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Please check out my music and let me know what you think


Ganja D

I want to share my music with the growers of IC Mag. If you like hip hop you might like this. I will upload a new track each night for a week. All songs are unmixed and mostly unedited. I ask that what ever you download does not leave your computer. This music is unreleased and only to be shared with the growers and contributors to IC mag.
Introducing Morals the Ganja Man!:smokey:
Any feed back here or in a pm is greatly appreciated. I assume we're all grown up but apologize if my lyrics offend anybody or rub someone the wrong way.
So,light something up and enjoy.
I'll post another song tomorrow night after working all day in the hot Cali sun:)


Don't drink and drive home, Smoke dope and fly hom
ICMag Donor
not my style of music but i like it bro nice work

GreatLakes THC

an Arthur P. Jacobs production
Awesome songs. Just got done listening to both. Thank you so much for sharing them. looking forward to hearing the rest.

GreatLakes THC :joint:

Ganja D

Thank you so much to those of you who listened. The only thing in the world that makes me as happy as sharing what I grow is sharing the music I make. I really appreciate your taking the time to listen and hope it give you an idea of who I am in life.
I'll upload another tonight.

Ganja D

Again,these songs are all unfinished and unmixed/unmastered and some unedited. I only want them to be heard or downloaded by people who love this website and maybe their friends.
Smoke something nice and listen to this one,it's pretty bad ass. Peep the lyrics. Hip hop is supposed to have a message and be inspirational and something young people can learn from with a positive influence.
This is the real!

Ganja D

thats really very good man,, needs putting on wax man

some real talent,, you should send stones throw a tape imo

Naw,I'm independent and will start a record company as soon as I have time."Morals Music"
I have so little respect for most of the hip hop community. I was doing shows,winning battles,and ripping open mics back from 2001-2005. Almost got a deal to. I chose growing weed instead of being an entertainer and recording artist but have been working on writing /recording my solo project when I can.
I have a song featuring Royce da 5'9 that should get me some buz when I release it. I'll post it in this thread in a few nights,just don't leak it. I got months worth of songs to record,all dope and real hip hop that pertains to my life from my struggles to success.
Who's on stones throw anyways. What I need is beats. The dude that made these wont give me any for less then 2k since he started working with some big name artists.

lost in a sea

well thats fair enough,, i can see why he wont part with em for less than 2k

there are so many routes an artist can go,, id just release something,, get some cash together and invest in some quality production gear,, a moog for one thing.. like you said your own label,,



2000 smackers for a beat ? holy shit man he is ripping you off , not that it was'nt that good a beat but 2 grand come on .

I would do you a beat for a fraction of that ,i am not really strictly hip hop but tend to do more in the way of trip hop and electronica .

If you fancy doing something more trippy let me know man and i will build something for you , or alternatively if you want to send me an old vocal i will mix it in and do a demo for you and you can see what you think.

I could also do something more in the way of dubstep with the vocals, depending on the original tempo of course cos i'm not a big fan of massive pitch or tempo changes to the original vocal.

here's a couple of trip hop i've done if your interested :



I really liked your tune anyway man ,good delivery and and very intelligible .

GreatLakes THC

an Arthur P. Jacobs production
Very nice. I'm not musical other than playing a didgeridoo, but I do appreciate music. I like what I hear.

GreatLakes THC :joint: