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Porkies bullshit thread


LoL there's girls here but they tend to be quiet. My wife's on here. I met my ex on another forum.

I think the pimp slap comment above is retarded though? You wanna slap Copperfield? Probably not women don't want it either

You sound like a Woman with that reverse psychology talk or maybe you share your account with your wife my apologies if so.


Fuckin love white strains of old widdow/Russian/rhino

I'm sticking around for this mate its a lovely time!!!


Active member
You sound like a Woman with that reverse psychology talk or maybe you share your account with your wife my apologies if so.

No deffs don't share my account.

Not a fan of people hitting women. Dude I mistook what was being said.

I don't feel feminine but that's ok bud. You don't know anything about me. I own a contracting company and employ guys twice my age. I do stuff you probably don't realize is possible.

Anyway enough bullshit on porkies thread.
not much ran into shit luck and have been busy. the whole flower room is infested with spidermites and I doubt I will be getting much of anything from it at all. I wish I could say I have plans to keep growing but not sure anymore, these bugs really beat me down at the wrong time


Active member
not much ran into shit luck and have been busy. the whole flower room is infested with spidermites and I doubt I will be getting much of anything from it at all. I wish I could say I have plans to keep growing but not sure anymore, these bugs really beat me down at the wrong time

Keep your head up pig you know good shit is coming your way. Fog the room hardcover, suck up the dead mites and laugh...
Don't let folks hard work go to vain they looked high and low to find you that good shit. I know they didn't go through too many people but you know it's legit, people want to help.

Plus reefs testers are coming. If you really quit I guess I'll talk to you more about those later. Don't quit though I can't wait to see you shine. Put on a show like me porkie, we love it
Coco ill take some pics for you of a plant that is consumed by mites, when I seen it earlier today shit took the wind out of me. as of now I have to build a room in my basement for a sterile environment. the flower room that is infested I will have to bomb and sanitize and I wont be using it again


Active member
Coco ill take some pics for you of a plant that is consumed by mites, when I seen it earlier today shit took the wind out of me. as of now I have to build a room in my basement for a sterile environment. the flower room that is infested I will have to bomb and sanitize and I wont be using it again

Get ruthless, kill those fucks dead and then move on. I got bugs for the first time this year and rather than stress I fought back, won and still made the mag with that grow, yielded well on some tough strains to do it with, don't loose hope man. I figure you got a good 20 years on me, I'm sure in that time some bitch ass mites are far from the worst you have seen
I have had worse no doubt, but man I was looking to this harvest for some financial support to be honest lol just bad timing with the mites and bad timing with me being low on meds I get rash with my decisions lol
sorry to hear brother. I lost most of my october harvest to budworms. several pounds was my guess, but itl be alright man. I have had those spider mites two times before and was able to eradicate them both times using insecticidal soap and horticulural oil the first time (IT ONLY WORKED DECENTLY). more recently we used neem oil and neem/karnja meal, kelp and a few other things and it worked great, much more affective. I just ordered Dragonfly Earth Medicine Natural Mystik foliar as a new addition to the Integrated pest management regiment we have got going to which seems great for all around cleanliness. I have 4 acdc high cbd plants outside in 10 gallon pots up on a botanicare 3x3 tray. They got roughed up a and a little too much water from the storm but they made it though! and the branches bent over instead of snapped off which is great! Now fingers crossed as they are about to bloom and hopefully no problems with pests! During the summer/fall i lost half the acdc or more along with everything else. I never had so many pests as i did this last summer, even with a giant covercrop for beneficial bugs, and ladybugs, assasin bugs, and even ipm sprays those bugs still wreacked havoc. Partially due to the bad humid, warmer weather we had imo. Right now the ipm regiment is much better so hopefully success this winter. Im going to throw 4 more plants on an identical tray in a couple weeks. They are in the mini greenhouse vegging in their new 10 gallon shoes. So after a couple weeks they should be well rooted enough and ill let them go into bloom with the other 4 acdc ladies.

Are any of you attempting outdoor or winter experiments? i always find winter growing a fun experiment and i love the winter colors the crops finish with. I found a seedling growing in the ground after the rains, and its basically being fertilized by a filthy corner where a half a lb of alfalfa meal and peat moss, etc and a dead bird had fallen over the course of months. The seedling looks excellent. I think it will be fun to see if it will bud or stall until next season. Last time i planted in the winter it was 37 degrees for a couple nights and i planted in january. it did end up vegging though the summer. It stalled. others showed sex early before the days grew long and were male.


Active member
I have had worse no doubt, but man I was looking to this harvest for some financial support to be honest lol just bad timing with the mites and bad timing with me being low on meds I get rash with my decisions lol

Keep your head up motherfucker you know what's coming to you. Lots of love buddy. From all over north America....

Lester Beans

Frequent Flyer
Hiya Pork, when I get freed up later I'll throw you a pm and can help you lose those bugs and get righted. Keep your chin up, grab a shop vac and get those mites!

Best Vibes!
Lester and CoCo thanks for the kind words. my spirits are rising! I went in yesterday and shop vacced all the plants and sprayed with mighty wash. the lights will be off in an hour and ill run my sulfur burner to prevent mold just to be safe and to coat the plants with sulfur


Active member
Lester and CoCo thanks for the kind words. my spirits are rising! I went in yesterday and shop vacced all the plants and sprayed with mighty wash. the lights will be off in an hour and ill run my sulfur burner to prevent mold just to be safe and to coat the plants with sulfur

Damn right mafucker... you know folks got your back. This isn't no bullshit my friend and you know it
I cant leave the country til I square up with the law but CoCo I will need to see you one of these days and bring some of good ole USA albacore tuna kush lol


Active member
I cant leave the country til I square up with the law but CoCo I will need to see you one of these days and bring some of good ole USA albacore tuna kush lol

I have a east coast trip planned hopefully this year. Tou dosent advise meet ups but you never know things happen people run into each other lol...
silly thought entered my head? Lindsay lohan must of had a dozen abortions by now, shes a filthy ginger lol seen her in a old commercial as a kid wow what a difference 15 years and drugs will do to a girl


Active member
silly thought entered my head? Lindsay lohan must of had a dozen abortions by now, shes a filthy ginger lol seen her in a old commercial as a kid wow what a difference 15 years and drugs will do to a girl

She used to be really hot... too bad what happened there. Pre fucked up anyone would have pounder that, now only really dirty old men or lonely dudes sitting in their parents basement would touch her now.

Too bad really she was really nice to look at.

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