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Police Officer's

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Ah yes...the most free nation in the world....that happens to have the highest ratio of people in prison per capita in the WORLD.

You say crimes across the globe far outweigh what has been done here???
Bullshit....name me one event in history that comes close to the genocide of 95 million people and the total and complete cultural rape and destruction of an entire hemisphere.

Umm....the founding fathers and their heirs were not "fighting and defending the land they wanted"....they were slaughtering Indians wholesale, feeding them diseases and alcohol while destroying the basis of their lifestyle.

And just for the record, I do not collect welfare, never do, and never plan to. Nor do I plan to work at Macdonalds anytime soon.

I do however, plan to eventually live a lifestyle where I can provide for myself and my family with the minimum amount of money possible, so I can avoid participating the malignancy we call modern economics.[/quote/]

The romans persecuted the christians, kings of europe persecuted their own people, the Russians have been persecuting eastern Europe for hundreds of years, the holocaust, civil wars around the world, China killing children, Saddam persecuting shi'ites and Kurds and christians, I can go on and on. Your talking about a 400 year period keep in mind.
They fought for the land just like every other culture has. Do the Romans remind you of anything. Do you think there were set borders in europe or anywhere else. Most nations are still fighting for land to call their own.


Assistant Weekend Trailer Park Superviser
Try thinking of it this way, think of the profession: police officer, and the person in the profession as two different things. A police officer is a person that abides by all of the laws and codes of conduct that are in place. Though the moment that the officer does NOT abide by theses codes and laws, he/she becomes a citizen.

That said, are the people that blatantly hate cops angry at the profession or the person committing the transgressions while happening to have a badge on their chest.

If I see an Officer murdering, stealing, raping, assaulting, etc. I am not going to say that the officer or even cops in general are bad, I'm going to say that they (the civilian with the badge) are.

If all cops did exactly as they are supposed to (uphold the law while abiding by it and their codes of conduct) then the world would be a much better place, and we wouldn't have as many people hating them. Though they don't and I never expect them all to do so. Yet, you can not blame cops (the profession) but the people acting as them.

In other word PEOPLE SUCK!!!, its not just cops that assault and murder innocent people; That is the very reason why cops exist in the first place.

Also, it seems like some of you are suggesting that we do away with the police force all together and fend for ourselves. I admit that if someone breaks into my home I'm not calling the cops, I'm gonna shoot him, then call the cops. Though not everyone has that luxury, if an 80 year old woman is being assaulted and robbed do you expect her to kick her assailants ass if she doesn't have a gun (or other means of self-defense) or is unable to use it? I sure as hell don't, for that we have professionals to stop, deter, or solve (last of which is unlikely) the crime.

The point is, not everyone has the means to stop crimes committed against them. Which is the very reason police officers exist. They are not only here to stop or solve crimes either (both of which they are not always very successful at), probably their most affective weapon is fear. That isn't as bad as it sounds though. What is the most universal reason people don't commit crimes other than moral reasons? The fear of being caught. If that fear didn't exist we would be in chaos, for the only thing to deter a criminal would be the fear of being stopped by the victim of the crime or a vigilantly. Both of which could be 'solved' by the criminal having a weapon, and even if they were stopped after having to use it, their would likely be death/injury on both sides.

So to all who hate cops, imagine a world without them...

BTW, I have seen/been (a) victim(s) of corrupt/'bad' cops, though that does not change my opinion of police officers, only the person/people whom commit the transgression(s).


Active member
The founding fathers didn't commit the genocide of 95 million people. Where did you get 95 million? Maybe if you combined every native that was killed in North, Central, and South America from the moment that a European set foot in the new world.


I also have law officers in my family one prison guard who was a cop is a cool dude I smoke him up all the time and he looks the other way for the prisoners to smoke. Now another relative who is a cop hates my guts because I am dating his niece and knows me and everyone I know smokes lol if he ever caught me on duty tho i would be toasted.... Now if a person is willing to put family in prison that is wrong also he took alcohol and beer from party raids and had parties of his own with it you open his fridge like 20+ different kinds of beer and he gets that beer when there is pot involved they confiscate everything maybe even your house. I hate them but then there are the rare good ones who let you be. I have had cops walk into my place no warent there reasoning was that my door was open and that we ran up the stairs. he came within 5 feet of my room with a closet grow when we seen he come up and made him get out because he had no business being in our home he accused my roomate of hiding his stash we didn't even have any pot plants were in veg well for 3 days they had a total of 5 cops following me my girlfriend and my roomate around I watched a coke deal accrosed the street while a cop was glaring at me so finally I got pissed off and I confronted them all like what is your problem I feel as tho im being harrased ext. eventually they got the picture and now they are nice as hell to me.
Who are you guys going to call when something happens to you? They aren't the one's making the laws, they just enforce them. It's too bad so many of you are so quick to label someone.

We wouldn't need to call anyone if men today weren't so preoccupied with football, and would join other men in meaningful fraternal activities like your local militia. The only thing I need to protect myself from is the powers that be, and the drones who enforce the modus operandi of the ruling elite! And if something really truly happens to me, like I break my leg or my house catches fire, I will call the E.M.S or a firefighter because they truly protect and serve me. Not with firearms, but radios and courage. The police exist only to serve and protect the status quo not the common good. My hero is an EX-COP and his name is Michael C. Rupert. He was a top LAPD narcotics officer, when he was approached by his superiors and the CIA to traffic drugs within the USA! He couldn't be a cop anymore once he refused to play the game. The police fraternity is so corrupted in this country. Read all about it Michael C. Rupert is alll over youtube. In fact if you can disprove anything he says he will cut you a check for $1,000! Check it out, educate yourselves..


Fucking jumped up bunch of power trippers.

You ever read a book with different endings?? Thats the police......find a story that fits then pin it on em!! REGARDLESS


We may not have as many freedoms as I would like, but it is nothing in comparison to what they went through.

Do you really think that the founding fathers would have come up with the Constitution with an attitude like "We may not have as many freedoms as I would like"?

That sounds un-American to me, sir.

The difference is that our founding fathers and all Americans were being oppressed in every aspect of their life, and pot smokers today are not.

Oh really? Pot smokers are never oppressed in every aspect of their life? Tell that to someone who's serving time because they got caught with personal.

When did I ever call anybody a terrorist or racist?

Oh sorry, terrorist was out of line. But racist, well... Just felt like categorizing a group of people was a bad thing. Maybe like saying...:

"It seems that the one's who don't are the one's who have never had to fight for anything in their lives. Never had to give up their personal freedoms, give their lives, for something that those who don't understand. So by all means, keep working at mcdonalds, collecting welfare, and expecting everyone else to take care of you. Hating anyone who has a respectable job, and provides for themselve's and their families."


Someone you may admire once said:

If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so.

- Thomas Jefferson



Wow, what a thread.

I'm good and liquered so I will chime in.

I grew up in the north east as a white boy, smack dab between Bridgeport and New Haven. Police...simple if you are in serious trouble they are there to help. It is pretty easy to stay out of trouble, and we have all brushed up against serious trouble if we are over 30. If you are a fuck up they are there to catch you being a shit bag drunk driver , robber, thief, rapist, killer, hell yeah I think they should be there to kick you're ass. In that respect they are good to have around, think about who is there to preserve order.Not you, or me. who's job is it to protect you're kids while they are not in you're sight, or protect you and you're girl from being shot or taken hostage for unspeakable shit(visit south America if you want a taste, think it's bad here)?

There are definitely bad cops, just like any people, bad doctors, bad drivers, bad waitresses. But as a whole I think people become cops to protect and help people. Of course I think Marajuana laws are complete bullshit, and the country is coming around slowly. in the next few years we will all be good, because it makes sense(and money).

As far as people who bitch about the government and the military, f#cking leave if its so bad, no one will stop you!! Iraq...250,000 people buried in mass graves and we shouldn't help out..Fuck off!! Who else will...NO ONE. I agree the US should not stick its nose everywhere, but some places do definitely need help. That sort of talk definitely chaps my ass. I have the utmost respect for the military, and those who protect our way of life.

I am a pot smoking patriot, and proud to be American! We definitely have our problems and screwed up laws but why stay here if you do not love it, how does anywhere else sound to you? I am sure you can easily move out of the country if it is so bad, or do the hand outs keep you here.

Rock n roll Ted for prez, add legalized Mary Jane and we are all good.:smoke:

Drunken rant over.


What does religion have to do with cops?

Congrats on having a family full of cops. They might be very nice people and we could hang out on the weekends playing soccer or something but as soon as that uniform goes on and they clock in, they are the enemy to me. I have never had any respect from any cop period. I have been told I have no rights, I have been told to "shut the fuck up", I have been told to "get in my fucking car or I will be put in it", I have been accused of stealing from my own family(yes they tried to get me to confess to it) by the cops, I can go on but I think you get the picture. Each and every person has had their own life experiences that dictate the way they feel about a certain thing. As you can see my experience with cops has not been the best one therefore I do not trust cops, NONE OF THEM. Anyone who WILLINGLY puts on that uniform is not my friend. Call it prejudgment call it whatever you want. It only takes 1 bad apple to spoil the bunch, maybe cops should call out their own when they are in the wrong...which to me is all the time. :)


619 Im not trying to argue im a Catholic Conservative myself (bring on the hate lol jk dont want this thrad to close) but seriously im a patient at the mayo clinic, in college with a gpa ur mom would be proud of while working a full time job... Its not that ppl are trying to fight with you but by saying everyone on here is on welfare and works at mcdonalds is ridiculous and I think the WHOLE ICMAG community deserves an apology, I went to reconciliation this morning now its your turn....
Maybe I should have worded it better, I don't believe everyone on here is on welfare, I apologize to anyone I offended.


619Sativa is definitely a troll. How can he so casually dismiss the genocide of 95 million Native Americans that Genkisan stated? As for those ungraceful comments about Macdonald and welfare. Macdonald is a multibillion dollar coporation, a member of the DOW 30, that chose to pay MINIMUM WAGE to much of its work force and have the gall to ask customers for donations while serving cheap (affordable) obesity causing food! Welfare- all the welfare ever awarded to .....ordinary folks don't compare to the trillions, not billions, but trillions, that the govt is giving to rich folks on wall ST who are still driving Americans from their homes and putting them out of work. That's what I call welfare!
I understand that our founding father's ravaged the indian's, but there are far worse crimes that have been committed throughout mankind. Maybe I just try to see the good in people, which can be seen by my post's.
I agree that it is disgusting how all these companies are "too big to fail". What about everyone else? Our government should have never given money to those crooks.


Well I gotta chime in here. I'm probably older than most people posting here so my opinions have mellowed considerably as I have aged. First thing is that you are all hating on the wrong people, if you want to hate try hating the politicians for the laws that they have passed but if you really want to hate, hate on yourself if you've never gotten off of you ass to vote in the first place, there lies the true blame at least for the laws that stay on the books. I'm 54 and I'm still too young to have been around when they passed those evil laws that made criminals of a large percent of the population.

Ok, now to the whole issue of hating on cops. It's my opinion that the majority of police are decent people just trying to live like we all are. There are some assholes for sure though and unfortunately an asshole with a gun is a real asshole indeed. Most of the time though if you treat people with courtesy and respect then that is what you get in return, conversely if you have an attitude you are going to get that back in spades.

I know from personal experience. A couple years back an asshole health inspecter( assholes exist in every proffession) was in my appartment building because they were doing major renovations. He smelt my garden (yup, my shit was pretty ragged. I was growing alot of chem d and you could smell that shit in the parking lot) and he insisted the appt mngr call the police. I got home and there was a cruiser waiting here and I was informed they were waiting for a warrant. Talk about a bad day, lol. Anyhow the cops come, dismantle my grow and confiscate everything. In all they took about a quarter pound dried (and cut into dimes), a half oz of hash, prolly close to another half pound dry weight still growing and all my equipment. I thought I was seriously phucked but it is up to the arresting officer as to what to charge you with and all I got was misdemeanor possossion, I wasn't even arrested, just summoned to court and then it was continued without a finding for a year and dismissed. I never even hired a lawyer. I think that at least part of the reason that I was so lucky was my attitude at the time of the bust, I did not treat the police like they were my enemy rather I treated them for what they were, people doing their jobs. It wasn't their fault that I got busted, it was my own for running such a loose ship. At the time of my bust I had been growing bud for 27 years without incident so my security had gotten a little lax to say the least.

If you find yourself in an unhappy situation, don't cop an attitude. Don't get scared and roll over but plead ignorance instead of acting defiant. Don't tell them shit but don't stand there and tell them you're not telling them shit like some kinda hero. When they ask you something tell them that you don't know. If you act like they are your enemy they will be your enemy. A little bit of ignorance can help you alot more than an ignorant attitude.


I understand that our founding father's ravaged the indian's, but there are far worse crimes that have been committed throughout mankind. Maybe I just try to see the good in people, which can be seen by my post's.
I agree that it is disgusting how all these companies are "too big to fail". What about everyone else? Our government should have never given money to those crooks.

you clearly do not know what the fuck you are talking about. the native american genocide killed more human beings than the holocaust


Active member
They might just be doing what they're told, But in most cases what they are told is complete bullshit. And they will follow it like religion. which we all know never leads to anything good.

Ummmmmmmmmmmm, u must be mark Twain , good quote :joint:


Actually, you are talking thru your ass, 100%. I have been researching Nazi history, the Holocaust and wwII for over 20 years, senor.

The SS was a purely volunteer outfit that only started conscription very late in the war, and almost purely for combat troops when they did conscript.

The SA was also a volunteer outfit, primarily composed of disgruntled unemployed labourers. The SA hit it's big peak around when Hitler was coming into power, way before he had the power to kill anyone for trivial reasons, and was effectively absorbed by the SS after the Night of the Long Knives in 1934.

Not only that, but SS camp guards and Einsatzgruppen members were NOT punished for refusing Jew killing duty...if they could not handle it, they were able to ask for transfers to other duties.

This is fact.

You can read the book Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland by Christopher R. Browning for more details on how the Nazis who committed the actual acts fo the Holocaust were NOT forced to do so, and had the option of being transferred without punishment on request. Those who found it "too hard" and could not handle it were perhaps looked down on as being soft, but were not punished.

In fact, the more efficient ways of killing (death trucks, gas chambers) were developed to reduce the psychological wear and tear on the men doing the killing, because some of the Einsatzgruppen had too high of a stress related turnover.

We were talking about when they killed the jews right? Yes, Hitler had a secret police force to help him get "elected", but when he became powerful, he formed the Hitler youth, which children were forced into. He also forced his people to fight for him, or face death. The SA, or brown shirts, were his secret police who he had protect him and intimidate political oponents. The SS were his "chosen" army.
It may have been voluntary in the beginning before he had power, but once he did gain power, he forced his people into it.
I've gotten my information from "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich", written by a former nazi, who explains in great detail the kind of conditions he subjegated his people into. I have also read Mein Kampf, where Hitler's sick ideas were shown to the world, and everyone turned the other way.
The gas chambers were created near the end of the war when Hitler realized he may not have much time to kill the jews off, so he created something that was more "efficient".


you clearly do not know what the fuck you are talking about. the native american genocide killed more human beings than the holocaust
Show me some statistics of how many indians were killed, and also the time frime that it occured. The holocaust only happened for about five years and killed about 12 million people. How many people do you think he could have killed in 400 years? You must hate this country to compare the holocaust to something that happened before any of us were even thought of. Do you honestly believe our founding father's were more brutal than a man who killed jews, christians, gays, mentally challenged, blacks, gypsies, whoever didn't fit the "aryan" description.


Well I gotta chime in here. I'm probably older than most people posting here so my opinions have mellowed considerably as I have aged. First thing is that you are all hating on the wrong people, if you want to hate try hating the politicians for the laws that they have passed but if you really want to hate, hate on yourself if you've never gotten off of you ass to vote in the first place, there lies the true blame at least for the laws that stay on the books. I'm 54 and I'm still too young to have been around when they passed those evil laws that made criminals of a large percent of the population.

Ok, now to the whole issue of hating on cops. It's my opinion that the majority of police are decent people just trying to live like we all are. There are some assholes for sure though and unfortunately an asshole with a gun is a real asshole indeed. Most of the time though if you treat people with courtesy and respect then that is what you get in return, conversely if you have an attitude you are going to get that back in spades.

I know from personal experience. A couple years back an asshole health inspecter( assholes exist in every proffession) was in my appartment building because they were doing major renovations. He smelt my garden (yup, my shit was pretty ragged. I was growing alot of chem d and you could smell that shit in the parking lot) and he insisted the appt mngr call the police. I got home and there was a cruiser waiting here and I was informed they were waiting for a warrant. Talk about a bad day, lol. Anyhow the cops come, dismantle my grow and confiscate everything. In all they took about a quarter pound dried (and cut into dimes), a half oz of hash, prolly close to another half pound dry weight still growing and all my equipment. I thought I was seriously phucked but it is up to the arresting officer as to what to charge you with and all I got was misdemeanor possossion, I wasn't even arrested, just summoned to court and then it was continued without a finding for a year and dismissed. I never even hired a lawyer. I think that at least part of the reason that I was so lucky was my attitude at the time of the bust, I did not treat the police like they were my enemy rather I treated them for what they were, people doing their jobs. It wasn't their fault that I got busted, it was my own for running such a loose ship. At the time of my bust I had been growing bud for 27 years without incident so my security had gotten a little lax to say the least.

If you find yourself in an unhappy situation, don't cop an attitude. Don't get scared and roll over but plead ignorance instead of acting defiant. Don't tell them shit but don't stand there and tell them you're not telling them shit like some kinda hero. When they ask you something tell them that you don't know. If you act like they are your enemy they will be your enemy. A little bit of ignorance can help you alot more than an ignorant attitude.
Thanks for chiming in. It isn't cops who are bad people, it is bad people who are bad people.
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