is acceptable if it is on commercial or agricultural land.

2. there can be multiple people on the same application. example caregiver needs an investor or investor needs a caregiver. for a commercial grow license you or your partner need to have been a caregiver for 2 years leading up to the application.

3. can you show me where it talks about the 500,000- 1 mill in the bank to apply? (serious question) i wouldn't doubt it but i need to see where it says that.


Well-known member
We are only guessing at this point guys. If I'm correct a state board will need to be seated and will begin writing the rules at best early next year. Who knows when they'll start accepting applications, no less the requirements or approval process for such. It's any guess where each locality will land on their part as well ...


Active member
Sorry bro a pole barn isn't cutting it for the building inspector. You can't get a commercial growing license from a state for cannabis in your pole barn LOLOL Think of the security needs and building requirements if your so thick headed you want to pimp out your pole barn then go right ahead but it's lost all its discreetness then. The half/million dollar figure comes from a dispensary owner in Ypsilanti who knows his shit. there will be a selection process for applicants that requires submitting several applications along with varying amounts of money or so I hear and final round requires half/million in bank go figure they want responsible people growing their weed. absolutely no mention of your 2 year caregiver rule which is as dumb as it sounds and the law even says no caregivers can work in a legal grow so nope to that one too. I love how you say a pole barn is acceptable when no one even knows the extent the buildings must be built/protected. think electric fence dude for real. with several names on your application it will probably be discarded into the who gives a shit pile
1. A pole barn is acceptable if it is on commercial or agricultural land.

2. there can be multiple people on the same application. example caregiver needs an investor or investor needs a caregiver. for a commercial grow license you or your partner need to have been a caregiver for 2 years leading up to the application.

3. can you show me where it talks about the 500,000- 1 mill in the bank to apply? (serious question) i wouldn't doubt it but i need to see where it says that.
Sorry bro a pole barn isn't cutting it for the building inspector. You can't get a commercial growing license from a state for cannabis in your pole barn LOLOL Think of the security needs and building requirements if your so thick headed you want to pimp out your pole barn then go right ahead but it's lost all its discreetness then. The half/million dollar figure comes from a dispensary owner in Ypsilanti who knows his shit. there will be a selection process for applicants that requires submitting several applications along with varying amounts of money or so I hear and final round requires half/million in bank go figure they want responsible people growing their weed. absolutely no mention of your 2 year caregiver rule which is as dumb as it sounds and the law even says no caregivers can work in a legal grow so nope to that one too. I love how you say a pole barn is acceptable when no one even knows the extent the buildings must be built/protected. think electric fence dude for real. with several names on your application it will probably be discarded into the who gives a shit pile
you need a hug


New member
Grower License. A grower license will authorize the grower to grow not more than the following number of marihuana plants under the indicated class for each license the grower holds in that class:
-- Class A: 500 plants -- Class B: 1,000 plants -- Class C: 1,500 plants
A grower license will authorize the sale of marihuana seeds or marihuana plants only to a grower by means of a secure transporter and authorize the grower to transfer marihuana only by means of a secure transporter.
The license will authorize the sale of marihuana, other than seeds, only to a processor or provisioning center.
To be eligible for a grower license, the applicant and each investor in the grower may not have an interest in a secure transporter or a safety compliance facility.
Until December 31, 2021, a grower must have a minimum of two years' experience as a registered primary caregiver, or have an individual with that experience as an active employee.
While holding a license as a grower, the grower may not be a registered primary caregiver or employ an individual who is simultaneously a registered primary caregiver.
A grower must enter all transactions, current inventory, and other information into the statewide monitoring system as required in the Licensing Act, rules, and the Marihuana Tracking Act.
A grower license will not authorize the grower to operate in an area unless the area is zoned for industrial or agricultural uses or is unzoned and otherwise meets local requirements.


New member
and a pole barn is very much just as secure as any other commercial building its called a "finished" pole barn. I'm not talking about a shell of a pole barn. but you seem pretty upset by the facts that i stated that are in the bill that was passed by the governor. read the bill analysis


New member
Beginning 360 days after the effective date of the Medical Marihuana Facilities Licensing Act, a person may apply to the proposed Medical Marihuana Licensing Board for State operating licenses in the following categories:
-- Class A, B, or C grower. -- Processor.
-- Provisioning center.
-- Secure transporter.
-- Safety compliance facility.

according to the bill passed the board will not start accepting applications until 365 days after the effective date of this bill which is 12/20/2016


Well-known member
It's the unknown local ordinance, zoning and application process that will be the true wild card here brother. Many localities will simply deny grow facilities and/or provisioning centers. Others will restrict into absurdity or grandfather in cronies already operating illegally under the guise of MMMA.

Just because every NORML attorney on social media is selling legal seminars and consulting today about "understanding" this state legislation, doesn't mean they have a clue about the end game. Although they are looking to forward to expanding their lucrative lobbying careers from Lansing into our localities. Their costs/services alone will push many out and up the real licensing costs by tens of thousands ...

It will be an ugly year ahead and quite a lesson in the corruption of Regulatory Capture.

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