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Planning a 4800 air-cooled/sealed room remodel of sorts 2cents anyone

well i finally found that thread i was looking for on manifolds heres the link http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=80395&page=1&pp=15&highlight=manifold+system after reading through this im considering setting up with 10" manifolds linked by 2 6" runs and a 10" fan (undecided between vortex and can-fan) for exhaust. not really happy about the ten inch hole in the wall but what the hell it's two more inches. if you understand the math which i dont this is supposedly more efficent


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Whatever said:
It worked fantastic for about 9 months of the year...definitely not a disaster. The heat got recirculated most of the year and dumped in the summer. Even after a few years of working it that space not much I'd do different considering the room/house layout, concrete walls, neighbors like 10' away on either side, etc.

CannaDestroyer...you're running the Agrosuns just fine in those purple Lumateks? Just seen lot's of problems with bulb compatability in the Lumateks and never tried the Agrosuns and was using GE's. For $50 worth a shot I guess.

no offence, it just looks like that set-up leeks smell like the titanic. did u veg with it? maybe im missing somthing. clean room though.

00420 said:
lights = 19200btu
^aircooled/2 = 9600btu
roomsize = 3200btu
other = 7000btu ( ballast,fan's,ect )


if the mini splits are so efficient like julsbagell says 18,000 should be plenty and if your using digi ballast you will get away with 15,000 you dont want to go to big on a/c or you will have hum prob's and have to add a dehu witch add's more heat as well

i think thoes numbers are overstated.
im running 5600 right now 600w free bulb and 5 1K's in 6" a/c hoods with only a 15K btu a/c my room is still cool, even with the dehumy on max 24/7...
the 7 fans probably had nothing to do with it.

no objection w/agro just wondering. glad they work on ur lumi's.

the minisplits work great that 18k should rock that room.

might want to consider a dehumy for a room that large.
that many plants sweat alot of water.
yea digital ive got the dehumidifer already the room is already set up just without the aircooled hoods and portable ac instead of split. as i said the envioment is taken care of im just doing some changes to make it more energy efficent :joint:


Cool link to that thread CannaDestroyer...somehow I missed that one and helped me a lot. A friend layed something like that out on paper and said the extended blind capped ends were critical to a setup like that working but that thread filled in some holes.

Digitalhippy...I wasn't offended. Very unconventional for sure...not my thread here and off topic but no smell leaked out cause everything ran out through a Can 150/12" Elicent exhaust combo.
whatever: i was just pondering those end caps, did your friend say how big they should be? the plan as it stands now is to use 10" duct for the manifolds and two 6" runs with two reflectors each run. im still looking into the concept so im hoping those with a better understanding will continue to chime in


I think you're plan with the manifold is the best way to go and again learned something here. He just said the extensions were important and think the scale in the pics in that thread seem close enough....the extension should be at least half the distance between two runs of the manifold. To not have a dead end extension and just cap at the last hood seems to make sense but from what he told me no. Sorry can't be more helpful.


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CannaDestroyer said:
yea digital ive got the dehumidifer already the room is already set up just without the aircooled hoods and portable ac instead of split. as i said the envioment is taken care of im just doing some changes to make it more energy efficent :joint:

think about getting a mlc-8 with 'dual-triggers'
i have 3 of my lights come one 2 hours before the other 3 come on. and then turn off the 3 that came on early and leave the late-start set on for 2 hours..
3kw->5200kw--->3200kw...if that makes sence. i save 4 hours at 3 kw/hour and my garden still gets adiquate light. so that 12kwh that day cycle saved.
thats 46 kwh/day rather then 60 kwh/day just lights though, every bit helps.

thanks digital. I read an article about that same concept awhile back (dont remember where) but in the story they were making a zig-zag pattern with the lights. something like this.... i'll use my setup four reflectors positioned like this
1 2
3 4
so you would start by firing 1 and 4, and then say two hours later (in the article they were experimenting with time durations) you shut 1 and 4 off then fire 2 and 3 continuing this thoughout the light cycle

the idea behind this comes from greenhouses where it was noticed that plants are slow to react to changes in the light intensity. i.e. a cloud blocks the sun for an hour or two, as long as the cloud moves passed intensity returns, growth isn't noticably slowed. apply this concept to your indoor setup and you can save some power without loss of yield. don't quote me on this but im thinking you will need at least for lights for this to work efficently

this has got me thinking being i will have two bulbs per reflector i might just do some experimenting, someday when i can afford an mlc-8 or similar. this renovation has got the old pockets tapped out

Whatever: dont want you to think i forgot about you bud. first off thanks for the bit about the end caps ill post here and let everone know how that comes out when figure out the measurements as i see all duct will have to be cut to make the right size and spacing for the lights. (math is just more "fun" with a verdamper at your side) im glad to see it's not just me thats learning something.

and just cuz everybody loves bud

a lovely shot from my destroyer grown under 2k in 8x10. this is a bottom branch on a 6ft tree can't wait to see what happens with 4800 instead of 2k

Digital: hey man meaning to ask you what are the demensions of your room. it will help me with considering ac size, because if you can do almost 6k air cooled with a 15k btu so should i, but room size is a big factor in that too.
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I'm trying to remember and think the dude said it has something to do with pressure equalization in the manifold.
based on the manifold thread my two 6" runs for the reflectors is equal to the area of one 8" manifold. (i assume that both the runs and the manifold need to be equal length for this to hold true) however it seems bigger is better in this case so im opting for a 10" manifold :muahaha:

i found a 600w non-conversion metal halide at mdhydro.com for $35. (its their brand) anybody have any thoughts on these, in another thread that mentioned they work in a lumatek. i think i might try one as i think halide is the way to go and they're cheap so no big loss if it doesn't work out
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:muahaha: i got some of my new equipment today. 4 brand spanking new growzilla reflectors and a 10" vortex. the a/c is scheduled to arrive tommorow, means its time to make holes. pretty sure i have my math correct for the manifold, so i'm hoping to get that built and the a/c installed this weekend. wish i had a working camera so i could show everyone how it comes together, oh well have to start saving.


Active member
Good job canna hope everything is well I hope you put pic's so we can see how you pimped your room with all your new toys.

I will be running 6kw with my 3.5 ton mini I am waiting for the linset to come in when it gets here I ill install myself and post pic of everything Goodluck

Keep this thread active I will be here watching


Active member
Cool deal Hydropimp. I want to upgrade to a mini split in my 6k room. I'd like to see what is involved with the install.
Hydropimp: everything is well with me :rasta: hope all is well with you too. i will consider posting pics, but i'm a bit net shy even though it is a legal medical garden. i am however glad to answer anyone's questions about the room or other wise. after all i did stay at a holiday express last night lol :joint: i think it's time to put the vape down and back away slowly

RedReign: if you want the best description with pics just go find a unit you are interested in a download the install manual heres the link to the manual for the one i got http://www.ajmadison.com/cgi-bin/ajmadison/M24CF.html just click on the info & guides tab. this is i assume a pretty standardized install so it should give you an idea of what is involved
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Active member
Canna my brother it is how ever you feel about the situation feel me. But keep your boy post with update. I feel the same way about pic's on here but when I get a cam I will post pic's of the unit.

Did you connect the mini yourself?

I will do it myself. I plane on running 18 ebb&flow buckets which I have already.

CO2 which I need to get.

What kind of system will you be running?
Hydropimp: hey brother i'd be glad to give you an update and answer you ?'s

Did you connect the mini yourself: no i have friend who does a/c work install it for me, i did watch and it seemed easy enough to do yourself. you will need some special tools, but i'm told you can just rent them. also i went with the 24k instead of the 18, it adjusts output to save power. (i.e if only 20k btu are needed thats what it will put out) so i can't say if an 18k was all that was needed but for 300 more and the adjustable output i said why not just go for it and be sure.

System: i am at the moment working an bio-bucket soil hybrid system. it will only have six buckets. that is just a side project though, this room is all organic soil fed with bio-bizz nutes


Active member
When I frist starded to grow I went with the bio buckets but did not have money to get a chiller that was about 3 or 4yrs ago now I have a ebb and flow buckets.

But I still have one hugh ass pump that I got to do the bio bucket grow will put it to use one day when I get there but for right now my back is against the wall my chick left the house so I have the to pay the mortage by myself and still need to buy shit.

This grow has to do some thing for me if not I lose the house and money and time I put alot of blood money and sweat but I am focus and hopefully this 6kw grow will put me where I need to be.

How big are your containers and how many do you have
i know how it feels to have your back against the wall, no kind of fun there. my pots are about 3 gal, 5 is better. i usually do 5 plants to a light with parabolic reflectors, though right now i'm using growzillas and think 4 is better for these. i clone in soil filled cups, giving nothing but ph'd tap water. when rooted they go straight into the 3 gal pots under a 600w digital. if using the old style ballasts i recommend a 1000w halide. veg until they are about 3ft tall then flip. i averaged 6-8 oz per plant with this method, before i sealed my room. it looks like i'll be doing 8's more consistantly now though. two things i must stress though, temp control and co2. first make damn sure you've got a big enough a'c, and co2 or you can exchange the entire amount of air in your room in one minute. the exchange rate applies to both intake and exhaust. aim for around 78 degrees on the plant surface i don't have any experience with the buckets, but i know quite a bit about hydro. i will say that if you feel good with them then go for it, they are fairly forgiving and hydro yields well. however if it's just got to come through i would go soil following what i outlined above. i like organic nutes but if chem is your style they work too. if you want i will be glad to explain the how and why in finer detail.

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