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Police Officer's

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Assistant Weekend Trailer Park Superviser
There are countless people killed for looking at someone the wrong way, just because the person that did it was a cop doesn't justify hate towards that profession.

Cookie monster

It depends on which country you live in as to what your views on cops are.

The cops over here are ok, most of them are normal human beings that treat you with the same respect they are given.
If they stop you for a traffic offence your not going to be searched for drugs or anything like that.

They dont activly seek out growers like they do in other countrys and they dont go looking for guerilla grows.

Cops are ok with me but i'm not sure i'd hold the same opinion if i lived in america.



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
I had the misfortune of spending some time around cops. They are taught to be dicks. Its passed down from officer to officer. Its become a much more military style enforcement in the last 30 years and cops are taught to be ruthless pricks ... its what they do.
Cops suck and we all know it. The same cop who says he is out to help the public will slam a kids head into the pavement for a joint, and will arrest people for virtually no reason and will lie in court. So, what a hero, huh?

ALL cops will toe the line and protect other cops, no matter how terrible the crimes against humanity. Fuck cops. I hate almost all of them. The local sheriffs here hate me, although they do not dare mess with me, because I have embarrassed them already in court getting charges thrown out . I flip off almost every one I see and they know better than to bother me with it, as it is legal and they know I am setting a trap to sue them if they mess with me.

The fuckers should know that there are people out here that will hold their stinking feet to the fire and make sure that they keep their manners about them. treat all cops like you would any other servant; Ignore them unless they have something of merit to say and dismiss them if they are not to your liking.


If only people would place the hate and angst for law enforcement on the politicians writing the laws they are enforcing. Change the laws and law enforcement will follow. Politicians make the law not the cops.


Assistant Weekend Trailer Park Superviser
Unless that profession has a gun as part of the uniform and the act was commited on the clock.

Why does that make a difference? The act of taking a human life takes more (mentally) then having a gun on your hip and a shiny badge on your chest.

Cops don't kill people, PEOPLE do.


ICMag Donor
First off, I'm not a cop, but I have many family members that are, and have huge respect for them. I was wondering why so many are against cops? I believe it is an honorable career choice, I would have done it if I wasn't in love with mary jane, and so many are looked at as if they are horrible people. I don't think they are. I know cops are against marijuana, and that will probably be most of your reasons for hating them, but they are just doing their jobs. As long as you are doing everything legal, you don't really have much to worry about, right? I know if you show respect to them, they will respect you back. I also know that there are bad cops out there, but that is not the majority of them. They are doing what they think is right, and they are the first one's we call when something goes sour. So why the hate?

I havent read this whole thread, its too long already, but that sentence there floored me! I have always been respectful around cops and they have ALL been assholes, judging me and acting like they are better then me! You might have some cops in your family but the ones Ive encountered have been nothing but rude and throwing their weight around like they are above everyone else.
You keep saying how you have your opinion, well thats mine!


Cannabrex Formulator
We were talking about when they killed the jews right? Yes, Hitler had a secret police force to help him get "elected", but when he became powerful, he formed the Hitler youth, which children were forced into. He also forced his people to fight for him, or face death. The SA, or brown shirts, were his secret police who he had protect him and intimidate political oponents. The SS were his "chosen" army.
It may have been voluntary in the beginning before he had power, but once he did gain power, he forced his people into it.
I've gotten my information from "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich", written by a former nazi, who explains in great detail the kind of conditions he subjegated his people into. I have also read Mein Kampf, where Hitler's sick ideas were shown to the world, and everyone turned the other way.
The gas chambers were created near the end of the war when Hitler realized he may not have much time to kill the jews off, so he created something that was more "efficient".

from wiki:

The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, by journalist William L. Shirer, is the first and most successful, large scale history of Nazi Germany in English for a general audience[1], first published in 1960 by Simon & Schuster, Inc.. Shirer, an American radio reporter for CBS who also worked for a number of newspapers and United Press International, covered Germany for many years, until December 1940, when increasing Nazi censorship of his broadcasts made his work

Don't sound like an ex-Nazi to me laddie........

Nearly everything you posted above concerning Nazi history is total bullshit, and thus leaves enormous gaping hole in any credibility you and your arguements may have once had,esp when it comes to history.

The SA was never a secret police force....it was a private army of street thugs, which Hitler got rid of as soon as he did not need them. The SS was started as his private guard, and later expanded greatly under the hand of Himmler.

The first fixed gas chambers used for genocide were put into use in 1942....hardly towards the end of the war. Gas vans were used for a year previous to that.

Children over 10 were only forced into joining the HJ (Hitler Youth) as of 1941, BTW...Hitler came into power in 1933 and got emergency power almost right away....it took almost 8 years for him to use that power to force kids into the HJ.

In the same vein, HItler took power in 1933, and the first conscription into the SS was in 1943...10 years after he took power.....so he had no fucking shortage of volunteers at all for 10 years.....don't sound very forced to me.

619 Sativa, if you want to actually have a real discussion about things that involve some basic historical knowledge, please go do some research, or at least refrain from spouting uninformed bullshit in a feeble attempt to prove your point.


Cannabrex Formulator
Show me some statistics of how many indians were killed, and also the time frime that it occured. The holocaust only happened for about five years and killed about 12 million people. How many people do you think he could have killed in 400 years? You must hate this country to compare the holocaust to something that happened before any of us were even thought of. Do you honestly believe our founding father's were more brutal than a man who killed jews, christians, gays, mentally challenged, blacks, gypsies, whoever didn't fit the "aryan" description.

A few quote from the founding fathers about the Indians:

George Washington...
In 1779, George Washington instructed Major General John Sullivan to attack Iroquois people. Washington stated, "lay waste all the settlements around...that the country may not be merely overrun, but destroyed". In the course of the carnage and annihilation of Indian people, Washington also instructed his general not "listen to any overture of peace before the total ruin of their settlements is effected". (Stannard, David E. AMERICAN HOLOCAUST. New York: Oxford University Press, 1992. pp. 118-121.)

In 1783, Washington's anti-Indian sentiments were apparent in his comparisons of Indians with wolves: "Both being beast of prey, tho' they differ in shape", he said. George Washington's policies of extermination were realized in his troops behaviors following a defeat. Troops would skin the bodies of Iroquois "from the hips downward to make boot tops or leggings". Indians who survived the attacks later re-named the nation's first president as "Town Destroyer". Approximately 28 of 30 Seneca towns had been destroyed within a five year period. (Ibid)

Thomas Jefferson...
In 1807, Thomas Jefferson instructed his War Department that, should any Indians resist against America stealing Indian lands, the Indian resistance must be met with "the hatchet". Jefferson continued, "And...if ever we are constrained to lift the hatchet against any tribe, " he wrote, "we will never lay it down till that tribe is exterminated, or is driven beyond the Mississippi." Jefferson, the slave owner, continued, "in war, they will kill some of us; we shall destroy all of them". (Ibid)

In 1812, Jefferson said that American was obliged to push the backward Indians "with the beasts of the forests into the Stony Mountains". One year later Jefferson continued anti-Indian statements by adding that America must "pursue [the Indians] to extermination, or drive them to new seats beyond our reach". (Ibid)

Again....go fucking educate yourself about the reality of history before you spew back patriotic cliches to support your arguement.

I guess I'm some kind of stupid idiot for loving my country, supporting my country, and supporting the one's who defend this country.

If you do those things without thinking or knowing all the truth behind said country (which evidence seems to point towards), yes, that would make you a stupid idiot.


I know cops are against marijuana, and that will probably be most of your reasons for hating them, but they are just doing their jobs. As long as you are doing everything legal, you don't really have much to worry about, right?

That's like saying this:

I know Nazis were against the Jews, and that will probably be most of your reasons for hating them, but they were just doing their jobs. As long as people weren't Jews, they had nothing to worry about right?

A job doesn't force you to pull the fucking trigger and ruin someone else's life just because they have different beliefs. A person consciously chooses what acts they go through with.


ITS THE CONGRESS AND YOUR STATE SENATE.......... and guess what, the police don't like them either.

If they would pass sensible laws the police would rarely make contact. I have in fact smoked a joint with some other patients at the staples center smoking balcony while looking directly into a hot female cops eyes. That's right some of them are hot, and already have cuffs. They know the laws are with us now and have better things to do.

Some police are out of control and some are taking their jobs to another level. I lived in a community durring collage and well lets just say we were the only white prep kids living in that neighborhood, there was a guy a big time crack hustler who was shooting up the park and starting fights between rival gangs which would occur in a large park in the center of the hood. The police chased him through the park one night and shot him in the back 5 times, he got to die on the ground he thought belonged to him. Guess what resulted in this shooting...... Crime went down significantly, open street sales stopped for about 2 years, the kids could play ball in the gym again without a gunfight erupting. The nightly shooting stoped for about 1.5 years. The place was a decent place to live. The family sued the city and was paid out 1.5 million (worth every penny). Personally as a resident of that hood I appreciate the fact that they killed this bastard. He was tearing the place apart, terrorizing children, and in his absence things improved.

So sometimes its necessary for them to get mid evil.

If you really want to direct hate, I would suggest you look to the congress and your state reps. The laws need to be changed and yes some cops are fucked. The culture with in police departments is toxic, they get allot of shit for going after fellow cops even though they should be praised. So if you want it to change, you have to take political action or move to another state.
619 you are a shit stirrer and the exact reason I would not want to spend eternity with you. You remind me of to many people I have met from the mid west that have very shallow thoughts but will not listen anyone else no matter what. Can you explain if you were raised not to believe in religion what made you turn? And if you are in a legal state would you walk up to a group of cops with a joint in your mouth? Don't Tazer me bro would be the last thing you would here if you did.

Genkisan, i'm not much for the history we celebrate and on thanksgiving I often ask my family, so do you think the Indians are thankful today (kinda, turd in the punch bowl effect). My opinoin is that companies like Walmart, Target, Costco, Sam's Club, they are the truly thankful ones. (56 shoping days left)

I served my country participated in desert shield/storm and all the bullshit upto 2001. In no way do I feel good about what we did in Iraq, we destroyed a country only to then hand over multi billion dollar contracts to rebuild the place, we have shot 100,000's of depleted uranium bullets that will have long term effects on every human that is in Iraq (cancer doesn't seem to care where your from or what you believe in). The things we do to one another so that my 401K will gain 15% a year is shameful.


619 you are a shit stirrer and the exact reason I would not want to spend eternity with you. You remind me of to many people I have met from the mid west that have very shallow thoughts but will not listen anyone else no matter what. Can you explain if you were raised not to believe in religion what made you turn? And if you are in a legal state would you walk up to a group of cops with a joint in your mouth? Don't Tazer me bro would be the last thing you would here if you did.

Genkisan, i'm not much for the history we celebrate and on thanksgiving I often ask my family, so do you think the Indians are thankful today (kinda, turd in the punch bowl effect). My opinoin is that companies like Walmart, Target, Costco, Sam's Club, they are the truly thankful ones. (56 shoping days left)

I served my country participated in desert shield/storm and all the bullshit upto 2001. In no way do I feel good about what we did in Iraq, we destroyed a country only to then hand over multi billion dollar contracts to rebuild the place, we have shot 100,000's of depleted uranium bullets that will have long term effects on every human that is in Iraq (cancer doesn't seem to care where your from or what you believe in). The things we do to one another so that my 401K will gain 15% a year is shameful.

amen brother

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Why does that make a difference? The act of taking a human life takes more (mentally) then having a gun on your hip and a shiny badge on your chest.

Cops don't kill people, PEOPLE do.

What I really mean to say is that if one is to get paid for a job, and that job requires the individual to be prepared and capable to inflict harm or death, then they are much more likely to do so. The policeman's gun is on his belt and readily accessible AND defendable in court... I think that's the majority of the difference.

I definitely agree with the last part of that post, but I'd wonder if they actually are even people at that point...
every time you call the cops everyone gets in trouble...its there job to find a reason to write a ticket and cost you money.....they lie to you and they trickster as well


5-0 truly are the lowest form of human beings in this country...i truly wish bad karma on them...they have NO compassion sending a fellow human to ROT in jail...they simply go to there nice 4 bedroom house everyday...without a care..that they may have truly messed up a family or a persons entire life...they usually laugh about me with there "pals"....they actually get a bonus or more "respect" with how many arrests they make..ive been arrested for LITERALLY STANDING ON THE PUBLIC SIDEWALK...


one other thing about police that i dont understand

one other thing about police that i dont understand

how is it that police dogs are considered officers?

and how is it that defending yourself if a police dog bites you is assaulting or killing an officer?

aren't officers supposed to hold themselves to certain standards? if a human police officer bit me, couldn't i sue?

also isn't sending someone to jail for a longer sentence after attacking a police dog rather than a civilian, in essence saying that a dog's life is more valuable than that of a human being?


Show me some statistics of how many indians were killed, and also the time frime that it occured. The holocaust only happened for about five years and killed about 12 million people. How many people do you think he could have killed in 400 years? You must hate this country to compare the holocaust to something that happened before any of us were even thought of. Do you honestly believe our founding father's were more brutal than a man who killed jews, christians, gays, mentally challenged, blacks, gypsies, whoever didn't fit the "aryan" description.

Soooo, where the hell are the mass graves and mountains of ashes?

Even if the death chambers were running at full capacity they could not have come anywhere near the to original "6 million" number and now it's up to 12 million?

not trying to stir up to much shit. Ive always wondered where they get these numbers from? the world jewish congress?

I tried to stay away from this thread but I coudlnt help it. its been on the front page every single time I visit the site
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