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Police strip search and cavity search a birdwatcher thinking her sage was mj

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Bodhisattva of the Earth
Another Crock Pot.......

Another Crock Pot.......

of stupid idiots........how unprofessional, how disrespectful to the values of the constitution.....these freaks are running our country treating everyone like unequals.:gday:
Brown says she has learned her lesson. She leaves the sage at home these days.

THAT. That, sir. That fucks me off.
She can't even practice her own sacred rituals for fear of being arsefisted by the popo
So none of those cops knew what a smudge stick is. How typically pig ignorant !
But hey, she's a hippie type, so good to go huh.

I hope she can get her day in court.


alien, you need to get that added to Urban Dictionary.

pignorant (pig no rent) ADJECTIVE....


Car left on the side of the road at this time of the season? Looks like they thought she was GGing. The possession arrest was probably because they were too lazy to huck off into the bush and find the imagined plot.


Soooo frustrating! Both the officers involved and the prosecutor should loose their jobs. Lets be real here, we all know this isn’t just one time/one case. They clearly feel comfortable wielding this heavy handed justice; as it went from the roadside, to a prosecutors office, to a court room without being questioned. These “professionals” should be held to the same, if not higher, standard as any everyday citizen would be. We are talking about someone’s freedom here not some misspelled word on an office memo. Are we not the check and balance for law enforcement? If not then who is? We certainly can not assume that they will check themselves.


These pigs will get promotion and time off with pay. Nowadays they get rewards for violating peoples rights. Happening everyday more and more. WE HAVE TO TAKE THE POWER BACK!!!


Active member
i burn sage from time to time in my house, and my family swears it stinks of weed.

the cops are fucking morons regardless. It truly is amazing what a little authority can do to big ego's

USDA my thses same people wold say burning newspaper smells like weed also. 95% of people who don't like weed know nothing about it including how it Smells burning. This kinda reminds me of the movie"I spit on your grave"..


Police strip search and cavity search a birdwatcher

Police strip search and cavity search a birdwatcher

Any links to the video of said search?

Seriously, people just keep eating shit and asking for more.



How many intrusions and abuses by the authorities go unreported every day? Both the war on drugs and the war on terrorism have eroded the rights of the American people to the level of East Germany in the 60s. Everyone is a suspect and must be subservient to the authorities. I was born in the land of the free. And without going anywhere I will not die in it.
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New member
They make a joke like she learned her lesson. That's just as sick, they make a joke of her being violated, then act like it's her fault.
This shit happens.. Like the mother and father who were taken to the ground at gunpoint over the elderberry bushes they planted.. And the elderly man that had a loaded gun to his face over his okra. They are so our of control they don't even verify the facts first. If you can't recognize a cannibis plant you have no business in law enforcement. Stop being so crazy and stupid. They need to be sued and charged with threatening someone with a deadly weapon.


ICMag Donor

No but does this look like a pig ?

Damn Florida, it could be quite special .......if only


Immunity from prosecution doing their jobs? Is that a fucking joke? You elect judges in the US a lot right? Was this guy an elected potato or what?

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