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Please check out my music and let me know what you think


really well made music! thank you for sharing

if this track with Royce gets released, could we not then find out who Ganja D is?...

Ganja D

any way to hear it without joining that sendspace thingie?
You don't have to join,just download one mp3 file. It's the only safe way I could figure out to share my music here.
Let me know what you think if you check it out.


pretty much gave up on hip hop...

pretty much gave up on hip hop...

only got rocky road so far- it kicks ass! good job man. the last hip hop i was stoked on was potluck- , they died with my last ipod, thanx for bringing it back- most new hiphop i hear just plain fuckin sucks! smooooth. really tho- how the fuck do you have time?? massive od, killer rhymes, gf,?? livin lifestyles gd :tiphat:

Abja Roots

ABF(Always Be Flowering) - Founder
I'm going to check this out. Downloaded the tracks that were still available.

There is still great hip hop being made. One example is Damu the Fudgemonk. He just released the aptly named "How it Should Sound" on wax. The new Roots album is great. The new Reflection Eternal was really good as well. It's like anything. You just have to look. It's still out there. I figured with a name like Butterfly D and from the East Coast you might know who these guys are.
Adam Strange of GFE'S new album.