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poor man's grow

So, this is my first indoor grow ever.


I've got 11 plants, about 5 weeks from seed.
Soon as I transplant into bigger containers I will begin LST in the manner hisser has shown me.
Badass stuff that bro does.
I catch a lot of shit about safety concerns for growing in a cardboard box, but the box doesn't heat up at all. I mean the lights on one side are like a centimeter from the side of the box and even that spot doesn't feel warm to the touch with the lights on 24 hrs.
Edit: something I had not considered, a cardboard box could mean problems with mold,powdery mildew, probably other things I haven't thought of yet as well.

The bulbs on the sides are just to provide as much light as I can to my lil ones.

The electrical is safe so far as I can tell. It's just extension cords with socket to outlet adapters. I wouldn't try my inexperienced hand at actually rigging anything up myself.

There is a small fan in front of a few holes in the side of the box facing the wall, not sure of cfm but it's enough to keep you comfortable on a hot summer day in Tennessee.
The exhaust fan is probably the most ghetto thing here, cardboard version of scrubninja's light trap strapped onto the back of an >1ft fan. Soon I will have to make a layer of carbon in pantyhose to cover that bigolsumbich...

Opinions and suggestions are why I am making this thread. inb4 GET A BETTER BOX im working on it. Gotta make do with what I got at the moment though.
:thank you:
also I calculated tonight in conversation with my buddy that the entire cost of my operation here including the cannabis from which i collected these seeds was $45. it will be around $75 by the time i get the timer and food i have ordered.


Awesome! Nice to see another Newbie poor man grow. I am in the same boat. My entire set up is recycled stuff, except the light bulbs. Got the cabinet off the street that someone was throwing out, left over paint from the garage left by the prior people here, PC fans from the local pc recycle place etc.

Lets show em that you don't need to mastermind and epic outfit to grow some great herb.
yeah bro, it'd be reeeeeeal nice to have some prefabricated grow tent and hps and everything but fuck, if I weren't doing it this way I would not be able to do it at all.
do what you can man sounds good i did much the same when i first started after gettin a couple growss under your belt your poor mans set up will grow to a better and better one especially if you reinvest some of the money you make. If your not making money then enjoy smokin on some good home grown. MJ isn't that difficult yeah you can always fine tune your craft but those plants can take alot of abuse too.
do what you can man sounds good i did much the same when i first started after gettin a couple growss under your belt your poor mans set up will grow to a better and better one especially if you reinvest some of the money you make. If your not making money then enjoy smokin on some good home grown. MJ isn't that difficult yeah you can always fine tune your craft but those plants can take alot of abuse too.

no profit here, just trying to save money i'd usually spend on someone else's grow
just reading the word Tennessee pulls at my heart strings man
miss the 100F 90% humidity summers and schools closing at the mention of snow lol
haha do you live here still or what and i understand i smoke most of mine most the time too little coin never hurt anyone either though lol.
thats pretty tight i live in hermitage sounds like you were all to familiar with how it works around here for you not to be from here. Hot and humid as balls in the summer and panicy people in the snow in two or three inches good stuff shoot me a friend request man.
hahahaa yeah man, my little brother's still there and tells me school was closed for like 12 days thanks to a little but of that good ol slushie mess on the roads
but shit, i found out there are chickadees and mockingbirds here too so it's not so bad. that's the thing that gets you is hearing those calls again, wish i'd never left
real bad shit with parents, got out and lived with a girl in detroit for a while, last grain of salt yaknow.
now in the midwest, not too bad here but nothing beats TN.
I completely understand man had a bad fallin out with my parents and live with my girlfriend now sorry to hear you ended up in detroit and the mid west but its the journey that we chose man.

pop can reflectors more holes in back til i make more light catcher thing for a hole in the back in front of 2 cage fans instead of 1. timer working as desired, life is good.
also the cooler lights hanging pointing down over plants
warmer ones horizontal with the shiners


I was gonna ask you guys where you lived in TN but you have already covered it. I love living here. If your ever in Chattanooga they have an amazing hydro store now.
Are those pop can reflectors safe? I could use those in my set up.

i cannot comment on how safe they are as i just put them in last night, i'll guage how hot they get and whether or not to keep them tonight. i've also been advised to use matte white cardboard, which as i have found does not like to fucking heat up at all so it sounds uber safe to me.


after starting 12/12 this happened to 2 of my plants.
there are numerous conditions which may have coincided to bring this about, dry soil low humidity a new warm light facing down. but now that's changed to all cooler lights facing down above my lil buddies

I was gonna ask you guys where you lived in TN but you have already covered it. I love living here. If your ever in Chattanooga they have an amazing hydro store now.

chattanooga is a badass place, only went there and gatlinburg on vacation once while i was still in tn. i miss the good ol vol state


We call this Bootstrapping.As in pull yourself up by your SELF. Looks and sounds like you are learning.You take what you can learn where ever you go.No one can take what you kno.
Looks like you are on the right track. Just remember none of us were born with a 1000watt bulb up our asses,everyone good probally started small and POOR .Love your gurls they will love you back!! I Promise.

fuck the cops? Naaawww they'd prob like it.. fuck their wives/husbands, daughters/sons. show up for christmas hair to your ass eyes red red. that reallt pisses em off.. JK officer sir or mam