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PO Boxes

ballplayer 2

Active member
Hey guys got a couple questions about PO Boxes. I dont seem to have any non growing friends that would be options to get the box for me, or allow seeds to be delivered to their home.

1) When setting up the PO box I know you are allowed to list other names receiving mail at the box. Say one of these additional names has a package sent to them. Will the office hold this package until this additional person presents ID? Or might it most likely slip their mind, ie. When sorting the mail they will not realize that this person has not yet shown ID and mail will be placed in the appropriate box anyhow?

2) Also, will the smallest box size be big enough to receive seeds? I think the size is 3" across, 5.5" high, 14.5" deep.

Thanks for the insight and experiences shared.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
i have a letter sized box at a ups store,have received 30 + packs of seeds and boxes of cuts with no problem.(except the crappy service) box is under a made up business name,with my "brother" the other recipient.


Active member
just make it out as a business on that 2nd line...it's very easy to set up an ebay or craigslist biz. get some free mailers, catalogs, and magazines coming to you under that name and keep it used as much as possible and your box will last as long as needed.

when a box is too big for your box they'll put a yellow card in it for you to pick it up at the counter but doubt if a seed package would be too big to need that.

ballplayer 2

Active member
I was planning on opening the box with legit information, so no fake ID's or anything like that. But I would then put another name on the "others that can receive mail" line, and get the seeds sent to that name.

A business sounds like a good idea, do you all think it would be a good or bad idea to have seeds sent to the business name?

I will also be receiving magazines and other legit mail in the PO box.

Are there any advantages to having a USPS PO box vs. having a box at a UPS store/Mailboxes etc?

The lobby at the the USPS location I have in mind allows 24 hour access to PO boxes.


The post office here now asks for ID for alternate recipients. What works is to occasionally sign up for a catalog or something under a new name. Most of the time, after a few pieces of mail arriving in this person's name, they'll start to reliably deliver to the box under that name. The trick is to not overdo it.

We only get the yellow card to pick up mail if it's very very large or requires signature confirmation. Otherwise there's a wall of lockers, and they lock the package up and put the key in the po box.

Walt Jabsco

just mail the shite to yerhouse mate. if you use the post box then they have video of you receiving your beans. you'll laugh later on when you spent all that time being gutted for a few seeds when your smokin the first of your bombshit :joint:. seriously quit bein a puss! :kitty:

ballplayer 2

Active member
Just wanted to bump this. Anyone else got any thoughts or ideas about PO Boxes?

I have no grow going on at the moment, except veggies. This package has to make it through that very difficult mail hub in the middle of the country.


ballplayer 2

Active member
I dont know the letter of the law. However, I would not want to incur any sort of asset forfeiture. I dont know if they can seize one's home if that is where such a crime would take place. I would want to use a PO box to distance my assets. Isn't one of the rules, no seeds sent to scene of the grow?

I have no other options for seeds/cuts. I dont know any local growers, I have no bagseeds left. I have no friends whom I trust with this information. I have an uncle who could be a front for me, but has serious divorce/tax issues right now, and for the moment is unwilling.

I actually have 10 DJ Short Flo and 10 Federation Romulan seeds right now, that I traveled out of the country to acquire. However, THAT'S IT. AND I have had a terrible run of seeing seedlings through the first 3-4 weeks, failed my last 3-4 attempts (8-10 seedlings each run).

I have water quality issues I need to work out. My options are either 850 ppm, ridiculously hard tap water; or RO water. I am an organic soil grower. Learning hydro on the fly with these seeds is not an option. My tapwater has gotten worse since I started in 03' (when I was respectably successful in this hobby) and changed from chlorine to chloramine. So RO seemed to be the answer, but it has not really worked out the way I have invisioned.

Long story short, I feel like I need to collect a decent sized collection of seeds (at least an additional 40-50) to make sure I dont run out. I plan on ordering some mix packs, any maybe one or two higher priced packs. That way I can try and get my groove back on the cheaper mix pack offerings and continue on to the more expensive ones. If I lose a couple mix pack seeds due to user error, I wont feel as bad as losing the now retired Federation Romulan and the expensive FLO seeds, you know?


Tropical Outcast
I dont know the letter of the law. However, I would not want to incur any sort of asset forfeiture. I dont know if they can seize one's home if that is where such a crime would take place. I would want to use a PO box to distance my assets. Isn't one of the rules, no seeds sent to scene of the grow?


Using a PO Box with fraudulent intent only would make things (far) worse in case one would get caught using it in a fraudulent context.

All you guys wanting to use a PO Box are well overthinking the whole subject and should focus your concerns on the really important things of growing and concealing.

I keep posting this over and over:

If one gets caught growing the source of the seeds would be the least problem that person would have.


I had a Mailboxes etc box under a business name for a while. For some foolish reason when I signed up I put my actual home address. Something was sent to me there that was illegal (not seeds) and the LEO's were waiting. Tailed me from my house to the box, waited outside and inside and pinched my as I left. Then came back to my house for a through search while I sat in jail.

The postal inspector was giving me shit while I was getting arrested hoping for fraudulent info, lack of business permit etc so he could add fed fraud charges. Thankfully all the info was legit otherwise the charges would be much worse.

Basically what im saying is a PO Box does not give your much protection if they want you. They will wait for you there and follow you home if they already don't know where you live. If you put fake info and id your protected only if you don't get pinched picking up anything but thats exactly what will happen if they want you. If its just for seeds you might be a little more protected because they wont go through all the effort. They are not much safer then a home address at all. In fact from what I can tell they makes things look more suspicious. There have been many people who have had the cops tipped off by the Mailbox Etc people because they were suspicious.

If I were to order seed or grow equip I would feel safer having them sent to my house then a PO Box. I buy most things online and have a constant stream of boxes being delivered without a second glance. Having a PO Box just adds more people who will be looking at your mail wondering what you are up to.

ballplayer 2

Active member
Fuck it. I will just not order any seeds. Just seems far too risky. I'll have to hone my craft on veggies until I can save some money and move to a medical state, fuck the BS. Sending to the house does not feel safe for me. Just isn't. I respect your advice Strain, I'm sure I'm overthinking it, but better safe than sorry in this hobby. This is my hobby, no selling, far less than a 1K setup, all personal, and family medical /recreational necessity. Just not worth it right now.

Thanks guys I'm officially paralyzed with fear, JK. No seriously though, probably better this way anyhow. The growing does not bother me, opening up my circle to outsiders certainly does though, and that IS the catch 22 of acquiring seeds.

I lost all my contacts in the game because I had to in order to concentrate on college/athletics. Many were more hangers on anyhow, many certainly not true friends, and if they knew the good word would have ratted me out in a NEW YORK SECOND to keep from going to prison for their stupid mistakes.

Cali/Colorado/Nevada/Oregon residents, I'll be there in 2-3 years. Retired until then. Its been a slice folks. I'll use the room to breathe I can now enjoy to keep fighting the good fight, and become more of an activist in my ass backwards area, where slime and corruption reigns supreme. FUCK EM there's more than one way to skin a cat.
maybe a good decision, but if you got the thumb, why not use it? as long as what your doing is small, who gives a shit. ya im on the west coast and its legal, but i have friends in non legal states that get away with a closet or a cabinet. as for ordering seeds, its so chill if you think about it. everybody wants to do their job, seed company->opstal system-.grower. every day there are millions of packages, millions, going over our boarders. think they can search all of them, figure out how the seed bank is currently packaging the seeds, and then put you onto a get busted list? no way, this website is the only get busted list you are a member, but if what you say about a small opperation is true, your already not a get busted person, so ordering seeds will only make it so that in 2 weeks, you will have a few bags of seeds that could be usefull to you. i bet you cant find 1 person online who has gotten into trouble from getting seeds. they were packaged in a way that nobody way going to find. its like if you ordered a remote controll car, and in the remote's battery compartment there are a few bags of seed. nothing to worry about, its all in your head.


Active member
I had a thought

I had a thought

Why not find an area of your town where there is new real estate under developement...like a new neighborhood being built...new streets with empty lots. Sometimes they will have the sidewalks & driveways put in & be waiting for a lot to be sold. I've seen empty lots that already have their mail boxes out front with the lot's address on the front or side of the box. So, pick a lot address & order your seeds to be sent to that empty lot. Request that the seed's package be addressed to some fictitious
building construction company. Hopefully, the letter carrier will then put your package in the box thinking a house is about to be built on that lot. Once you get notification that the seeds have been shipped, wait a few days then start checking the box at some time where there's the least chance to be spotted.
There ya go...no direct connection to you...just don't get caught taking anything out of the box.:xmasnut:
sorry 1G12, but really is that how we are going to play? why do that, how does that help you, why would the mail go there, its not a registered address until you send in that form, and have you ever done that? to johnny law your stealing mail, to the seed bank you another high school kid sending seeds to an address that does not exist, and to your self your a security risk because you dont understand what your doing. send the seeds to the gro, a friends place, whatever, really it does not matter at all, zero. people send 10 pounds in the mail all day long, just set up a frequent shipper account to save on shipping. the all mighty google cant seem to find any stories on anything that says somebody got handcuffs for clicking buy these Amsterdam marijuana seeds.


stone fool
If you do not have the stones to order seeds, then you should definately not grow herb. Just sayin.