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PK What did I do wrong

I got 12 clones of PK from Holistic Nursery in SD. They started great and veg'd for 15 days and grew to about 10-12 inches. I'm a rookie grower and an experienced friend advised to go to 12 on 12 off after about 2 weeks of veg. The flowers look and smell great and are so sticky the leaves are even covered with crystals that are close to the flowers, but they are super short, still only about 12 inches high and so thick and bushy at the bottom I can't even see the stalks. At the top there is about a 1-2 inch space then the top bud. I'm using a 1000w hps, general hydroponics nutrients with the ratio of 1:2:3 for grow, micro and flower,in that order. The flowers look and smell amazing but the plants are just so short compared to what i've seen in pics on here. I Pics to follow tomorrow. Thanks!


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Bush Dr

Painting the picture of Dorian Gray
Apart from anything else they look very overfed

You do get short pheno's .... I have a Critical Mass that is only 12" tall @ 51 days


Well welcome to the growing game. First thing that you have done is getting on this site. Its the best out there. The next step is to learn to love and use the search on this site as its a great tool to get information from the vast amounts that are on this site. Using the search also cuts down on people telling you to use the search function. Its great that you have a friend that is helping you but try to not become depend on them for help. I talk with people that have been growing for years and they often think that because they learned how to do it one way and that is the only way. For example, lots of people used the GH's 123 program and have been using it for a long time. That was a great program to use in the 90's but we live in 2010 and there has been alot of changes in the hydro industry. Take a look at the House and Garden's line, the canna line and the Advanced line. Also you didn't say what type of medium you are using. I would suggest cocco. It has the great quailites of soil but holds water better than soil does. Its also forgiving in that it buffers out a lot of stuff that you might do to it. Plus if your pump breaks down and your plants don't get water for a day or 2 its not the end of the world. With other types of hydro setups a break down for a couple of hour can kill a whole run. The one product that you need to have is H&G's roots excel. Its the best product for roots. Period. Remember that more roots mean that a plant can uptake more nuts. More nuts means bigger, fatter buds. I think that with your PK's a 2 week veg is not enough. PK's are not that vigorous of a plant. They need to be vegged for a least 30 days if your wanting to get a decent yield out of them. Hope that this helps you a bit. Good luck.


Active member
with cuts like that you pretty much want to make sure the plant is vegged to the size you like per size of the pot it is in.and when its at the right size then flower it .you really want to put them in12/12 when they are very thick juicy healthy green or Lush.they dont stretch much they more or less fill in where sun is available. lot of time the light not getting to where it needs to in order to form thick long tight Colas. the three leaf formation tells me you flowered to fast and could have used longer veg.. i mean if your doing S.O.G might want to try vegging that cut longer.. there are faster bigger better plants, just max it out if you run that cut
The numbers 1:2:3 was the ratio of the grow, micro and flower from general hydroponics, the measurments I use are teaspoon per gallon, so at that ratio to mix up 5 gallons of pure water from a water filter machine that does UV, micron filtering and ton of other stuff would be 5 teaspoons of grow, 10 tsp of micro and 15 of flower, that's from general hydroponics, the ratio during veg is 1:1:1 and the last week of veg is 2:2:2
Thanks! You all are awesome! I'm using rockwool cubes. I will definitely check out the suggestions you made about new techniques and use the search engine. They do smell really mean and the buds and leaves around them are so sticky I can't even come in contact with them or i'll have to wash my hands. Not bad for a first try ever but being part of this forum I can see much better results in the near future. Going to give Chemdawg a try. Thanks again!!!


Active member
Well welcome to the growing game. First thing that you have done is getting on this site. Its the best out there. The next step is to learn to love and use the search on this site as its a great tool to get information from the vast amounts that are on this site. Using the search also cuts down on people telling you to use the search function. Its great that you have a friend that is helping you but try to not become depend on them for help. I talk with people that have been growing for years and they often think that because they learned how to do it one way and that is the only way. For example, lots of people used the GH's 123 program and have been using it for a long time. That was a great program to use in the 90's but we live in 2010 and there has been alot of changes in the hydro industry. Take a look at the House and Garden's line, the canna line and the Advanced line. Also you didn't say what type of medium you are using. I would suggest cocco. It has the great quailites of soil but holds water better than soil does. Its also forgiving in that it buffers out a lot of stuff that you might do to it. Plus if your pump breaks down and your plants don't get water for a day or 2 its not the end of the world. With other types of hydro setups a break down for a couple of hour can kill a whole run. The one product that you need to have is H&G's roots excel. Its the best product for roots. Period. Remember that more roots mean that a plant can uptake more nuts. More nuts means bigger, fatter buds. I think that with your PK's a 2 week veg is not enough. PK's are not that vigorous of a plant. They need to be vegged for a least 30 days if your wanting to get a decent yield out of them. Hope that this helps you a bit. Good luck.

well said.
but i think the roots excelerator is highly overpriced, and completely worthless.
less money will buy more CFU of mycrohizzal innoculant. ..

Thanks! You all are awesome! I'm using rockwool cubes. I will definitely check out the suggestions you made about new techniques and use the search engine. They do smell really mean and the buds and leaves around them are so sticky I can't even come in contact with them or i'll have to wash my hands. Not bad for a first try ever but being part of this forum I can see much better results in the near future. Going to give Chemdawg a try. Thanks again!!!

3 part is crap compared to most 'high tech' nute formulations.
maybe back in 1995....

although it doesnt look like you did much "wrong" i do see a big mag def, typical of low-end 3 part formulas, it didnt seam to impact the plant much, she still looks great.
Thanks for the 3 part info, I'm new to the game but smart enough to know that the more knowledge the better and then share it with others, then we can all benefit from better stuff.

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