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Please enlighten an old hippie


I remember smoking out of a pipe one time. Dark room. I was wayyyy wasted. I'm taking a deep hit and all of a sudden this seed explodes and I see what looks like a flaming meteorite streak by my Right eye. Fucking Cosmic!


New member
SoloGro57, I laughed out loud when I read that. I was like ya man, I remember that stuff.

I remember a kg was 250 and a zip was 10. And the Colombian was 25 a zip. It was mostly seeds, stems and leaves from the Mex.

And I would make brownies and didn't know about butter and tinctures. Hell, we just tossed in the stems, seeds and leaves and baked it.


I had a seed pop and burn my eyeball one time.... ouch! Lol.

The ole Mexi Brick with seeds is still going around over here... 40 a quarter.

Nobody had scales, so it was how much dope fit in a baggie... for 20/OZ lol


In the begining, 1960 or so, it was gold, came from Columbia, it had seeds lots of them, $15 an oz, belive it or not. It was great, very stoney. It went downhill from there. Was so cheap we would give it away an oz at a time. never think nothing of it, ahh the good old days..


weed fiend
I started with the mexi-brick shit that was 5 or 6 inches square compressed. It was $90 a pound and $12 to $15 a lid, depending on who you bought it from. Bongs were made out of bamboo and the ones in the store were all acrylic or cheap plastic. Only notable glass was Turkish water pipes.

Pipes were the same as today (except for glass.) They made these real big ones out of wood or pot metal and we'd stuff everything that came outta the bag in em. We'd all get cottonmouth and wash is away with some cheap wine or Schlitz Malt Liquor Bull.

I was at a party when I rolled my first joint of Colombian Red Bud. I had my strawberry rolling papers and rolled up a seeded joint. The guy next to me ripped it apart and took the seeds out. That was my first joint of seedless reefer. Then the dude told me I was using bullshit papers because I'd taste strawberry instead of the weed. I thought that was the point, lol.

I guess it was late 70s or 1980 when local growers discovered glass cured results. Colombian varieties were still around but would vanish sometime in the early 80s.

Since I've been growing, seeds are a distant memory. I still get that feeling of being a total newbie when it comes to breeding and selection.:D

A buddy stored a rare lot of colombian "orange" bud in a plastic bag for a year or three. Long enough to render it useless. Still looked great but no smell, taste or buzz. That's the last stuff I ever smoked I was pretty sure was columbian
Wow, memories and laughs, the phototron. Had a friend who got one used once. Thought he had it made and laughed at my Fluros. He didn't laugh more than a month. But for me you had to know how to set them up. Ideally, 2 on top, 1 fixture in each corner for a total of 6 fixtures. Paint the inside white and the "inside" of the doors too. If cash was an issue 2 corners would work if you rotated the plants and swapped the position. (Front to back, left to right). Grow those sides out. Learned a lot in those 2x4x8 closets, how to breed, fem seeds, and always "Pro-Mix". The 1st "Growers Guide" was a big help in the late 70s (?) (Ed & Mel....Mel & Frank.....Frank n Furter, maybe Flo and Eddy.....cant remember) Yes it has advanced, but in the day, if you knew how...... I think I know why I got invited to so many parties, and it wasn't because I would bring my guitars.

"So long babe, I got the flashback blues" (John Prine), Later All
Wish I could tipe and spill better, sorry.............heck, I just hope this gets in the proper spot the newbee that I am................


dry, dusty, seeds from hell, stems(small and long), fan leaves green and gold, lots of
dust and particles BUT no buds. Mostly all Mex, some from Columbo, Peruv, Jamaican,
a bit from Viet and Africa and once in a blue moon or two, some good decent
Blonde Lebonese Hash wrapped in tinfoil for $5. The smoke came in brown paper
bags or match boxes(the thick ones) and then later in baggies...5 finger lids.
Quote: "Time keeps slipping away, minute by minute each day...the things that I wanted
to do...I just didnt get around to..." (Red Sovine btw)


weed fiend
My first grower friend that grew indoors rocked the shop lights. He knew nothing about light leaks and flower ferts, let alone how to cure. He'd harvest buds full of N that didn't know whether they were in veg or flower. In fact, dude didn't know anything about 12/12. He'd grow the shit until he got somewhat mature preflowers and keep the vegging plant going until he could chop a few more. The taste alone coined the term "homegrown."

Another bud had an Isomorizer ISO2. It's like an industrial coffee pot you put weed and solvent into. It's peculates extract and was a pioneer product of the industry. My friend didn't know how to control the heat and produced stuff that tasted like dirty pipe resin. He'd add the already burnt oil to the same pot he'd cooked in the ISO2! The result was like bowl tar, produced on an industrial scale. What a waste.


Well-known member
great thread, really kicks up some old memories
you've heard from other old smokers, so you'll hear again
you would occasionally hook up with some mex weed back in the early 70's that easily matches the modern stuff, and maybe a bit more
there was a lot of crap, some decent, and the rare mexican bud that took you to that special place
all the weed was seedy back then but didn't seem to matter, that's what it was like then, if you had tried to sell seedless bud, no one would have bought it


i am loving this thread. hope a newbie can jump right in.

anyone remember Ultimate Spinach? my god it was impossible to clean out the seeds without one of their albums playing. double album covers was the only way to clean. tilt the album, scoop, let the seeds roll down, scoop again,

wash rinse repeat.

never got all the seeds either

of course that was the age when clothes melted, polyester everything. best way to find a source was from the guy that had all those burn holes in the front of his shirt.


another fond memory comes to me. I didn't have one shirt that didn't have little holes in it all down the front but none in the back. pop pop pop


I think Pink Floyd referred to those as "the inevitable pinhole burns, all down the front of my favorite satin shirt"

Hank Hemp

Active member
I've forgot

I've forgot

What was this about? Any who, :off2: I cut my reefer teeth on "duo" in Vet Nam (3/14/70) mmmmmm. It was full of seeds(NO I didn't save any, gee). I came back to NJ (good hash from Germany). I loved the girls at Seaside Heights. But back home '71, it was what this thread's about ,I think, poor pressed brown Mex. But one evening a buddy came over with some "Red Bud Colombian"<(huhh).(no I didn't ect) Well let's try this. Half seed but excellent reefer. The best tasting pot ever. and period again.. I still remember that taste-spice,good coffee. I've never had that taste again. That kind of reefer was only around a couple three years. Then there was gold col. good but not red. Then there was the Great late '70's pot drought. Thank the lord for lude's and valuim. I don't think we would have made it. Then on a cola run to Coral Gables, our freind said y'll still smoking pressed brown mex? She said look at this. She took me into the back room and showed me her goodies. A half dozen reefer plants growing indoors. What? She gave me a few seeds to try. I got home copped a MH and the rest is history. No I've never found the Nam weed or Red Bud buzz. I will travel on. :joint: :canabis:


I think they just got better at recognizing and culling males. I did an open pollenation a while back and it was like going back to the 70's. Good bud with lots of seeds. Ive got enough seed to last me quite a while now.


Hank Hemp;
I don't think we will ever find the gold or red bud taste again, it was great no doubt but todays buds have a appeal all there own. More consistent and no seeds, cleaner & for the most part smoother. Some of that mexican dirt weed would taste you for days, not a good taste either. I glad that stuff is gone. you know what stuff is right. Hehehe
Go slow & easy---oldbob




I remember back in the late 60's we had 3 lb. coffee cans full of Col. gold and red bud seeds. Wonder what they would worth today?? Remember we use to drive down country roads throwing them into ditchs hoping they would grow. Don't remember that they ever did, probably not. If I had those seeds today they would worth be something, maybe not:2cents::)
Hey OB, had a friend who always wore button shirts when he could, and un-buttoned when needed. He coined the phrase "Skin grows back, shirts don't". (Ouch) Big Fella, too.
Plenty of real estate for them to land on. Often we wished he didn't do that.

Red Bud, wow, there's a throw back. I lived in the boonies but managed some once. Freaked when he said 25 bux when brown Mex was 10-15 for a Lid (haha) then I tried it and wished I had another 25. Never saw it again. Anyone remember Jamaican "Lambs Bread"??? Made me wish I lived in the city, any city......

Seems I remember "The Drought" was brought on by "Tricky Dick" as him or his admin made weed a schedule 4 substance, right up there with heroin. I became a Democrat after that. NORML reported that hard drug use and bust went up a bit during that time. (Suddenly the name Kieth Stroupe pops into my head, an early NORML guy???)

Dang, feeling my age again, better find that bottle of Geritol soon....maybe its in the glove box of my AMC Gremlin........Anybody wanna drag for "Pink Slips"???

Footnote: Those burn holes were at least a half-assed to tell if the other guy might be cool by looking at his shirt. If the holes were real big and near the bottom that was from battery acid when he changed the battery in his car, hehehe...........


New member
I still have a seed scar!

This is going way back; I was out with a new boyfriend...a nice fat joint was passed. Sure enough, a seed pops and ends up in my cleavage. I didn't want to go fishing for it in front of everyone, so by the time I got to it, well, ouch...and I still have the scar!

Time has changed me, I would go after that hot little seed now even if I had to flip one of my babies out! Ahhh, the lost innocence of youth! :fright:


The Hopeful Protagonist

Holy shit, talk about reminiscing...

The Acapulco Gold, Lambsbread(sp?) and Panama Red.

Roach Clips and Hemostats...

