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Marijuana At The Tipping Point



All I can say is...
Obama Deception.
Watch it search it on youtube!

We are not Obama.. LOL!

But yes I agree there has been some surprises. I wouldn't have thought he would be such an American Imperialist but he is..
I digress from the topic .. Pardon me.

MJ at tipping point

MJ at tipping point

Hello there to all. I live north of the U.S. border in B.C. I enjoy B.C. outdoor bud. It grow well here and although it is illegal here in Canada it is slowly changing. In Vancity for example you can have something like 25 grams or so on your person and about a 1/4 ounce of hashish and it will not be a problem for you. You will get a ticket similar to a speeding ticket. This means no court appearance since the Cops figured out they had two court houses going 24/7 on simple possession charges. I was in Reno for a Basketball tourney a few years back and talk about troubles for people who partake of the Cannabis down there. It is a federal offense there for possession. Holy talk about a bummer for doobie time there. Was kind of a downer to be paranoid about getting busted down there just for enjoying a spliff. Risky to deal with for sure. It is a conundrum for the masses since the illegality fuels both the drug war fighters narcs and deas coffers to battle the war and the profits made on the black market from the illegal nature of the cannabis commodity. Ron Paul is to be commended on his work to end the marijuana prohibition that has been going on for far too long. Well I am fortunate that I can grow a few plants here and there and not be harassed and imprisioned for cultivating mother earth and nurturing the cannabis plant for that is it a beautiful gift for the people who enjoy it and for those who use for medical reasons as well. Safe and happy growing and toking to all. Cheers


Active member
If NY passes then 1/3rd of the people in the US will be covered. That is a lot of fucking people. If the other states like Illinois pass then its even more. Its going to take one state at a time and once the $$$ starts coming in it will never go back to the way it was. I honestly dont think it will ever be legalized 100% in our lifetime. It's going to be decrimilized. The states will allow it and the feds will ignore it. It will keep big business out and the cartels but the home growers will be ignored. Like Amsterdam where it is semi legal-ish.

Unless, the big corporations start lobbing for the rights to grow....then all bets are off.

it's like gambling. when i was growing up river boats were demonized and horrible. Now look they are everywhere.


Just Call me Urkle!!
After all the reading I've done and stories I've heard I still see the "Drug Warriors" doing their thing importing coke and heroin then when people who worked for them come out and speak they get killed! Almost every time the death is written off as a suicide, search Gary Webb and what happened with him my best friend knows his son and the guy wont even speak about it... The fact that they try to make marijuana growers and users out to be horrible people using and cultivating poison. Yet they are the same fucks who supplied Ricky Ross with all the fucking crack cocaine he sold and that's fucked up shit right there...
Cele Castillo was head of the DEA in El Salvador and was told before he got there that funny things are going on down there. Don't get in peoples way and keep your mouth shut... Then he realized our own government was involved in bringing in all the cocaine over the borders!!!! WTF! We are taught in school to stand up and take our government back when we find out things of this nature. But now when we do we are either killed and said we committed suicide or called unpatriotic and a terrorist, it's a damn shame.. I know we have had A LOT of progress with marijuana over the last few years but I don't know if it will ever go legal completely due to the way the system is set up. We are raised in a system set up for us to fail and fuck up by playing with those drugs these assholes put on the streets just so they can make more money by locking us up and build more prisons!!! We have Private Prisons all over the country and that's a scary thing!


re: thundurkel

glad I'm not the only "loonie" that believes these theories... ... the lunacy that's been perpetual in the Drug War Cartel..... I can't wait to meet every individual who knowingly pulled the red tape to have started all this BULLSHIT! if I don't see you guys in Heaven I'll be repaying these bastards all I can in Hell for their TREASON with my own schemes!

Please don't dominate the rap Jack
if you got nothing new to say
If you please don't back up the track
This train got to run today

Spent a little time on the mountain
Spent a little time on the hill
Heard some say better run away
Others say you better stand still

Now I don't know but I been told
it's hard to run with the weight of gold
Other hand I heard it said
it's just as hard with the weight of lead

Who can deny? Who can deny?
it's not just a change in style
One step done and another begun
in I wonder how many miles?

Spent a little time on the mountain
Spent a little time on the hill
Things went down we don't understand
but I think in time we will

Now I don't know but I been told
in the heat of the sun a man died of cold
Do we keep on coming or stand and wait
with the sun so dark and the hour so late?

You can't overlook the lack Jack
of any other highway to ride
It's got no signs or dividing lines
and very few rules to guide

Spent a little time on the mountain
Spent a little time on the hill
I saw things getting out of hand
I guess they always will

I don't know but I been told
if the horse don't pull you got to carry the load
I don't know whose back's that strong
Maybe find out before too long

One way or another
One way or another
One way or another
this darkness got to give
One way or another
One way or another
One way or another
this darkness got to give

ahh...why run with the weight of gold when you can make, the Hispanics, carry the crystal for you..

What happens when they get to America you ask... They send them back for another trip! Just think...an American has to pay TAXES on just about everything...then they take that money and give the poor guy a ticket back home to do it again... poor guy, because I'm sure people in this muling occupation have a short lifespan.

..fucking greed...


Active member
MJNA.PK = stock promotion scheme. I hope nobody here falls for it. Put your money in a more solid investment. Powerball tickets perhaps.

why is this a stock promotion scheme? they are signing master agreements with states who have legal MMJ to collect the states' share of taxes from MMJ sales...

u really aren't so stupid to prefer powerball tickets over a company that could end up controling tax collection on billions of dollars in revenue, are you? i would be interested to know why u really dislike the company, it seems some people don't like the guy in charge of it but whatever, he might or might not be a jerk but he obviously has a good idea...


Active member
when are "they" going to give US, AMERICANS a Freedom Fighter's Manual..

They did it was penned in 1776 by a cannabis cultivator named Thomas Jefferson it's called The Declaration of Independence.


Patient Grower
why is this a stock promotion scheme? they are signing master agreements with states who have legal MMJ to collect the states' share of taxes from MMJ sales...

u really aren't so stupid to prefer powerball tickets over a company that could end up controling tax collection on billions of dollars in revenue, are you? i would be interested to know why u really dislike the company, it seems some people don't like the guy in charge of it but whatever, he might or might not be a jerk but he obviously has a good idea...

It's a penny stock scam, cut and dried. This kind of outfit makes it's money selling stock to suckers, who believe silly things such as the laughable proposition that the states hire out tax collection. Feel free to prove me wrong by supplying some proof that any such agreements have been signed. PRNewswire press releases from the company are not proof of anything.

The two big screaming red flags is that the stock trades OTC and the sudden change in the business from VoIP to MMJ. The company is nothing but a shell that issues press releases and sells stock. Then there's the fact that the company is in FL. While not an indictment in and of itself, con men love FL because they can protect their assets. I don't like the company because I don't like con men that defraud the public.

I will comment that it's perversely gratifying that they've chosen MMJ as their scam. These con men have to believe there's something to promote to the suckers before they go to the trouble. But make no mistake. This company is a scam, and is designed to separate you from your dollars.


Patient Grower
So what do people that know Bruce Perlowin, CEO of medical Marijuana Inc have to say about him? "Ron Sachs — perhaps the other biggest name to come out of the school during that era — is accusing Perlowin of using the fest as a marketing scheme for his business. Says the former Miami Herald reporter and spokesman for Gov. Lawton Chiles: "It's a clusterfuck... The guy's a complete scam artist."

Now I've also discovered that they've done a 10-1 forward split of a 50 cent stock. I've never encountered a legitimate company that wanted its stock to trade for less than $5/share much less let it trade for a nickel. Not only that but they've managed to lock up 90% of the shareholders equity by issuing restricted stock. These are classic marks of a stock scam. Enron even did it to their employees, locking them in just before the shit hit the fan.

Google: "Bruce Perlowin" -cviv +scam to find more indictments of this mans character.

I must say that I've changed my mind. This company looks like a great investment. Wait until the promotion has peaked and short the hell out of this stock. <sigh> if only I hadn't given up my offshore trading account.


Active member
all the ducks are in a row should obama coose to go this route-maybe waiting till 2nd term, maybe waiting to appoint a few more superiors. Shit, dude may well understand the constitution and state rights-this is a state issue if the majority get behind it


Active member
He will keep all the gullible on a string to vote for him for another term for sure. He is not going to help us anytime soon, if ever.

thats what i'm getting at-we don't really need his help-all we need for him to do is nothing-thats right-nothing at all and that does indeed set a precedent
if he gets re-elected and still continues to "do nothing" that is even better for us:woohoo:


Active member
well it is regrettable that i cannot sell you powerball tickets to buy some stock.

the revenue thing is because they have released no earnings or guidance since it became MJNA. i think he bought CVIV because of their existing ACH technology and to expedite the process of becoming a publicly-traded company.

the 10-for-1 split thing was odd, for sure. the float was extremely low prior to the split, like 10M shares, I think that was part of it. also when it split it was trading $2.24, so it started at $0.22 after the split and has since almost tripled. honestly though when i bought the stock pre-split that was part of the attraction, stocks always get bid up after they split.

at this point the stock is certainly not a sure thing and i wouldn't represent it as such. i looked at it as a highly leveraged play with very little downside at the price i paid. When i bought the stock it had a market cap of less than $15M. I figured if the company really made it huge it could be a billion-dollar company (or better) and if not then it goes to zero. that is good risk-reward.

i realize they don't have cash flow yet but if you wait to buy the stock until they start getting flow it will be $15/share. considering i am long from about 10 cents a share I'm pretty sure its going to work out for me. If they come up with a revenue stream and some patents its going to be like an internet stock circa-1998.

if you're such a hater why wait for the stock to get bid up before you go short? why not just sell it down here? i think you and i both know you would prefer being long to being short right now.


RANDUDE, it doesn't matter what party you associate yourself with..repubs,dems the only way it will get legalized is when it benefits the party bringing it up for legislation..right now RNP is so down i believe they would consider legalization just to pick up votes..money ,votes and power determine what bills pass..nothing else not repulican, democrate or indies..time to get rid of this 2 party system, throw the far left liberals and the far right wing conservatives and the evangelicals who by the way are the biggest hypocrates out, and vote in some common sense people with no party affiliation..


Active member
if you're such a hater why wait for the stock to get bid up before you go short? why not just sell it down here? i think you and i both know you would prefer being long to being short right now.

Really? I wouldn't want to be long with them at all. They are basically just trying to skim money from people by being a taxation clearing house, no thanks I will pass and have our CFO and an independent CPA doing audits. Much cheaper, and safer, and less risk of important business info from getting shared with competitors. If that is how the company actually is supposed to earn revenue then they won't make much. People are already going to be pissed that they have to pay taxes, why would they want to pay more?

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
He will keep all the gullible on a string to vote for him for another term for sure. He is not going to help us anytime soon, if ever.

Obama is a smart guy. he has what is called delayed gratification. When dealing with the legal system that is a necessity. There are many things that need to be changed still before pot can go anywhere federally. First he has to get it off schedule 1 drug list.

Patience young patawons.


As always, thanks vta for a great article. I for one really appreciate you bringing these articles to us here! I know the conversation generally go in their own direction, but I appreciate the flood of mainstream media pieces about legalization and opportunities for medical use.

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