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playing with sombodys head

yeah move on to the next woman bro,..revenge can be sweet but it has gotten me in trouble more than once....assault charges, etc....yeah just let it be


I agree, the best idea, is moving on for the most part, I am sorry to hear this story, that would break my heart if that happened to me.

IF you wanted to fuck with there heads, you can. Slip potent(black) datura seeds, ground up to a powder, dose them heavily, into their drinks.....(make sure their not driving, don't want to kill the innocent) If you wanted to take it a step further, try to get them in a place with not allot of people around. Reap pure and utter havoc upon them.
I had this happen with my EX 3 years ago, It still bothers me but you have to be the better person and walk away. You can't change what happened.

The best thing for you to do is keep your mind off the situation as much as possible, whether it be hobbies, hanging out with other friends, gardening, house projects etc.

Good luck bro, Violence is not the answer.


Active member
fuckin skanks man, everyone involved in this deserves some harsh times. go boondock saints on them mother fuckers.

i like .22LR because its very small round and less of a noise. spray them up with a .22 and watch them scatter. im not saying to kill them, just "scare" them haha....ok dont listen to that...

maybe you shouldnt listen to me, i get violent rage. last week a friend of mine was telling me about how his EX hooked up with some sleazy coke dealer, and how now shes a cokewhore.

i told him that he should put cokedealer in a coma...well sure enough the other day i get a text about how my buddy ran up on cokedealer with a hankerchief/lock weapon and smashed his head in....is their bad karma on me? haha


Active member
turn that ho out. as for your freinds(i mean fake friends) i dont think you could get back at them any better than to fuck their signifigant other,espeacialy if their seriously involved,and then dip.they did it to you so why not?they dont care about you.im really sorry you had to go through this shit, but as long as you dont go to jail and move on afterwards its all good.and if you decide violence, then no one thinks (me incuded) any less of you cause they asked for it.its a tough choice but i wish you well.


The IDF used .22lr for crowd control, i don't know if they still do. also popular with hollow points and are easily deformed when hitting target. But i don't really like the idea of shooting someone, ruining their mental well being would be more rewarding. I don' think datura can be traced in your system. If I got the chance, I would do it where I know they won't be driving.

Though your probably better off letting this blow over. I'd consider the datura if anything else. They won't even know what hit them... Nothing physcial involved


Registered Med User
Let some body try to 'fuck with my head'.... or 'fuck my wife'!!! are you a punk or what? I dont let shit like that go down in my life.


cheers for the replys everyone,

i think im going to go by the "revenge is best served cold" route, give it afew weeks then make sure they never forget the day i see them.

FUCKKKKKK its hard to get out of my head what i want to do to them.

and lets get this clear, i wont be killing them haha, they will be wishing for it though.
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getting me paranoid and bs

How is this different than any other day of the week? Lol

1 time = drunk accident

Haha I'm guessing this has happened to you more than once. They weren't accidents, they just say that because you provide more security than their guy on the side.

i told him that he should put cokedealer in a coma...well sure enough the other day i get a text about how my buddy ran up on cokedealer with a hankerchief/lock weapon and smashed his head in....is their bad karma on me? haha

He's lucky he didn't get shot...


They only fuck with your head because they can. Fuck back leak the word out that you have just been diagnosed with life threatening contagious disease. And the health department wants to test her and anybody that she has been with over the past year. And all you could come up with was 12 names. And that you need help finding any others. What comes around goes around.

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