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plantys outdoor 2010


Active member
you're already hitting your 300's with 30 gallons at a time? are there even roots in most of the pot? I would have thought that your extra yummy soil mix would be enough for them for a while.

Ganja D

you're already hitting your 300's with 30 gallons at a time? are there even roots in most of the pot? I would have thought that your extra yummy soil mix would be enough for them for a while.

He pretty much added just beneficial's to stir up the micro life. Should get the soil nice and active.
Lot's of water though.


Active member
Ahh. I would have understood had I known what Biotron BXI is. thanks. Makes perfect sense.


What's up ya'll.

I used that 2000 gal in 30 minutes and I have a drain in the very bottom of my tank and am able to fully flush and clean it out after every use...which is a must with the products I use..

Yes...That means that I super man it in to the tank and have a hose hooked up to the fill at the top and have a brush and I scrub that shit. Organic Gem and BioTron BXI are not products you can be a lazy hippie with. Gem is basically fish oil in a bottle and BioTron has so much life packed in to 1 gallon that when it hits the water in the concentration I use...you better put it on the soil ASAP..

I would be scared to keep that high of an input of organics standing in a tank being blasted by full sun like that too onetime64

Nomaad - In 2000 gallons, 1 gallon of fish, kelp molasses, 1 gallon of BioTron BXI ( a soil starter ) , 1/2 gallon potassium silicate and 1 quart yucca is basically nothing...Like Ganja D mentioned...this is just to aid the fungal growth in the pots. I pulled the straw back and saw mega roots everywhere and the pots were pretty consistently "dry" everywhere. When I put them in last week I gave them 15 gallons and the soil was already decently moist from all the weather we've been getting. I had insane root balls ...The entire thing was leads of roots and root fiber from the very very top which I brush away to expose the top roots down tot he bottom and all around the sides...roots everywhere...I'm honestly not surprised that I have roots coming up on 4' diameter on my 16 large Threats and 1 betsy and 3' on my DOG and my smaller Threats...

With the hot weather I'm about to get, I wanted to make sure they're going to be rocking and not wishing that there was more O2 etc.. in the root zone plus I wanted to hit them with the fish kelp molasses and soil starter since I'm about to do a compost tea foliar etc.,..

I like to push them as hard as possible as organic as possible.


Active member
In 2000 gallons, 1 gallon of fish, kelp molasses, 1 gallon of BioTron BXI ( a soil starter ) , 1/2 gallon potassium silicate and 1 quart yucca is basically nothing...

onetime: is there anything about the mixture planty outlines that would be a problem in an injection system like we've been talking about? Seems like these ultra-sensitive biologicals would be nice and safe in my A/C'd pump and nute storage hut, injected into the cool spring water...


Active member
oh shit... now you tell me. i have been trying to find kelp molasses on the internet for the last 10 minutes.


I only realized when you quoted me :)

Organic Gem won't go through a EZ Feed, I asked when they were up in Humboldt and they said oh it's basically oil? No way..I know Kelpak, Silicate, and molasses/thermx70 if you dilute them like onetime64 said will go through..Watch out diluting that Therm X70...it foams like a mother fucker...the oil from the fish hydrosylate cuts the bubbles from the yucca extract


Active member
So planty... i am trying to find the part of your thread where we argued about where to begin with sap testing.... you said that NO3 was the most important meter? I am interested in playing around with sap testing... what would I need to just extract sap and look at NO3?


You can make a sap extractor out of a vice grip or get a nice hydraulic one..Basically you need to squeeze the juice out of the leaf or petiole.. depending on where you want to take the reading from ..then you just use the appropriate meter. I think Potassium is pretty important. But all of them really are...The ideology behind sap testing is to use all the readings together to get a picture of what the plant is doing with the inputs to the root zone.

So testing your nitrate nitrogen reading you'd keep track of what part nitrogen you're putting in and then watch to see how much of that is getting up in to the plant...same with potassium, EC, pH, Na etc.,


Active member
legal and guerilla growers can;t share the same section? How about backyard growers? can they stay? Got any reasons to back up your idea? or "just because"? But why pollute somebody's personal grow thread with it? kinda silly.

Start a thread on the topic... make a poll. If your idea has more merit than "just because" perhaps you'll see some intelligent support and the admin will take note and fracture the OD section into a bunch of little sub-sections where nobody will be able to find nothing. or maybe they won't.