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Police handcuff man for filming and shoot his dog


Registered Med User

Warning: This video contains disturbing footage. Viewer discretion is advised.

This man was filming in a public place when cops decided to arrest him and claim it was because of the loud music coming from his car.

While handcuffing him, his dog then jumps out the window when one of the cops decide to shoot and kill him.

This shit had me damn near in tears. they could have let dude go and handle his dog then put him back in cuffs, or pepper sprayed the dog, didn't have to shoot him hella times...


joe guy

I don't under stand why he took his dog out of the car anyway to film what ever he was filming the cops doing.. And put him in the car with the windows all the way down ( fuckin idiotic IMO ) but shoot the dog? Come on.. But imagine that 100 lb dog lunging like that at you I don't care if it was a lab that's frickin scary.. I'd vote for the tazer, pepper spray would just be like dippin your arm in to hot sause for buffalo arm for pookie..
But deffenitly error on both parties in this situation.. Cop was a pussy owner was a absolute dip shit ( probly trying to be the next you tube, facebook or what ever its called now super star)
Just sucks the dog got the shit end of the stick he( the dog ) was prob the smartest one there actually doing his job rite..


Registered Med User
Yeah man, I see error on the owners part too. But why are they even cuffing him in the first place? Im pretty sure its legal to film in a public place. Plus if he was to try and roll up the windows the cops might have thought he was going for a gun and shot him. He should have just kept the dog on the leash with him when they walked up.
Yeah man, I see error on the owners part too. But why are they even cuffing him in the first place? Im pretty sure its legal to film in a public place. Plus if he was to try and roll up the windows the cops might have thought he was going for a gun and shot him. He should have just kept the dog on the leash with him when they walked up.

Man, this is just heartbreaking. Even if he kept the dog on the leash with him, there is a good chance that dog would've still protected his owner as they approached him with bad intents.

It was a shitty situation. I don't think the guy had much of a chance to save his dog.

There was fear and fears leads to regretful violence.

It's a shame when the dog was the complete victim of two moron humans


Active member
I think the guy was a twatt , he appeared to be winding the cops up which is a daft thing to do when they are armed & very low in the IQ stakes . He should never have involved the dog , crying shame the dog was killed as he did not seem to be a threat . Stupid owner & a stupid cop .


Registered Med User
When the other cop hit the dude while the one was handcuffing him is when the dog really started trippin. It looked like it was a tuff squeeze for the dog to get out, the owner probly never had the dog jump out the window at that level before so didn't think he would jump out or be able to. I know he is regretting the whole situation now, wishing he could have took it back. Is it illegal to film the police?


This just fucked up my day..... Couldn't watch past the first shot.... Poor fuckin dog..... Someone should send this to ceaser milan and get his opinion on whether the dog was actually a threat or not.... I'm gonna go drink till i forget that image......


absolute shame... I'm w badger on this... nothing good came out of that situation.
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Active member
man o man heart wrenching i have a rotty{13years}. So many ways that could have been handled. That's was the fuckt up way!


I watched the video. I refused to let my other half see it. It angers me on so many levels. I try not to see things like that or other brutal videos. It pisses me off that the police could have handled that better. I am sure there was at leat one taser between the lot of them.
I don't know. The guy seemed to be provoking the police to come over and at least question him. And a simple " yes sir, let me secure my dog first" would have helped. Just a thought...



seeing that dog get shot hrt me deep boys and girls.when it started shaking i lost it....so sad!but could have been prevented.
it is the owners fault,but it still sucks...my dog is my kid.i wont watch that vid again...i didnt think it would bug me like it did,but man it really made me angry to see that!


natural medicator
The dog only really started to try hard to get out once they were unnecessarily messing with him. Right after the leg kickouts the elbow to the back during the extra-twisting arm pull back seemed to be where it set in.

I'm no expert, or close to it, but the dog looked like he was giving protective 'get back' nips or bumps before he actually really opened his jaw to bite. I bet no officer got more than a scratch from an open mouth hit.

Keeps striking me as the least honorable and least manly way they can deal with this. they have 1)A gun 2)hand to hand training knowledge 3) a baton (we know they all have these because you always see them pulled out to beat whoever into submission...err...stop them from resisting arrest) , 4) mace/pepper spray and 5) a taser.

So what do they do whether home invasion or street......use the only lethal weapon in the bunch to deal with a non lethal threat. Dog doesn't know a thug with a badge and a gun from a thug with just a gun, you attack a good dog's owner, and that dog's not gonna sit there and do nothing.

Obviously the owner could have handled it differently.

Interestingly, from what I understand (no source to cite at the moment), Its completely legal to film police on public property. I believe in some states, maybe all, you're required to inform them of the recording, otherwise, it falls under illegal wiretapping or something. However, cops nationwide will tell you over and over that filming them is illegal and even arrest you over it.

whole thing makes me sick


its the owners fault !!

totally incompetent !!.............. no logic !! ................ no thought !!.......... just a idiot who caused his dogs death !!

sorry if i was the officer it of shot it too !!

they should of put it out its misery was horrible watching it suffer on the floor :(


people are not been realistic ...................... what would you like the officer to of done ?? stand there and get savaged while stroking it saying 'bad dog bad dog' !!

a big animal is a dangerous weapon !! ............... rottweiler in the wrong hands as we can see in this video is not a good thing!


Registered Med User
A... (most logical) they shouldn't have put the owner in cuffs in the first place.
B. They could have let the owner go handle his dog, put him forward let the dog sniff him and tell him to tell the dog its all good.
C. pepper spray or taze the dog.
D. fire a warning shot.
E. If u have to put it down at least hit it with a kill shot. don't let it flop around n die slow!

I know its the owners fault too. But u asked what I would have liked the officer to do.
To me the bottom line is that this could have all been avoided, had the police not infringed on the mans rights to record. The dog didn't go nuts until they looked to be ruffing him up a little. So in my opinion they were breaking the law. Now if a police dog runs at you while your breaking the law and you shoot it its considered killing an officer and serious time. so these police break the law, kill the citizen dog and its nothing, MAYBE a paid leave. citizens and police should have equal rights, they should not be above the law.


A... (most logical) they shouldn't have put the owner in cuffs in the first place.
B. They could have let the owner go handle his dog, put him forward let the dog sniff him and tell him to tell the dog its all good.
C. pepper spray or taze the dog.
D. fire a warning shot.
E. If u have to put it down at least hit it with a kill shot. don't let it flop around n die slow!

I know its the owners fault too. But u asked what I would have liked the officer to do.
To me the bottom line is that this could have all been avoided, had the police not infringed on the mans rights to record. The dog didn't go nuts until they looked to be ruffing him up a little. So in my opinion they were breaking the law. Now if a police dog runs at you while your breaking the law and you shoot it its considered killing an officer and serious time. so these police break the law, kill the citizen dog and its nothing, MAYBE a paid leave. citizens and police should have equal rights, they should not be above the law.

but whether you like it or not , his man is not a police officer , he has no reason to be there , he was trying to act the big man ..... goading the police for several minutes with his dog before they actually decided enough is enough and went to confront him ,

things took a very unfortunate turn !! it was sad !! but you cant blame the officer ................... you don't have time to think 'oh maybe i should use a taser or spray ' you have a large dog about to savage you !!

moral of the story is ...................... don't allow idiots to own dogs !


natural medicator
Goading might be a strong word. He was standing there obviously filming, but he was a good 50 feet back from the cops, showing no physical threat. His dog was calm and reserved up to the point the cop started elbowing the guy in the back.

Its perfectly legal fr you to record police actions. More people should, because we damn well know that 90%+ of complaints against officers will be bullied down in the reception office before they get filed or there will be some kind of vendetta against you after that. If citizens don't stand up for their rights and force officers to at least pretend that they care about looking like they're doing their jobs right and legally, no one will help us.

Basically, what I saw, was a man standing up for the rights of citizens in the community and exercising his own constitutional rights. A couple tough-guy officers who didn't like what he was doing, an illegal detention without cause, an animal that was shot trying to protect its owner from being assaulted, and a 'trained' officer with some piss poor aim and/or nerves of jelly who couldn't even get a head shot on a dog at point blank range, causing it to suffer with 3 poorly placed shots (all from within 6ft or so), resulting in a suffering animal.

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