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::::Pipeline Gardens 2015::::


ICMag Donor
Plot 2

Round headed borer




Hello pipeline, also what I saw in post #49, #50, #60, you have a serious draining issue.
You should do some physical work and make a channel to drain away that ditch, on the picture seems to be only 1-1,5 meters (3-5 foot) a lower point.


Also congratulations for your grow, put some stick and tie to them the plants, so the wind will not "LST" them. Also the spot looks similar to uthenger's spot#1, in a forrest clering surrounded by middle sized shrubs. The difference lies in that you have an issue with the too much water and he has problems with drought or only low volume rains, and water is heavy to carry it from 1 km away in a backpack, and the volume is limited.


ICMag Donor
You'll know when you have a round headed borer. Look for the 2 mm diameter hole. There usually aren't too many of them luckily. Maybe 1 or 2 a year. They don't kill the plant. They will ruin a branch though.

Hey uthenger! Thanks! I tried to drain away the water from one and found water spewing in. The water is that close! It soaks in pretty well. The drainage ditch at least allows the plot to drain a bit. Wish I had somewhere for it to flow! I was scooping an throwing water dog paddle style for about an hour saturday.Then it rained again several times. :) Didn't scoop water yesterday. It looks like its soaking in.

I checked out your thread for a couple minutes the other day. I'll have to go back when I have some time.

Thanks for stopping by guys! Great weather yesterday today and rest of week. Should see some growth soon. :)


Gardens looking good but I'm curious about the broom head used for making bubble, do u find that it's better than a spoon, metal/wooden, looks pretty interesting... gl on harvesting ;)


ICMag Donor
Hey Eastbay! Normally I use a 16 inch or so metal spoon for stirring up bubble. Forgot to bring it, so we used a snow/ice scraper for a car. Worked better really, it was longer and I had good leverage. You saw the suds! :

This hash is pretty basic. Its better than nothing though. Can't wait for the fall harvest hash... That stuff hits the spot.

Yeah Kygiacomo, those borers are mean, they tear shit up. That was one of my nicest females! Not much you can do I think. Just inspections and try to catch them before they dig too far down. Spinosad controls round headed borer I would think. Read the label. It doesn't say specifically borers for herb crops, but it does for other crops. Use up to 1 day before harvest. http://www.cdms.net/ldat/ld24P002.pdf

I just kill them when i see them. I want to keep it all organic. Trying to build the healthiest soil possible. Thanks for stopping by guys!


ICMag Donor
Was very thankful to see the plants smiling today. Had some good downpours move through the area yesterday, and of course we got in on some of it. Luckily the heaviest rain amounts were east, but the swamp was back up where it was. More heavy rain possible tomorrow. Hoping it goes around this time. Hot weather today around 90. The hot, wet weather is causing a bit more disease than usual, but the plants are growing out of it. Put down another top dressing due to heavy rains. Pulled 2 more males. Lots of healthy females in the gardens! Looking forward to harvest!

A few views, it was a beautiful morning. Enjoy!






gorilla ganja

Well-known member
Pretty hard for us guerrillas to compete with the cali boys in any grow contest. They should have a separate guerrilla category. As well as take latitude into consideration. My season is so much shorter up here. Anyways maybe best bud pic. fingers crossed :biggrin:


dude that standing water is going to be MOLD city once the buds start forming and temps drop, it only gets worse from here unfortunately, just be prepared, maybe start spraying now for PM with greencure (potassium carbonate) or serenade (baccilis)... just sayin' thou....


ICMag Donor
Oh yeah! That will be humidity source. I saw the haze going on yesterday morning down there. It was beautiful. Its more of a localized low area by a railroad, not a real big wildlife refuge type swamp. Thankfully we have a couple months to dry things down a little. Next week should clear out forecast says! I'm having a hard time believing the forecasts this year though. :)

I was thinking about that, guerilla. I don't have enough sun for really nice plants, but I can still form a canopy, can't I! :)

Used to use Serrinade, bacillius subtilis. I may have to if this foliar disease keeps up. I lift my troubles to the Lord. He is ALWAYS at work! :)



ICMag Donor
Very fat, thats my buddy Albert. He's passed away now. He was a good pig. Never worried about anything. Fat, dumb, and happy... :)