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Please enlighten an old hippie


So, after a 25 yr hiatus I'm back and I'm dabbling in the whole micro grow thing. Lots and LOTS of reading and I'm learning a lot.

Here's my question....

What the hell were we smoking back in the late 60's and 70's that had so much seeds and stuff that didn't look like buds?

You know, I got plenty high. No, not nearly as high as this stuff I see today but I certainly wasn't bitchin... any of you oldtimers know what I mean?

I really am confused about what parts of the plant we were smoking. I mean they had to be pollinated females, right? All those seeds... And there was quite a bit of leaf in there, right? :1help:

I N Hail

Growing Grower AKA Wasted Rock Ranger
Moroccan,,Leafy, small seeds,greenish brown, but a pretty good high of the times.

Does this sound like it. Just my guess


Active member
Yeah, it's funny - I remember using my lucite record player cover and a playing card to seperate seeds & stems from the rest. Seemed like you could never get them all, because with every pipeload you'd have at least one loud "POP" from a seed!

I never knew what I was smokin' - if it was green, & smelled like weed I'd take a hit. I was probably getting stoned on the neighbors lawn clippings!

Good times - gooood times!


I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with th
Back whennnnn

Back when a hoe was a hoe,
a coke was a coke
and crack was when your crackin jokes

Ya mean back THEN?

I miss some parts of back when.

naaa comercial mex is cut - if your lucky the main stem is pulled and everything else is stuffed into a bailer, trash compactor - what ever they had. They usually pulled the males about a month before harvest -
Within a week it was on a plane and headed accros the border. Now keep in mind - ya know how warm a pile of lawn clippings gets after a week? That's about how warm that bale is about now.

Anway -as you read and learn - that's not the way to harvest, dry, cure and pack quality bud.
But we don't have a acre or two either.

But if I did, by God - I'd do it right.

Pinball Wizard

The wand chooses the wizard
Seemed like you could never get them all, because with every pipeload you'd have at least one loud "POP" from a seed!

...if the seed didn't pop!...you got that little jet stream of smoke coming from it...I always thought that was cool...silly me...


Active member
Had a roommate that used to bitch about their sister borrowing their records.....

Any record she borrowed would come back with tiny little pits burned into the vinyl..... she was always rolling seedy joints and taking a hit while changing the record.

It hasn't been enough years since the last time I had to de-seed my smoke. The memory is fading but not quite gone yet. :D


I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with th
Bud Grinders,,,,

there's an invention that had to wait for the right time huh?

back then - what was it,,,, oh yeah, Mary-Ginn - a funky lil basket that spun around and was suppose to catch seeds.

Back then - we used to bitch about seeds - now people pay - pretty amazing prices for just a few seeds. AND NO BUD!!!

Hazy Lady

Prom Night Dumpster Baby
ICMag Donor

Anway -as you read and learn - that's not the way to harvest, dry, cure and pack quality bud.
But we don't have a acre or two either.

But if I did, by God - I'd do it right.
Amen to that.:laughing:

Good luck with your micro-grow Rouxdy :wave:


Thanks, guys!

Yeah, there is a lot more to all this than I was ever aware of and back in the day this stuff played a very important role in several aspects of my life. ;)

Pot Pimp

We did smoke a bunch of fan leaves back then, didn't we? I well remember the seeds, stems, leaves; heck I didn't even know that the good stuff came from buds! But we did have some good old school genetics, Colombian gold, Jamaican, Acapulco gold (rarely) and the always available and cheap Mexican.

Hank Hemp

Active member
Pressed brown Mex

Pressed brown Mex

is the reason I grow today. My wife is now a Pot snob and won't smoke anything but organic reefer. Poor me heh heh :bandit: :joint:

Lord Doobie

ha ha...I remember smoking that old mexican crud...the seed would pop in the bowl and blow the rest of the pot everywhere


I may be too young to be posting here but I think I can help you figure out what you were smoking back in the 60s. Indeed what you were smoking was weed, but good pure sinsemilla (100% female and seedless) is not easy to grow.

Growing outdoor sinsemilla in large quantities would have been difficult since it was probably done with non-feminized seeds (also if feminized seeds truly even exist). And farmers in the middle of the summer would have to remove males manually, and if they missed one they get a huge load of seeds with their sweet MJ.

Indoor growing was even worse, innovations like the phototron (a incandescent light based grow box) were hardly innovative and mostly useless. Serious growers would use HPS lights (invented in 1966) which probably cost a good chunk of change back in the day.

The biggest reason marijuana has come so far since you smokt it: a series of tubes,
I think it's called the internet

Now we have companies like Canna, Advanced Nutrients, and General Organics (GH) who provide the perfect range of nutrienst FOR WEED!

Who else but high times could have seen all this coming?

Grab some decent-wattage CFLs and start an micro grow, its easier and more rewarding than ever!

Remember, it's the same herb, right nuts have thumbs up their asses if they think marijuana has developed into some dangerously strong super herb that is "not the same grass we all were smokin' in the day"

You just dont have to smoke as much of it. I think DEA is just jealous the weed of their good years was shakey-shake, and now if they smoke it some sweet sticky icky sensi, they're worried everyone will call them out for being the flaming hypocrites they all are.


Lil 'o Me

Farm hand

Back then - we used to bitch about seeds - now people pay - pretty amazing prices for just a few seeds. AND NO BUD!!!

No kidding!

I remember picking out thoes damn seeds. My dad busted me, trying to grow them in high school. Surprizingly he was pretty cool about it though.... little did I know at the time what a toker he was.

I have found 2 seeds amongst my farm girls. About a year between finding each one and not from the same mother plants. Any one come accross this? I figured it was mother natures way of trying to reproduce. I bet if they germinated, they'd be male.


I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with th
I bet if they germinated, they'd be male.

Actually -

Kinda depends. If they were fertalized by hermi pollen - they will most likely ne mostly female hermis. If it was stray pollen from outdoors,,, the possibilies range from hemp to heavenly. And could be a boy, a girl - or another dammed hermi.

Pot seeds is like a box of chocolets,,,,,,


Active member
Newspapers slanted and a card seperated the seed

Newspapers slanted and a card seperated the seed

How many cleaned your seeded Colombian this way? The seeds would roll down the newspaper and the smokeable stuff would remain on the newspaper. Never get them all though. What I miss is the great up from the excellent Colombian we used to get. What the hell happened to that country, I loved their weed, much better than Mexican, and a great up and do something high. Where did these great genetics go? I guess Colombia got so hung up on coke, that they let their wonderful ganja take a back seat. Stupid drug country. Ganja is much more useful and helpful than coke.:woohoo:


I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with th
What I miss is the great up from the excellent Colombian we used to get. What the hell happened to that country, I loved their weed, much better than Mexican,

different strokes,,,,
With a garden full of this,

back then wasn't that great

Double album covers

Every dry spell, I could go thru the record collection and find Gold.
