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Pirate's DIY Sulfur Burner for Dummies


New member
Perhaps better than whining about others would be to use your head...just maybe you could do one day of 18/6 which would not send them into flower and would allow you to do the burn with the lights off...like Mr. Pirate suggests.

Or try it with the lights on and tell us how it goes.

Your grow, your choice.

Seems like some people love to answer when there is a chance to be a dick.
Yes, it's my grow, and I don't like fuckin with their light cycle. That's why I was asking.

It didn't seem to do any harm. So, if anyone else was wondering I know one time doesn't seem to hurt. To bad I had to take a chance to find out.


Damn bro, I honestly don't know why anyone would want to go buy a sulphur burner when this info is avail. We appreciate your creativity and intuitiveness. Every tutorial you've done is gold... Props:joint: Plus, planned on buying a S burner in the near and didn't really want to pony up the 130$. Keep it coming, Pirate...
I am looking to build one of these soon but the one thing I worry about is the smell. My room is about 6ft W x 4ft L x 6ft H enclosed in vinyl. It is in my garage and my garage is separate from my house. I'm kinda worried about neighbors noticing the smell. Is the smell extremely intense? Is there a way of masking the smell? And lastly, how long would you recommend vaporizing in a room of that size?

Thank you in advance

great DIY btw



PM Spores

PM Spores

Sup Jack !!
Ya know.......I couldn't tell ya man. I have never sprayed sm90 before.

IF the sulfer peopel say not to after using the SM90..........then I would'nt. But Like you and getting desperate with the PM.......I would spray with plain water to try and wash it off and probably burn the sulfer anyway.

Keep in mind......If you spray with high PH water......like 9.0.......you'll kill PM spores. Even with plain water.

Whats up, Pirate? I noticed you dropped a comment regarding killing mold spores above pH = 9. I am looking for a reliable resource for mold/mildew spore information. It's definitely harder to find than one might think. Unfortunately, I could've used my old college texts, but of course, I threw them out about a year ago b/c I was under the impression that I would never use them! Anyway, if you could lead me in the direction of where you found this material (if you remember!), it would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance. Cheers, dak :joint:
got some espoma garden sulfur (organic fert) could that be used in a burner ?

* Follow up - used the stuff above in my hotbox & it works very well. Best to burn then leave for the day & take the pets with you as it fogged the entire house running it in basement.

Eyes will burn - etc, not good.yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyykkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkt

cat just stepped on keyboard - guess he feels the same..
Will sulfur vapor kill ladybugs?

Will sulfur vapor kill ladybugs?

I add live ladybugs to my greenhouse on a regular basis-so i was

wondering if ladybugs are affected by the sulfur vapor? I have

mildew problems starting and I am going to have to do something to

knock it back.

Also, what kind of sulfur am I looking for to burn in one of these

things? organic sulfur fertilizers?

Thanks in advance for any help


New member

You say that burning sulfur kills bugs too. What bugs is it effective for? Is it effective on spider mites?

Do I want to kill the ventilation fans that I run constantly?

The air from my grow rooms exhaust back into the living area of the house. It the odor from the sulfur going ot be a problem in the living area?

Thanks man.
Last edited:


Okay Ive got a couple questions.

Me and my dad just built a really nice one. Thanks pirate for the inpsiration. Anyways I want to know. Is it necessary to hang it up? Or can I operate it while its on the floor? Because I have concrete floors so it doesn't matter.

Also, is it bad to run this while the lights are on?


New member
THe Post That saved Me

THe Post That saved Me

I normally am a leacher and dont post things, but i have to say this was the best post. I had nothing lying around my workshop to use for this so i had to buy everything. I used two new metal (no paint in them ever)paint cans from the hardware as the cylinder and a small paint can about the size of a soup can for the container for the sulfur. Paint cans, screws, foil tape, bulb, bulb socket, and a candy thermometer all under 30 bucks. In total with sulfur about 40-50 bucks. Worked awesome i was worried about igniting the sulfur, but after a 2 hour test run i stabilized at about 300 degrees with a nice vapor of mild smelling sulfur coming out of it. Worked great, saved me a ton of money. Now lets see what effect it will have. I used it for pm. I hit everything with a copper based soap the day before, and then burned the sulfur. I have never dealt with pm before, but i hope this gets it under control. I saw it early and thanks to the internet caught it in veg, so i have declared war on the stuff now so i can at least get a handle on it. I will burn the sulfur every few days for a few hours on their night cycle. I found the smell to be surprisingly not caustic. If you have ever been to a hot sulfur spring it kinda smelled like that. However, i stabilized my temp at 300, if you go any hire you could burn it instead of vaporize it then it would be way caustic. Anyway this was awesome i stressed out when i saw pm and i feel confident i can get it under control. This was so helpful, my only other option was to buy one and i cant afford it right now. Just built a new room and dumper all my money in it. Nothing left to deal with any really costly fixes. I love to macgyver shit up to. Anyway thank you thank you thank you. Once i saw your post and how these things worked my mind quickly put one together. In an hour i had it running and was monitoring the temperature to make sure i didn't burn or ignite the stuff.


New member
This contraption you created was pretty brilliant. Who wants to spend all that money on buying one. We all spend enough money on other necessaties needed...Thanks for the instruction


New member

Been lurking on a bunch of forums, but given your wisdom, I need your help. I am growing in a similar environment as you are, misting but also using foggers. 4 Bins + 1 Reservoir in my 10x5 Tent. Lets skip to the chase / downfall.

So I hadn't seen this thread before using sulfur but needless to say, I guess I should have looked harder. Needless to say, I listened to my father and went out and bought a sulfur stick (what is used in wine barrels to cure them) and he thought that would work. I lighted it in a thermal so there is no light emitted during my dark cycle, and turn off all my AC/light/tent fans and misters but had not turned off my foggers and the fan that cycled the fog around. Keeping in mind my reservoir is in the tent, I did not cover it with plastic wrap but my pH didn't really go up that much. (6.0 to 6.3) and I did a water flush right after, but thats not my problem. So I open up my tent about an hour after the sulfur stick was lit and I walk into a graveyard. Literally. Everything was droopy/sad/cooked, whatever you want to call it. Within a day after that, all the leafs were golden and falling off the plant. The roots looked fine as they were still all nice and white. Another thing to keep in mind is I was only on my first week of flower and was on 12/12 light. I look further around and notice that my fogger fan isn't working, and I look and the power supply straight up melted, WTF!? So I suppose next time I will turn that off too :(

Onto my question, WTF ruined my crop?

1. Was it the melted power supply that let off some nasty fums that ruined my crop? (Didn't really smell bad in there)
2. Sulfur getting into the Reservoir?
3. Using a sulfur stick instead of using Elemental Sulfur?

Glad I wasn't that far along but still it has set me back :( Glad I have clones that will be ready in 3 days that I can put in my tent now that I have thoroughly cleaned everything.

Sorry for being all over the place in my post, just sad. :(


New member
On sulfur "burning", this university publication has all you could want to know about sulfur vaporization and PM control http://ipm.illinois.edu/diseases/rpds/611.pdf As you can see, all you need is a tin can and a 60 watt light bulb! Note that the highly toxic sulfur dioxide is formed if you burn, not vaporize, the sulfur. More than 60 watts is not recommended for this design.


High Class Grass
haha pirate, you are one cool mother f'r .....

By you taking the time out of your day to not only create this burner from scratch, and then to write this aweseome tutorial, i must admit that you are indeed one cool muh fuckah. i personally believe it is going to cause a sudden influx of excellent karma in your life ....you are going to help many...

keep on smooth sailin my friend... with a brain like yours, you are bound to find that hidden treasure...

alright im done ,

Couldnt have said it better myself...now im off to the garage to locate the stuff needed!

Stay Safe
Realize this is an old post but Pirate...your are the fucking man. Got here from your aero post. Great stuff, many thanks and I'm off to add some cred. Keep up the inspirational creativity.


New member
I'm having problems getting the can up to 300 degrees. We've tried a larger watt bulb (just to experiment), lowering the can right on top of the bulb and a diff thermometer. Any suggestions? The instructions were followed as Pirate noted, to a T. I'd hate to have to run out and spend the cash on a burner, simply can’t seem to figure out why I can't get the heat up? Thanks - Mouse