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Plant Based Diet


Well-known member
One benefit of going with a plant based diet as a society would be a
reduction of cross species infection - such as we are dealing with now.


Well-known member
the kind of meat matters, baked turkey breast isn't the same as a fast food burger, 96% fat free hamburger isn't the same as a fast food burger, if you run 5 miles and lift weights for 2 hours before you eat it or if you eat it and then sit in a cubicle for 6 hours matters

the motto of Schwarzenegger era was something like always protein and either fat or carbs with it, never carbs and fat

the main thing those guys did in their prime along with Tyson that should have been cut is all the steak


Proud Cannadian Cannabist
my biggest concern with meat is all the shit they put in it. meat is a great source of protein but all the hormones and chemicals to fatten up the animals are terrible. i wish i were in a position to have a diet of wild game. hard to go wrong with natural meat.


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ICMag Donor
Back to science..

Blood tests in relation to cholesterol. Said topic is another reason I linked the cardiologist... Because it has been shown that heart related issues are actually heavily based upon insulin resistance not cholesterol which we have been lead to believe by the AHA. In other words.. Its not the fats, or cholesterol, but the carbohydrates, and carbohydrates effects on fats/cholesterol.... Insulin is worse with fat in conjunction with carbs... But without carbs insulin levels of course are most stable of all possibilities...Your LDL, and HDL levels cannot be rendered important without the most important variable.. Insulin

The bioavailability of plant protein is half that of beef..

Also vegans are proven to be at higher risk of stroke... which if you look at the definition of stroke, is a blockage or bursting of artery/vessel.... Heart attack being more vague and if you connect the dots is actually a carbohydrate/insulin based issue not animal product based.

From a eco friendly standpoint which is another reason i got into veganism you get told the lie of animal farming producing a majority of co2 emissions which is a lie. Animals are actually carbon negative because they produce, and support plant life. Providing carbon sequestering to the soil, and enriching nutrient absorption & production to an environment. Whereas monocrop agriculture is entirely destroying our planet, land, and ocean. Pesticide, and chemical toxicity to the environment destroy wildlife land and water. We are moving towards natural farming, and indigenous micro life based farming, but not to a degree of being the entire staple of our diet.
Red meat and certain carbs are linked with insulin resistance. My carbs are from whole foods which have high fiber, and I try to limit my intake, although perhaps I should revisit this. Fiber reduces the net carbs.

The evidence for the link to stroke comes from a large observational study. Strange you would use that as evidence, as you rejected epidemiological studies earlier? It assessed diets from various countries including countries where highly processed carbs are eaten, such as white rice. The type of cabs is significant as high fiber carbs reduce the net carb intake. Btw I am advocating people eat quality carbs in the form of unprocessed foods with high fiber content, and quality fats (though we would disagree on them I suspect). I do not think either meat eaters or vegans should consume highly processed carbs or sugar.
https://www.bbc.com/news/health-495...o eat vegan and,compared with the meat-eaters.

Yes some vegan sources of protein are less bioavailable but it depends on the protein. There are complete vegan proteins and most vegans have plenty of protein as they eat a variety of foods. Some amino acids are better sourced from a variety of foods, such as grains and legumes. I've linked an article below comparing animal and vegetable proteins. However the article also says:
Plant-based diets are not just valuable for physical human health (including decreased risk of developing cancers, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases [46]) but are also more environmentally sustainable than animal-based diets, as recently reviewed by Lynch et al. [46].
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/ar...c acid, which,to decreased digestibility [68].
Although the impact of meat farming has been perhaps overestimated, it is hardly carbon negative. Brazil rainforests are being cleared for cattle predominately.


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ICMag Donor

Pakora with potato cabbage Manganji Togarashi ginger chili garam masala olive oil


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I'm in my late 50s and have a family history of heart disease, prostate and bowel cancer. I need to have things like cholesterol and blood tests for prostate cancer every year. Colonoscopy every 3 years. Cholesterol had been slowly increasing to the point where my dr wanted me on statin medication. Also my markers for prostate cancer had started to increase.

Long story short, I did a bit of research and started incorporating more vegetables and legumes into my diet, whilst reducing dairy and meat. I was only really eating meat when I was out. Anyway the dangerous blood markers started going down, Dr was pleased and remarked that I seemed to be getting younger.

Following this I decided to go fully plant based. I did this sensibly, read a lot. I supplement with B12 and sometimes with Omega 3s, although I try to get Omega 3 from diet (difficult as a vegan).

I have been doing this for nearly a year now. Blood tests are great and I feel pretty good. Certainly have a lot of energy and am pretty fit for my age. The only unhealthy thing I do is drink beer and wine (I plead Australian). Anyone else follow this sort of diet?

When do you guys rec these "exams" be started? Cause I had a doctor fuk me up locally a few yrs ago.....coulda had a noice malpractice at the time but I was too unstable to focus on that then. I have avoided local healthcare


Well-known member
My diet is mostly plant based with a small amount of fish, chicken, and cheese, and no fried food or salt. I make my own salad dressing, and don’t eat packaged food. They put high fructose corn syrup in everything which leads to fatty liver and fat people. Humans are going to dump a bunch of radioactive water into the ocean so fish might be off the menu. I ate nothing with eyes, except potatoes, for thirty years...


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ICMag Donor

Cabbage potatoes and peppers cooked in besan with some olive oil. The cooking times vary so I would not cook these together again, maybe if potatoes were cut smaller. May have tasted a little sour after cooking not like sauerkraut or spoiled only slightly acidic instead of sweet which raw cabbage usually is. Baby carrots lining the dish sweetened with cooking.


Proud Cannadian Cannabist
@art.spliff bro, i love looking at your creations but i hate wondering what im looking at. would you mind at least labeling the dish? im sure im not the only one that would benefit. much appreciated bro and please continue to share. everything in your pics looks creative and your close up pics do a great job of showing how appetizing your dishes are.