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Pipeline Gardens::::2009::::

Pipeline Gardens::::2009::::

  • Pipe

    Votes: 151 42.9%
  • Joint

    Votes: 145 41.2%
  • Fatty

    Votes: 56 15.9%

  • Total voters


ICMag Donor
Thanks for dropping by guys... Gals are all grow'd up now aren't they... :)

I AM honest..... Its the easy way to speak... Plus its funnier that way... :) Little Twilight is sittin right here with me.. She's so good... Have no clue where she came from... She was living between the house and horse barn of my gal's grandmother's farm...

She's kind of hard to photo clearly because she likes to move sometimes... She's good luck I think becuase she's nearly all black but acouple small white patches on her neck and underside... She crosses my path often.. :)


How about a few garden photos... I know I'm due.. :)

::::Calm Before The Storm-- Guano Application::::



Tall plot


Flooded plot




Royal Dane x Heaven


Turtle Plot




ICMag Donor
:::: Damage Control::::

There have been tree branches down all over the place. I'm lucky there weren't any that landed on the plots! :eek: :)

Tall Plot


Flooded Plot


Track 2

Lots of foliar disease going on here, with some of the lower branches losing almost all their leaves... I removed all dead and symptomatic leaves.. Left a few with just a touch of the leaf spot... There is hot weather here now, if I hadn't stood them up and removed these leaves, this plot may have been a gonner after a couple weeks...

When dealing with disease remember the R.E.P.E.A.T. acronym...

Resistant cultivars


Track 1








[email protected] know pipe won't mind me hi-jacking for 2 mins.
I won't pay for Anything if I think it doesn't work..
I am too tight..
but I tested the canna ferts out and I am happy I am getting value for money.
Plus..it is easy to get here...I buy it at the local garden centre...no postage or anything.
If I couldn't get it easily..
I would use any food designated for Tomatoes or Clematis.
Phostrogen and Miracle Grow..both Well acceptable...and affordable

When Miracle Grow first hit the UK..I tested it out against phostrogen.
My Only complaint was..it seemed to hold the plants in a longer veg period.
Now That could actually make it very Adventagious for AF's..IMO.
Have you checked your Home mails lately.

pipe..100% agree.
Damaged leaves..damaged plants...
When you grow in plots..one girl lets something in..and you have a plague
on your hands before you know it.
Check damaged leaves and you will Always find the aphids start their attack there.

My favourite saying used to be..I don't smoke the Fans..
but since they put my tobacco up 50%..from 22 euros to 35 euros...:yoinks:
I might just reconsider...ha ha.

Lovely cat..she just looks like a young one..
people don't pick cats..cats pick people...:laughing:

WAMEN....wave...time you updated your thread..ha ha

Any of you have a bud that has a heavy come down..?
first time I have hit it..and I am not sure I liked it.

Pain meds can give me funny results..I never rely on My tests alone..
and I had been cross smoking as well..
so I will test run one morning on the beach walk..so I get her fresh/pure..

It had a fantastic UP high..
but it had a feelable downer after the high and a bit of a headache..
what do you think?
Bad Bitch..or Ditch it now..:laughing:


ICMag Donor
Let her have a bit of a cure and test her again... They can go through some change as time goes by...

I've always wondered how your ferts work... Must be nice to have specialized fert regimens available...

Went out to the track plots this evening, forgot the dern memory card... :) The foliar disease is still swinging... Not quite as bad, but things are still progressing.. Hopefully the guano fertilizer and the rain coming will help them get a kick in the butt and get over it... I was cutting off some thin lower branches that were esentially bare of leaves from the disease and I accidently slightly skinned the trunk of one of the sick girls... So that doesn't help... Chalked up hardcore to experience... Won't make that mistake again.. It was about 1 cm long is all... :)

I feel great about how the season is going though.. Every plot has plants as tall as my finger tips... Got plenty of leaves and a few scrawney flowers to tie me over until harvest comes on... Roll that tobacco up into cigars and start saving your fans. Anything hand size or smaller is worth saving... Expecially the recently expanded ones... Harvest won't be too long! Need to get some buckets dug in the ground... :)


Mourning the loss of my dog......
Oh jeez! Flooding has got to suck. Looks like the plots gonna survive though. Lots of early budders this year I see, made me look twice to see all the bud forming already.
Hope you have a great harvest!


Active member
Nice green guerillia plants and also a beautiful black cat.

You are the third stoner here with black cats:D


ICMag Donor
Yeah wamen, the bugs haven't given me too much trouble this year.. Some plants are worse than others.... Whats been the problem is this foliar disease that has plauged 2 of the plots.... Removing diseased debris is about all I can do besides pulling the plant... Had lots of sun with a short hard rain today... Should help improve their vigor and hopefully outgrow this thing...

Hey backcountry thanks for stoppin by and enjoying the thread! I knew that plot would be flooded after we dumped a good 4 and a half inches out of the rain gauge... Happened last year too after a similar heavy rain... I think the plants will be fine though, it was a short period they were flooded. They've been shook out and staked... Ive been pretty impressed with how early some of these plants have been... Gonna have to start checking for mold in not to long... :)

Thanks THC, she's a really good cat, but she gave us the run around for a bit when we let her out at the lake last weekend... :) She's a sweatheart though...

Pollination in a couple weeks... DC is the only male standing... :)


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
Howzit..?? Sorry ya got flooded.. Hope they recover good and plenty.. But give you lots.. Again hope everything comes back twice as big and healthy.. peace.



ICMag Donor
Thanks, luckily the flood only damaged one plant and I was about to pull it already... Very lovely fresh resins on this one, but the flowers are very spread out.. Good musky pine resin flavor... :)

The winds that went with that storm is what did the most damage... Made for one big job getting the girls back on their feet... Soon they will root into place well and the stakes will just be there for support when the weight starts dragging on them... :)

Might have been a blessing, they got layed over and the plant told itself start branching out, and then after being stood up into good light again, they might have just kept on branching... :)


pipe..you need a spanish greenhouse..
can you imagine how many girls we could get in here..



I was drooling as we drove past...


ICMag Donor
I've never seen greenhouses like that before! Cool stuff! Nestled right into the hills... If your growing season lasts all year long, I'd say one tree per house would be about right Get her roots as big as the footprint of the greenhouse... May be a 5 year project but it would be glorious... But on the other hand all the individuals that could be grown there would be great for selections.....Would be very interesting...

Snapped a few photos of the veggie garden recently, many blessings this year... :)


THC123....5 years of growing in pots only...gives you strange fantasies.
If I win the lottery..I want a piece of land..and a poly tunnel..for me and the Girls
forget about the house and a swimming pool that most people want..:laughing::laughing:

Nestled right into the hills...
ALL of them are pipe..predominating weather condition is High wind..
the grow areas are all on the leaward side..or set down in dips in the land.
I have only seen 1 glass greenhouse in all the time I have been here.
Probably too damn dangerous.
Everytime I see them covering tomatoes..or soft fruit..I think..
What a Waste
Spain has the High-est mountains in europe..and it is nowt to do with how Tall they are.:yeahthats

There is a co-operative near me..the mechanised hydro system is something to behold..and massive..I would work there for nowt just to play with it.

if it can hydro tomatoes...hmmmmm...


nice holiday pix mossy bro!
spain is a great country, also for us cannabis lovers.

plants looks great pipeline, lets hope for a nice and easy flowering period.

a bum chuck

New member
I thought my first post deserves to be in the pipeline garderns 2009. It looks great man. I can't wait to get my 400w going once i get a place. I'm looking forward to my dc x DP as is a few others. Fall Countdown..... Thanks Pipe


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Looks like a very full garden this year Pipe! They are looking really good. It's hard to belive it's mid August already. Where does all the time go? Unfortunatley I didn't get anythin of yours out this year. Is there anything that you think will do great indoors?


ICMag Donor
Sorry I've been away lately guys! All is well, I'm just busy.. Got a lot on my plate these days... between canning veggies , gardening and getting ready for the wedding, working, and living life I don't have a whole lot of spare time... Pretty usual for the month of August... I'll be sure to keep yall up to date though so don't blink... Pollination is right around the corner... :)

I know it mossy, greenhouses were made extra tall for a reason; protecting giant cannabis bushes... :)

Thanks esbe, I hope the hard storms go around us and the drier days and nights come around more often... Right now the days hover around 90 and are tropical humid... :)

Hey a bum chuck! Thanks for gracing my thread with the honor of your first post... DC x danish passion should be a strong stocky plant with lots of vigor... Let me know how she works out... We have the Danish passion x DC hybrid...

Thanks Guyute, the gardens are quite full this year... Its kind of intimidating, but we have a method established when going about it... Should work like clockwork if all goes well.. :)

The year IS flying by... Getting to the second half of august and everyone knows what that means... September is next! :)

I know Soxx tried the NHU x DC and really liked it.. NHU seems to be an excellent line.. She had very vigorous branching in low light conditions last year...

It has been a real treat puffing early flowering and sparse skunk no 1 flowers... I was used to smoking leaves and boy I could only have about half a pipe and it was time to set it down... :) Very nice sweet spice smell and flavor, it was mature resin... :)

Gotta hit the showers and get back to the chores... I'll hang around till I finish the pipe... :)

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