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pissed of at college


New member
I guess there isn't much point this post as far as security issues, but I'm pretty pissed.

I spent the weekend at home and had just gotten back to school (dorms)with some tasty buds for my head. Jack Herrer, Silver Haze, O.G. Kush, and Chocolate Chunk. After I put my stuff away, i broke out the buds, was about to grind and roll when I hear a knock on the door. "RA, please open up." It took me about four minutes to get everything into the safe and they were getting pretty impatient.

I sliced the top of my hand on the underside of my bed, putting everything away. Then I guess the RA on duty came into the suite, and smelled it in the air. I wasn't even smoking, just fresh buds. They tell me that no matter what I say, I'm getting written up for the smell, as is my roommate, who doesn't smoke, or condone it, but puts up with me because I'm pretty chill to him in return. I told them I was grinding up herbs, with my herb grinder and thats what the smell was, and explained I didn't smoke in the room, I was going to take it outside. Now I have to go to Judicial Review and meet with the Dean, get letters to the parents and all kinds of shit. Here I don't drink, and haven't been partying at all since I got here, and I get busted for...not really doing anything. Then I'm gonna have to do all kinds of shit, and I'm gonna have to watch movies about the dangers of marijuana.

When I meet with the Dean I plan to explain to him that I smoke marijuana as an alternative to drinking, because i don't enjoy killing my braincells or poisoning my body. I might have to give him a lesson in 'da buds.' I plan on being completely open about it because I feel that what I did was not hurting or negatively effecting anybody, and does not deserve punishment at all. I'm a chemistry student, and I don't slack off, i'm active as an artist, photographer, writer, and musician, and I'm getting written up for the smell of fresh marijuana which would have done no harm, but is now causing harm because I got caught. I know its not a big deal, worse things could have happened, and I didn't get anything taken, but I feel violated, fucking assholes. I brought up the point that they obviously understood that what they were smelling was fresh herbs, as opposed to burning herbs and offered them to take a whiff, which they declined. I also asked how it was that they were trained to detect marijuana, to memorize the scent of something you've never seen or used yourself might be a difficult task. What was their training like from the college to detect the smell of marijuana through a fucking 2 inch thick metal door? Surely to remember a smell well enough to detect it through a 2 inch thick metal door, you would have to be exposed to it multiple times. Did the school get marijuana from the government to burn for them multiple times? Probably not, because they can't even get it for legit experiments that would actually be worth doing. So the RA's who have been given the authority to bust me, have used it multiple times, or at least been well exposed to it (still equally guilty though if they consider my roommate guilty for 'being exposed to the smell'). Should these people be given this kind of heavy responsibility and authority, considering that they are just as guilty as me at one point. I mean, its like O.J. in the 90's being able to lock someone up for murder, just because he wasn't actually convicted). Fuck that. I don't think that would go over too well.

I keep everything in a safe, thing weighs a ton, portable, and has a keylock. I also keep that inside another container, usually cover the bottom of the door with a towel, and rarely if ever smoke in the room. I'm certainly not trying to get caught, I don't even smoke in large groups (as most people I know who do, get busted.) I've talked cops on two occasions here, out of writing me up/giving me a UPM, and I can't get the lame ass RA's to give me a break. Wouldn't even just offer me a warning. This was my first (that I know of) offense. Hopefully my room mate plays it cool, otherwise I'm pretty fucked.

So I probably sound like an asshole, or just stupid. But whatever, I just smoked some tasty buds and I'm going to just try to take care of this later. Just wanted to share my feelings. Nothing better to do? How was the Superbowl btw? the puppy bowl?
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That sucks man. I attend school as well. My living situation is what pushed me to buy a vaporizer. I love my vaporizer and haven't smoked in a loong time. I think in the future you should consider one. They are beautiful for stealth sessions. The only problem is being ratted on. I really hope everything works out you.


ICMag Donor
I appreciate you wanting to be honest and trying to set the record straight, but let me give you some advice.

Do not admit to having anything. Nothing good is going to come of it for you. You could even get expelled from school, or worse yet, arrested. Plus your parents are going to be contacted and sent a letter that you admitted to it

Simply stay calm and tell the Dean you had just returned to school and the RA said he smelled weed. No weed was found. Don't admit to having it.... You don't need that in your college transcripts....


^^^Not to mentioned the dean probably wouldn't hesitate calling in the police to do a complete search...then it's a drug charge instead of a letter to mom and dad which means loss of financial aid etc...

Chomp :joint:


It can be tough dealing with this sort of oppression, but I agree with the responses above. Don't turn this into an ideological battle, the laws unfortunately have little consideration for such arguments, and the person you're going to meet with is tasked with enforcing the rules, not judging their relevance.

JJ is right. They didn't get anything from you, they say they smelled something. If it wouldn't hold up in a court of law, you are unlikely to get in serious trouble at school. It's bad business to be harsh with respect to these things, unless you're at a place less tolerant than I can imagine, I bet you'll be fine and less will come of it than you're imagining.

Good luck,


New member
Eh, I already admitted to 'grinding up marijuana.' First off I'm gonna have to get my roommate out of everything. I'm going to explain that I don't drink, don't party, and don't smoke cigarettes. I plan to explain why I use pot, and hopefully explain that their are no negative effects to smoking pot. I'm going to explain that I did not smoke in my room, and was just grinding up buds. I received no previous complaint or warning about the odor, and that I don't think I did anything wrong. I'll inform him that everything has been disposed of, and tell him that if I get let go, he can be sure that I won't be smoking marijuana while living on campus (which is the biggest lie, ever.) I think that punishing me would be unjust and that if asked the RA's, I'm sure would admit that the smell that was lingering in the air outside my door was that of fresh buds, and not burnt ones. It seems unfair that I be given the same punishment as someone who smokes in their room, something which I was obviously not doing. Also, I plan to bring up the point that this should be let go because the outcome really doesn't fit the 'deed.' If I was not busted, I would have gone outside away from everyone else, enjoyed my marijuana cigarette, and then come inside and studied chemistry before going to bed and being extremely comfortable, without having sliced the top of my hand while stashing everything under the bed. I do not make bad decisions under the influence of marijuana, and I think that if they want to punish me for marijuana, they should wait till I've actually done something worth punishing for, like say smoking in my room, or beating someone's ass and throwing them out the window during my state of hazy impairment.

Hopefully, things will work out in my advantage. I'm gonna call mom up today and tell her what happened, and also ask her how she's enjoying her new bubbler, and the chocolate chunk buds I put in a box on her dresser. She's an ex-cop, btw. Dad will be mad, he doesn't smoke, and thinks 'dope' is an appropriate word to describe sweet tasty buds.

My only real concern has to do with trying to transfer schools for the fall. Other than that, and probation with the school, I don't give a fuck. If there is a search completed, they won't find anything, because I took it out of my room, and the inside of my safe now smells...'like an axe.'

Also, I have no financial aid. I might need some in the future though. Fucking shitty ass place. I have a friend that goes to McGill in Montreal. She said orientation, was more like hazing, because the drinking age is 18 there. And here my school doesn't want me to chill out, toke up, and study. Fuck that. Stupid shit.

As for a vape, I'm not a huge fan, I get sick of the taste of vape buds. I like to smoke, I like to inhale smoke, burn buds, I like the smell and taste of my fresh buds being consumed by fire, and not by heat. Vape's are nice sometimes though.
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New member
Also, my girlfriend's buying me a bong for valentine's day, hopefully I can get a lampshade for it, lol.


ICMag Donor
One more chance.

When you go to transfer the weed problem will be in your transcripts. It will follow you anywhere. My advice again, don't admit to anything and say you sure don't remember admitting anything to anyone. No weed.......No problem......One way or another you're done doing anything in your room there. Why put yourself through it.....


New member
I think I'm just going to have to plan what I say a little better. I'll probably go with what you said JJ, just because I doubt I'll get brownie points for being honest. Also, I think I'm gonna be more organized about smoking, and not as careless.
I think I'm just going to have to plan what I say a little better. I'll probably go with what you said JJ, just because I doubt I'll get brownie points for being honest. Also, I think I'm gonna be more organized about smoking, and not as careless.

If you are in the US.... they (Dean) will not send anything home to your parents. It was made perfectly clear that when my child entered college that they are an adult and Mom and Dad have no access to any records without permission. BUT, I agree deny it!!!! They did not find anything so tell them to show you where it is and that you have no idea where the smell was coming from, I am sure that the Heating and Cooling system (AIR) are shared throughout the buildings. The Dorms are School property so you MUST obey the rules and you have no rights when it comes to this point.


canned abyss1

Like others have said don't admit to anything. Even if you admitted it to the R.A. it is only hear say if he doesn't have any evidence and he was the only one to hear you say it. They don't care about your reasons for using marijuana and that you don't drink. In their eyes it is illegal and you were doing something illegal on their campus. Get rid of all evidence because they will probably want to search your room, and to reiterate admit to nothing.


Do not admit guilt!!! Never self incriminate!! Self incrimination and admission of guilt is the ONLY reason for disciplinary review meetings at colleges. They are the same thing as a police interogation only renamed, and less personal rights. Nothing good will come from admitting u smoke even with med documentation or other explanations. Speaking from experience, deny it or keep quiet.
Hempzi -

Last year I was at a private university here in Cali near L.A. The way schools deal with marijuana vs. alcohol is not at all the way an intelligent person would deal with it. Your reasoning and explanation, however intelligent and level-headed it may be, will not be met with the same level of intelligence or reason on the side of the school faculty. Unfortunately in this situation it would probably be best to bite your tongue and play the part of a confused non smoker who was stressed and made a mistake. I know it sucks and is against how you feel you should handle the situation but unless you want to make even more problems for yourself... save that battle for later, the dean isn't going to care of the health benefits of using cannabis vs. alcohol -- he's just going to care about making a point that marijuana is against school policy


Oh and by the way, schools here in the US (public or private) can and will send a letter out to ur parents as especially if u live in school housing. Even if u previously admitted grinding 'herbs' you can talk ur way out of, or even just flat out deny it. Honesty is not rewarded in these types of situations so deny it all. Its none of there business anyways and its not ur fault they make you sign your rights away in that dorm contract. Deny it' be careful the rest of the year, and move off campus next year.


I also go to college. Edibles are your friend...trust me no one smells anything but fresh baked brownies as you eat them on your walk to class....blazed....yet no smoke, no weed, no smell...it'll fool the piggies every time. I got busted with a bowl before, go to all that rehab shit and act like you really take to it. Then never bring shit to your room again. I only stayed in my dorm as a freshman, if you look there are usually houses right outside of campus where 3 or 4 people split rent and its almost the same as a dorm, granted not quite as cheap, they are meant for college kids though so it is more inexpensive than normal apt. You have A LOT more freedom given your roommates aren't stiffs (your in college which means probably not), beats the hell out of a dorm.

Begin honest telling them all the great things about bud and knocking alcohol isn't going to get you anywhere, sorry. We all know it's true here but the average, less educated outside world will be harsh on tokers.

Things to get ready (very similar to going to court):
Go to all kinds of rehab shit, even ones not recommend by the school, if you show the school board it will impress them. Finding creditable people to testify for you, luckily for me me and my history professor are good friends and he testified for me. Don't admit to anything, apologize for everything.


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
Yeah your parents won't find out about shit here in the states. When I was in college, my parents didn't once get anything from my school... It wasn't like highschool when I would have to get my report card signed by mommy...

As far as keepin all those buds in a dorm room with a roomate who does not smoke, I am a little confused... He's probably the one trying to take you out... you can't tell me that he doesn't go and cry to your RA about how your marijuana usage is interfering with his school work...

deny everything when you go and talk to the dean... they have no substantial evidence other then here-say accounts... I would also let them know how much tuition money you bring them a year.... you should be cool...

also, I would keep a lookout on the roomate .. I think he's the rat...

goodluck, LW


the Lion is going Guerrilla...
It's funny how you pay for your career but people want to trip over a little bit of dank. Tell the dude you drink alcohol and beat your wife, he'll probably write you a letter of recommendation when you get out of school. Good luck man.


Yeah your parents won't find out about shit here in the states. When I was in college, my parents didn't once get anything from my school... It wasn't like highschool when I would have to get my report card signed by mommy...

My parents got sent a letter on three separate occasions during my five year plan at major state school.


ICMag Donor
When I was a student many centuries ago the college sent information home regarding diciplinary action unless a student was 21 yrs of age. I don't know how things are now....


you need to turn the tables on the r.a. by asking if he smokes pot,if he has friends that smoke pot that smoke pot in front of him,if he has ever used pot for experimental or training perposes,stuff like this...he will say no,even if he has,or has friends that do.so then you say.well how do you know what you smelt was pot,if you have never been exposed to the smell of pot.