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Police Officer's

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What about when a persons child is raped and murdered, or a mother's child is killed drunk driving? Alot of the time they will become active in a certain area that has affected their lives. They want to protect others from having to go through the same thing. You don't know my family, so I would appreciate it if you left them out of it. And if that was the case, you shouldn't have anything to worry about, unless you killed somebody. I would like to know what you consider honorable.

I think its honorable to not seek revenge on innocent people even in the face of great tragedy. That goes for MADD too. And you brought your family into it not me.


Cannabrex Formulator
Come on 619

Simple logic 619.

Every Cop who becomes a cop has to take tests to make sure they know there states laws, including cannabis laws. After passing exams n stuff they then get to become a cop and be sworn in. Okay 619, how can any person take that Oath while knowing the cannabis laws in thier state escpecially with mandatory minimum sentences for cannabis? Putting people who smaoke in jail for any reason is wrong. No one should take that Oath to uphold that law, too many people are suffering because of it. I will never show respect for any cop, they know what they signed up 4.


Sure, busting potheads might not be the driving motive to be a cop, but you know yer gonna have to do it, and accepting that as "just part of the job" is not a morally kosher thing to do.

I'm sure not every SS scumbag joined because they just wanted to kill jews....but they knew they might have to, and joined anyways. That makes them scum.



Sure, busting potheads might not be the driving motive to be a cop, but you know yer gonna have to do it, and accepting that as "just part of the job" is not a morally kosher thing to do.

I'm sure not every SS scumbag joined because they just wanted to kill jews....but they knew they might have to, and joined anyways. That makes them scum.
Do you feel the same way about military personnel in Iraq? Everyone in the military industry complex? Where does the moral responsibility for the bad decisions of the more powerful members of society end in terms of the little guy?


Cannabrex Formulator
Do you feel the same way about military personnel in Iraq? Everyone in the military industry complex? Where does the moral responsibility for the bad decisions of the more powerful members of society end in terms of the little guy?

If all the little guys made the moral choice not to come and fight in all the wars created by tiny-peckered old men wih major ego issues, then those evil fuckers would be left kinda high and dry, no?

As far as Iraq....I don't think the US should be there, so I don't agree with folks who joined up knowing they would have to go.....in fact, that goes for anyone in the military.
Giving up your free will to choose moral actions for the sake of 'orders' is bullshit, imho.


The Americas were colonized and taken from the rightful inhabitants of this hemisphere by means of a 400 year genocide that saw the deaths of 95 million people in name of progress, greed and saving heathen souls from the terrors of a Jesus free life.

The US govt waged a blatant campaign of extermination of the original owners of their country for close to 200 years.....but all you can rant about is the glory of the founding fathers and how they represent the most wonderful values ever. Those same founding fathers who were all slave owners......

You definately seem to have yer own agenda here, and sure like to stir the pot on ICmag with topics guaranteed to piss people off, senor....
mebbe you should smoke more dope, get off yer high horse and stop posting threads you know are gonna turn into flame-fests.....

You don't think that every nation on this earth has done the same thing. Every nation has had to fight for their border's. Nobody is guarenteed anything in this life. Look at history. Everyone has had to fight and defend the land they want.
Again nothing is perfect. The founding father's weren't perfect men, but what they did with the declaration and constitution, has allowed us to become the country we are today. The most free nation on earth. It seems you can't find the good in them, and would rather put them down when the crimes across the globe far outweigh anything that has been done here.
And what would that agenda be? It seems like I am creating more enemies than friends. I never thought such a topic would create such a firestorm. Just for supporting the police. In the normal world, I don't think there would ever be such a debate. Most Americans love their country, support our declaration and constitution, and police and military. It seems that the one's who don't are the one's who have never had to fight for anything in their lives. Never had to give up their personal freedoms, give their lives, for something that those who don't understand. So by all means, keep working at mcdonalds, collecting welfare, and expecting everyone else to take care of you. Hating anyone who has a respectable job, and provides for themselve's and their families.


Come on 619

Simple logic 619.

Every Cop who becomes a cop has to take tests to make sure they know there states laws, including cannabis laws. After passing exams n stuff they then get to become a cop and be sworn in. Okay 619, how can any person take that Oath while knowing the cannabis laws in thier state escpecially with mandatory minimum sentences for cannabis? Putting people who smaoke in jail for any reason is wrong. No one should take that Oath to uphold that law, too many people are suffering because of it. I will never show respect for any cop, they know what they signed up 4.

Because most cops don't base their whole career on marijana policy. It may be an issue with us, but with them they have bigger fish to fry.


This little old lady calls 911. When the operator answers she yells, "Help, send the police to my house right away! There's a damn Democrat on my front porch and he's playing with himself."

"What?" the operator exclaimed. "I said there is a damn Democrat on my front porch playing with himself and he's weird; I don't know him and I'm afraid! Please send the police!" the little old lady repeated.

"Well, now, how do you know he's a Democrat?"

"Because, you damn fool, if it was a Republican, he'd be screwing somebody!"


Two guys are sitting around talking about politics.

One of them asks the other, "So why are you a Democrat?"

"Because my daddy and granddaddy were Democrats," was the man's reply.

"What if your daddy and granddaddy were horse thieves?"

"In that case, I guess I'd be a Republican."


Cannabrex Formulator
The most free nation on earth. It seems you can't find the good in them, and would rather put them down when the crimes across the globe far outweigh anything that has been done here.

Ah yes...the most free nation in the world....that happens to have the highest ratio of people in prison per capita in the WORLD.

You say crimes across the globe far outweigh what has been done here???
Bullshit....name me one event in history that comes close to the genocide of 95 million people and the total and complete cultural rape and destruction of an entire hemisphere.

Look at history. Everyone has had to fight and defend the land they want.

Umm....the founding fathers and their heirs were not "fighting and defending the land they wanted"....they were slaughtering Indians wholesale, feeding them diseases and alcohol while destroying the basis of their lifestyle.

So by all means, keep working at mcdonalds, collecting welfare, and expecting everyone else to take care of you. Hating anyone who has a respectable job, and provides for themselve's and their families.

And just for the record, I do not collect welfare, never did, and never plan to. Nor do I plan to work at Macdonalds anytime soon.

I do however, plan to eventually live a lifestyle where I can provide for myself and my family with the minimum amount of money possible, so I can avoid participating the malignancy we call modern economics.
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Sure, busting potheads might not be the driving motive to be a cop, but you know yer gonna have to do it, and accepting that as "just part of the job" is not a morally kosher thing to do.

I'm sure not every SS scumbag joined because they just wanted to kill jews....but they knew they might have to, and joined anyways. That makes them scum.

So you are saying nobody should become a police officer just because of the chance they will have to bust a stoner? There are far bigger issues than busting potheads, but since our lives revolve around it, we make the assumption that they do to.
Your second paragraph proves you do not know you're history. Germans were forced into the SS, the hitler youth, SA, you name it. You were faced with the decision of being killed, or complying with the Hitler. Not justifying it, just stating history.


Active member
You don't think that every nation on this earth has done the same thing. Every nation has had to fight for their border's. Nobody is guarenteed anything in this life. Look at history. Everyone has had to fight and defend the land they want.
Again nothing is perfect. The founding father's weren't perfect men, but what they did with the declaration and constitution, has allowed us to become the country we are today. The most free nation on earth. It seems you can't find the good in them, and would rather put them down when the crimes across the globe far outweigh anything that has been done here.
And what would that agenda be? It seems like I am creating more enemies than friends. I never thought such a topic would create such a firestorm. Just for supporting the police. In the normal world, I don't think there would ever be such a debate. Most Americans love their country, support our declaration and constitution, and police and military. It seems that the one's who don't are the one's who have never had to fight for anything in their lives. Never had to give up their personal freedoms, give their lives, for something that those who don't understand. So by all means, keep working at mcdonalds, collecting welfare, and expecting everyone else to take care of you. Hating anyone who has a respectable job, and provides for themselve's and their families.

I don't have a problem with you but if you think everyone on this board is collecting welfare, working at mcnasties, and expects or wants anyone to take care of them you are hopelessly wrong. Just because they have a job and provide for their family doesn't mean that we can't dislike what they choose to do and how they do it. It is you who is degrading this debate to personal attacks man.


Two guys are sitting around talking about politics.

One of them asks the other, "So why are you a Democrat?"

"Because my daddy and granddaddy were Democrats," was the man's reply.

"What if your daddy and granddaddy were horse thieves?"

"In that case, I guess I'd be a Republican."

What is your point? Quit bringing politics into this. It seems you are trying to give the mods a reason to shut this thread down. This thread is about police officers, and how you feel about them. I would appreciate it if you stopped posting politics.


Because a pig has never done anything positive for me or helped me, the opposite. Harassed and profiled for having nice fast cars and one time arrested and impounded for a traffic ticket I forgot to pay, the damm warrant was one day old. Yeah it's the law, but if I was a hot bitch crying he would have let me go. Harassed as a kid for just trying to have a good time ON PRIVATE PROPERTY while rapists, pedophiles, and real criminals victimize our society, fukking aron boys, but they're to scared for the real nitty gritty so they stick to pussy shit. If you joined for the adrenaline, bite, hold and shake pinche culo, don't wait for your pals so you can gang brutalize some PCP junkie.

When that worthless hillbilly cop in the country arrested me, he was a real dick for no reason. I was just a kid then and he was trying to intimidate and scare me, I was nothing but polite and always said sir. I told the hick POS that I'd been in jail in Mexico, which is true, and that he wasn't scaring me. When I showed up to jail and my pops and lawyer who knew the judge were waiting and I didn't even get processed, the envious pig got upset and you could see he wanted me to suffer, for what, an unpaid speeding ticket?

A pig never helped me or anyone I love, the opposite. This pig had it out for me because I was a kid(19) in a real nice BMW my pops had bought for me, and when he saw my Latin last name the inbred, sister fucking, hillbilly, red monkey pig had it out for me. I fantasized about running into him in Mexico one day, wishing he would go to cancun or somewhere. Without a gun or badge, lets see how tough, rude and intimidating you are, I'll teach you some manners your momma never taught you boy.

I have blown tires on the highway in a dangerous situation and a pig has never helped me, they just drive by instead of helping by using their car as a shield. What do you expect from most of these uneducated pigs, highschool education with an inferiority complex and you give them a gun, badge, no one to police them and POWER= THE ULTIMATE IGNORANT BULLY MENTALITY IN A FRATERNITY. Just like those cowardly gang of uniformed thuggs in Chicago that beat up women and innocent civilians and cover it up. Search youtube for these corrupt coward pigs. Or those perverted sick phukk sodomite racist New York pigs that but rapped that poor foreign brother with a caca plunger and ruined his intestines and anal sphincter for life for no good reason. That really pissed me off, I hate bullys. How many bullets does it take to kill an innocent black kid NYPD? The NYPD is real good at shooting black kids with 1000 rounds per body, when they see a gun that's really a cell phone!!!! And they keep shooting because the untrained idiots think the crossfire is coming from the car. PATHETIC AND UNACCEPTABLE.

When 3 punks broke into my house and I had to fight for my life a pig never helped me, but my pit bulls did. They showed up 10 minutes after I called in the nice part of town, the damm ambulance showed up first. Did they catch the bad guys fleeing, NO! But they said they checked the ER's which was BULLSHIT, because my pops is a doctor and he got on the phone with the er doctors around town, and guess what, they got the guy with half of his nose bitten off after the doctors called them there.

When I see a pig driving, I don't feel served or protected, I feel an uneasy hostility and bothered even though I have never harmed anyone and I'm no criminal. I used to work out and play ball with a few pigs who were OK IN PRIVATE LIFE, but with the uniform on they transformed into the aforementioned, I would never trust them. And I look like your average white boy, I can only imagine what black and brown brothers have to go through by just driving.

A good friend is the owner of a strip club and the pigs hang out there and act like they own the place and they're tough, they walk the thin line of corruption and often cross it in my town. The fbi busted they're shit big time a few years, when they were caught escorting loads of hard drugs for the Mexican Mafia across town. I almost prefer a dirty pig over a hillbilly "christian on patrol", atleast I know what to expect and how to deal with the dirty pig. Just the other day there was a tranny rapping pig who got sent to jail after his trial, thank dog for globalization and cell phone cameras and such, that's why there has been such an explosion in these police brutality and corruption cases, they can't cover it up. They should require college for these pigs in the south and pay them better, maybe that would change things.

I apologize for the cops that are good people but like I said, a cop has never helped me and most should not be trusted as human beings IMO. Would you like to know how I really feel?


New member
619 Im not trying to argue im a Catholic Conservative myself (bring on the hate lol jk dont want this thrad to close) but seriously im a patient at the mayo clinic, in college with a gpa ur mom would be proud of while working a full time job... Its not that ppl are trying to fight with you but by saying everyone on here is on welfare and works at mcdonalds is ridiculous and I think the WHOLE ICMAG community deserves an apology, I went to reconciliation this morning now its your turn....


619Sativa is definitely a troll. How can he so casually dismiss the genocide of 95 million Native Americans that Genkisan stated? As for those ungraceful comments about Macdonald and welfare. Macdonald is a multibillion dollar coporation, a member of the DOW 30, that chose to pay MINIMUM WAGE to much of its work force and have the gall to ask customers for donations while serving cheap (affordable) obesity causing food! Welfare- all the welfare ever awarded to .....ordinary folks don't compare to the trillions, not billions, but trillions, that the govt is giving to rich folks on wall ST who are still driving Americans from their homes and putting them out of work. That's what I call welfare!


Cannabrex Formulator
Your second paragraph proves you do not know you're history. Germans were forced into the SS, the hitler youth, SA, you name it. You were faced with the decision of being killed, or complying with the Hitler. Not justifying it, just stating history.

Actually, you are talking thru your ass, 100%. I have been researching Nazi history, the Holocaust and wwII for over 20 years, senor.

The SS was a purely volunteer outfit that only started conscription very late in the war, and almost purely for combat troops when they did conscript.

The SA was also a volunteer outfit, primarily composed of disgruntled unemployed labourers. The SA hit it's big peak around when Hitler was coming into power, way before he had the power to kill anyone for trivial reasons, and was effectively absorbed by the SS after the Night of the Long Knives in 1934.

Not only that, but SS camp guards and Einsatzgruppen members were NOT punished for refusing Jew killing duty...if they could not handle it, they were able to ask for transfers to other duties.

This is fact.

You can read the book Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland by Christopher R. Browning for more details on how the Nazis who committed the actual acts fo the Holocaust were NOT forced to do so, and had the option of being transferred without punishment on request. Those who found it "too hard" and could not handle it were perhaps looked down on as being soft, but were not punished.

In fact, the more efficient ways of killing (death trucks, gas chambers) were developed to reduce the psychological wear and tear on the men doing the killing, because some of the Einsatzgruppen had too high of a stress related turnover.
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