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Plant rescued from a friend


european ganja growers
bro even taking it out and puting her beside a window/ under a CFL,,that will stop it from flowering and at least let it get a wee bit more hight,,then just pop it back in the room when the light come on?.......

keep it green


New plant turned out to be a male. Tough luck there. But good news is that I got three new sprouts that poked their heads up Monday, so hope I get at least 1 girl out of that bunch. One of my lights fell on the lowest branch of the main girl and burnt it pretty badly. I think I caught it in the nick of time, but I still had to remove that branch. Not a huge deal since it was one of the smaller branches, and I'm glad it happened now instead of in a future more important grow. I got the light set up alot more securely this time. That's just my small report for now, about 4 weeks left until I harvest the main girl and I'll get pics up of her and the seedlings soon.


Here's a couple new pictures of the main (biggest) bud.



I flipped the lights about 7 weeks ago. I started seeing pistils about 4 weeks ago.

How long do you think it has left?


2-3 but take her for all shes got
you should start flushing sooon

...sick trailer park boys quotes!
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Thanks Diiirty, I was thinking 3 myself, 4 at the max. I'll play it as I see it, go by gut instinct, you know? And yea, I love that show. :D

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