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Pizza delivery to wrong house. Narc?

Loc Dog

Hobbies include "drinkin', smokin' weed, and all k
I have had 2 tiny plants I am keeping alive till I get around to growing again, that are GG4, so do not want to lose the genetics. I had by back sliding glass doors, since they were looking sickly by northern window. Hear rapping on doors and pizza guy at wrong address. He definetly saw the plants, saw him look directly at them.

What are the chances of him becoming a narc? It is weekend. How long for them to get a search warrant? Would put plants, and small amount of tryptamines on solar farm near me, but worry about plants getting infected with broad mites. Took me a year worth of expensive harvest losses to get rid of them last time.

Loc Dog

Hobbies include "drinkin', smokin' weed, and all k
Are you in a legal state or medical state?

Medical state that the governor swore he would make recreational within 90 days of winning in 2018, and pulled a 180 after election. Worst medical laws in country (no growing). To get a card costs $200 and I have no income so can not pay $30 a gram at dispensary.

POS politicians only want legal for taxes.


ICMag Donor
Hey Loc Dog, doubtful a pizza delivery guy would drop a dime on you, however, err on the side of caution. With COVID going on, getting a search warrant for 2 plants seems to be extreme. I'm sure local police have more important things to consider.

Are you able to move the plants out of sight when opening the door? In your state, fine of $1k, maybe 6 months in jail. Were they in vegg state?

I've had to shut down twice in 40 some yrs....paranoia got the best of me.

Good luck!

Loc Dog

Hobbies include "drinkin', smokin' weed, and all k
Hey Loc Dog, doubtful a pizza delivery guy would drop a dime on you, however, err on the side of caution. With COVID going on, getting a search warrant for 2 plants seems to be extreme. I'm sure local police have more important things to consider.

Are you able to move the plants out of sight when opening the door? In your state, fine of $1k, maybe 6 months in jail. Were they in vegg state?

I've had to shut down twice in 40 some yrs....paranoia got the best of me.

Good luck!

He was at wrong address. I never order food. He went to back of house since no lights anywhere else, and sliding glass doors. Had plants by northern window, and looked horrible, so moved them to get southern exposure, since wanted to take cuttings soon. I worry about my closest neighbor. Drives a new dodge charger, and goes to work at 5AM. Think he may be cop.

I should probably empty my carbon filters and bake it, while I have time. Also need to find outdoor plants or mulch that will give off strong odor all year round. One good thing is there is a skunk nearby. Might have to give up GG4 and grow something that smells less. Really do not want to lose strain, especially since Joesy just died recently.


Indicas make dreams happen
Not everyone recognizes cannabis so quickly as us pot plant aficionados, especially those broad Indica leaves. If it were a narc your door would have already been kicked in at 5 in the morning. Definitely tighten up on security though. No putting plants out in plain view on your own property. Stay safe man.

Loc Dog

Hobbies include "drinkin', smokin' weed, and all k
You should never have anything illegal in direct view of your main door.

It was back of house, sliding glass doors. Was not a long term location, but wanted them to get a little sun and get healthier before taking cuts. In the middle of cow country, so did not expect anyone. Road is one car width, and no numbers on houses.

Loc Dog

Hobbies include "drinkin', smokin' weed, and all k
Not everyone recognizes cannabis so quickly as us pot plant aficionados, especially those broad Indica leaves. If it were a narc your door would have already been kicked in at 5 in the morning. Definitely tighten up on security though. No putting plants out in plain view on your own property. Stay safe man.

I am hoping he might not know. The plants have been neglected for almost a year and a half. Only throwing 3 petal leaves on one.



Indicas make dreams happen
I am hoping he might not know. The plants have been neglected for almost a year and a half. Only throwing 3 petal leaves on one.
I wouldn't get too paranoid over it, with everything else happening in the world at the moment 2 small plants ain't shit. Everyone I've known who delivered pizza is a pot head. No wonder he had the wrong address lol. Looking at those pics from afar they look like some ordinary house plants. Zooming in I can tell, but my eye is trained and obviously I already know what I'm seeing. I highly doubt his glazed eyes got a good enough look. No worries man. We all have those "Oh shit" moments, learn, and move on.

If those clones are valuable enough to you get a little setup where they'd be safe. Rejuvenate them with a transplant and a root trim. Check this thread out... https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?threadid=31919

Maybe build a micro grow box for them? Check that part of the forum and you'll probably find some dude with a clone rockin for 15 years under a candle and a jar of fireflies.


Well-known member
As a former pizza delivery driver for 10+ yrs I can tell you with complete confidence, you have absolutely nothing to worry about. Coming across grow rooms is fairly common in that industry. Delivery drivers are generally on your side.

Also, because of the condition of your plant, it doesn't even look like a typical pot plant. Lots of foliage all just all over the place. Kinda all just blends together into one big mass of leaves. I bet someone who doesn't grow would look right at it and not even know what they're looking at.


Well-known member
Free ☕ 🦫
Why would the pizza delivery guy risk it to narcing you out?
He also know you saw him and now knows for which pizza place he was working...


ICMag Donor
Why would the pizza delivery guy risk it to narcing you out?
He also know you saw him and now knows for which pizza place he was working...

It's difficult to decrease the paranoia when someone you don't know views plants/plot.

Just breathe....if nothing else, get an inexpensive LED and grow in a closet.