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Portland, OR question...

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
The Portland job market statistics sucks at present because of the general economy and high percentage of high tech manufacturing and construction jobs in the area that take a major crap every time the economy slows down. In the outlying areas, lumber plays a prominent roll and crashes when construction is down.

The service market is a different market and also slows down, but not in direct proportion. Yesterday I did see a sign for help in a Subway sandwich shop and last week I noticed one at a Jiffy Lube. They are out there, just not as abundantly as before.

Our streets are rife with homeless, because the weather is on average mild and Portlanders are tolerant. The homeless have to go somewhere and our welfare programs are liberal.

A very high percent are now professional homeless folks, whom you see year after year with their “give me money, God bless” signs, new shoes, and clean clothes.

Now we are seeing a lot of younger people with signs. Some of those exploiting puppies, while wearing nice shoes, and sporting things like crutches or bright clean medical splints on their leg. After seeing them on corner after corner, they tend to disappear into the woodwork.

Getting a medical card was as easy as asking my doctor to sign the physician’s statement, filling out the paperwork, walking up to the window at the state office, and paying $100. They gave me stamped copies and I was good to go without waiting for my card.

Getting a grower is more involved and stretches this thread pretty far, so suffice to say it is harder than just doing it yourself. Our outdoor season is short, so you need to grow indoors most of the year.

Don’t fuck with the cops in Portland because they will most assuredly shoot you dead about 21 times for making a gesture that made them “concerned for their own welfare and those around them.” They band together, lie in court, and don’t play by the rules.

A very strong police union presence and the board of inquiries, as well as the grand juries almost never find them at fault, even when the person was unarmed and there was more than one officer.

Portland housing costs are extremely high. A suburb would be cheaper but Portland has made a point through Metro development commission to limit new highway construction so as to force denser housing in the metropolitan area. That can make commuting during rush hour a bear if you live very far away.

On the plus side there is MAX that can make parts of it a snap, and Tri Met to get you around town if you abandon driving and Portland may well be the US bicycle capital.


Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Gray, I have always liked you. I will be in Oregon Labor Day! We want to move there too, but I don't have my plan together yet, either. I am making 6 figures now and hate to go down from that. I will go down though, but I have to look at the whole package. Still sifting through a bulletproof plan. Oregon is the place though. Not Portland for me.

I moved to Portland in 1965. It has changed a lot since then and I might rethink that decision if I were making it as a young man in 2009.

Check out Brookings if you have skills that will allow you to work from home.

The Grants Pass, Medford area is also delightful, albeit not in a bananna belt like Brookings.



Nice post Mr. Wolf :) On point and thorough.

You said...."Getting a grower is more involved and stretches this thread pretty far, so suffice to say it is harder than just doing it yourself. Our outdoor season is short, so you need to grow indoors most of the year."

Did you mean "Getting a grower permit is more involved?"

Sucks about the cops being less-than-friendly. Not all that unusual though, happens to be the case many places, I'm kinda use to that.

The housing costs in Portland being extremely high is a relative thing. I've looked on Craigslist and, compared to where I am now, it isn't all that much different, and the cultural offerings of Portland far outweigh where I am currently. And the wages in general are much better too....I think Portland has a minimum wage of $8.40 correct? Way better than where I live now.

Lastly....is it my imagination, or is the font size of your post getting smaller toward the bottom?

edit: this post applies to your post before the one directly above this one...


I don't know how much I'd trust craigslist in relocating as far as employment goes, the craigslist around here is nothing but scams scams and more fucking scams. If they ask for your SS over the internet stay away, shit I wouldn't even give them your social until after the first couple checks.

Good luck dooder.


plant pimp
So far this summer has been HOT! Barely any rain at all. Which is crazy for PNW weather. I am not in Oregon but Washington. Same climate and weather as Oregon. Good winter`s too!
Lovely time to grow indoors in the winter time. Keep It GreeN,and Hal,I check your PM!


This is a slight shift from jobs in Portland, but I just went to the NORML website to see what the laws in Oregon are concerning cannabis. When it comes to growing weed, which is called "manufacture," Oregon is very harsh. If you get caught growing ANY amount, even just one plant, the penalty is 20 years in prison and $300,000.00 fine. YIKES!

Do they REALLY sentence small time growers to that kind of punishment? Please comment if you have any knowledge on this.


As long as it your first time around Hal. You would be looking at more like probation unless you have a plantation in your house. The OMMA allows for people to grow legally under the law without signing up for the card. So as long as you keep you plant numbers down, your weight under 24oz, and dont obviously sell out of the grow op should be all good.


Don't need to get a card? There must be some kind of restriction, though, correct? Or that would mean that anybody could grow just a little bit, which would make it essentially legal.

Even if you need a letter from your doctor stating your need for cannabis, that would still be incredibly friendly compared to most places. But why doesn't the NORML website mention this in their notes on Oregon? Hmmmm, maybe they do and I missed it.

Great post Russ....


Just found this paragraph, at the very end of the notes on Oregon:

Senate Bill 1085, which takes effect on January 1, 2006, raises the quantity of cannabis that authorized patients may possess from seven plants (with no more than three mature) and three ounces of cannabis to six mature cannabis plants, 18 immature seedlings, and 24 ounces of usable cannabis. However, those state-qualified patients who possess cannabis in amounts exceeding the new state guidelines will no longer retain the ability to argue an "affirmative defense" of medical necessity at trial. Patients who fail to register with the state, but who possess medical cannabis in amounts compliant with state law, still retain the ability to raise an "affirmative defense" at trial.

So, that seems to describe just what you were speaking of...


Hey, Hempluvr....where's that PM you were going to send me with the info?


Just Say Grow
get ready for a crazy high water bill, even though you will have 20x the amount of water you use each month raining onto your lawn every day


Don't know what happened, Hemp, it never arrived.

Ghost in the machine.... :)


hang the sonofabitch anyways
ICMag Donor
Hal , in regards to the sentencing of growers , a close friend was growing here a few years ago without any medical cards and was busted when a neighbor reported to the police that they could see plants growing in their yard . There was 9 large plants in his backyard . When the local sheriffs came and raided the house they found another 70 plants growing indoors . They also found evidence of sales . He was charged with 2 felonies ; manufacture of and intent to deliver marijuana . He pleaded guilty on advise of a public defender , they dropped the intent to deliver charge . Sentence : 2 weeks jail time , 2 weeks work crew , 1 year probation , $ 2,500 in fines . Now he has a card and plays by the rules .

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Nice post Mr. Wolf :) On point and thorough.

You said...."Getting a grower is more involved and stretches this thread pretty far, so suffice to say it is harder than just doing it yourself. Our outdoor season is short, so you need to grow indoors most of the year."

Did you mean "Getting a grower permit is more involved?"

Sucks about the cops being less-than-friendly. Not all that unusual though, happens to be the case many places, I'm kinda use to that.

The housing costs in Portland being extremely high is a relative thing. I've looked on Craigslist and, compared to where I am now, it isn't all that much different, and the cultural offerings of Portland far outweigh where I am currently. And the wages in general are much better too....I think Portland has a minimum wage of $8.40 correct? Way better than where I live now.

Lastly....is it my imagination, or is the font size of your post getting smaller toward the bottom?

edit: this post applies to your post before the one directly above this one...

You raise some good points worthy of in depth comment:

You get an Oregon growers permit when you get your MMJ card. It allows you to grow up to 6 adult plants at a time for yourself, or to assign that card to a grower who will do it for you and charge you only the certifiable expenses of doing so, without any compensation for labor.

The more involved part that you ask to expand on involves sharks in the water who scam patients for their cards with promises and use them to make profit, before stiffing the patients and disappearing into the sunset.

Legally a grower can only be compensated for their actual expenses, but no labor. Growing medical quality cannabis indoors is a lot of work and attention to detail in Portland, because of the critters and mold, so that thins out the ranks of big hearted compassionate folks.

Besides compassion, growing for others allows more adult plants, which allows a greater variety of strains and also makes it easier to keep a continuous production going instead of doing batch harvests. That makes it more attractive to a grower and helps sweeten the pot, but in truth you are better off growing for yourself if you can.

All too many of the good hearted and willing growers are new to growing and lack the experience to walk the talk without some of them periodically losing whole crops to vermin, leaving everyone depending them without medications.

The cops are pretty much the same in Oregon as in the rest of the US, with attitude depending heavily on which locale you are speaking and specifically who is leading the charge. Portland falls mostly into Multnomah County for instance and the county mounties seem to have more professional standards.

On the other hand, in adjacent county, the sheriff has seemingly made it his mission in life to keep concealed carry permits out of the hands of Medical Marijuana card carriers, and appears to be pushing it to the supreme court at taxpayer expense, despite the lower courts continuing to find against his position and telling him to issue the permit.

Consider that as a knee jerk reaction to escalating violence and diminishing quality of life, Oregon voters have consistently voted for stiffer penalties and nailing repeat offenders to the cross (after emasculation, draining of the checkbook, and beating with a dead jack rabbit), through Measure 11.

The part that was slipped over on the Oregon population voting for Measure 11 is that it allowed the DA to charge you with multiple crimes for the same incident and have them count toward you being a career criminal.

Because the average citizen doesn’t have the money to take on “City Hall”, the DA can charge you with outrageous crimes, which he can’t support, but which you have to pay to fight, and therefore put him self in a better plea bargaining position.

We have so many career criminals locked up in Oregon right now that we can’t afford to feed and shelter them all.

Yup $8.40 is Oregon’s minimum wage, but I would hate to have to live on it.

Good eye! I can’t see any difference in font from here, but I also have cataracts. I went back to the original and it does look like I slipped from Verdana to New Roman somehow.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
This is still so much better than texas. If you have 1 plant 2.5oz and a scale you are going to jail for at least 10 years.


Hal, there is some restrictions going without your card. In 2008 The Oregon State Supreme Court ruled that as long as you have your medical card. you CAN NOT be fired for your employer for merely failing a piss test. You have to be caught at work smoking.

So while yes the law basically makes it legal for everyone in the state to grow. You are offered more protection under the watch of Big Brother.


Gray Wolf, while I am not going to talk of the counties so much that I have lived in Oregon. I would have to agree that county mounties are the least of our worries as RESPONSIBLE cannabis growers.