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Pinkie Pie


Cleaned up the bottom of the mass to allow for airflow and discourage pests + diseases







My select F7 male that ill be using on my first batch select females as well as maybe a couple from the second group for pure F8 regular Pinkie seeds to work with







First signs of sex have become apparent within the population, a number of females have begun putting out pistils so culling will begin soon :D


These are some of the young Pinkies I selected for spraying






my male, if you look at his flowers and some stems you can see the trichomes hes putting off, also has excellent bright pink color



1 flower pod opened up and started dropping polen yesterday, another opened tday. I collected the 2 flowers and there pollen very carefully and have it in an airtight,light proof, temp controlled container and location. I am now considering which Group #1 F7 females I want to get REG seeds from and how many ;P





DAY 14 Group #2
Started culling last night, removed about half of the plants (males, weak growers, signs of intersex [2])







Think I got up to #17 before I ran out of stickers lol
Finally tally is 22 Vigorous females in 1 gallon pots, 6 less vigorous girls in cups, raised the light and upped the cycle from 14/10 to 18/6






I also removed the weakest (flowering) 4 from group 1 and have them on the edges of group 1 to collect unused light and allow my Keeper females more room to grow properly (air circulation and light)


This is the girl im callin darkstar (insert butthole joke here lol):fire:






Girls frosty as hell, beautifully colored, nice aroma, crusty (vs slick) with trichs, and very healthy. AMAZING UPDATE!!!! she is also starting to put off slightly purple pistils on the lower popcorn vuds so she may develop some pistil color before this grows done!!!

doing pretty well for having another plant in her same pot with her, might be snuffing him out today tho to allow this girl to grow properly and develop lots of pollen+ seeds.


Active member
Damn bro, youve been super busy I see.. Atleast you can say ALL this work is actually for something.. They're almost finished, and they actually have the genes and traits that you wanted them to have..
I think that all breeding/breeders who sell seeds for A profit, should have to atleast have grows like this documented. Since most dont have acres to be able to grow thousands of girls&boys to FULL maturity for selection.. This would be the next best thing to do.. I know they still put in hard work, but only A few do the selection like Sam used to do, and most now days dont even breed/Select close to the way you are right now.. Those totes/rubbermaid beens where perfect.

So technically you still have 1-More selection grow, and then possibly 1-2 more grows to see if the genes/traits are stable? Also what generations will you be releasing?

I dont understand why the males now days for either an Auto Strain or Photos are so small? Years ago they had colas of sacks just like the females.. But even if the males now days are alot skinnier, some look alot more resinous and covered in trichomes then the old Cola Sacks that seriously looked like A Bunch/Group of Bananas..

What are you going to be using those weakest girls that you have flowering at the very nds of the table for lol? You still have so many even if you cull them..

Haha nice work bro, I wouldnt mind trying these out in my area to see how they would do outside. Not many people mess with any type of autos ime or that I've heard..


ICMag Donor
I dont understand why the males now days for either an Auto Strain or Photos are so small?
Depends on several factors including the strain. Most "colored" strains seemingly are smaller.


Damn bro, youve been super busy I see.. Atleast you can say ALL this work is actually for something.. They're almost finished, and they actually have the genes and traits that you wanted them to have..
I think that all breeding/breeders who sell seeds for A profit, should have to atleast have grows like this documented. Since most dont have acres to be able to grow thousands of girls&boys to FULL maturity for selection.. This would be the next best thing to do.. I know they still put in hard work, but only A few do the selection like Sam used to do, and most now days dont even breed/Select close to the way you are right now.. Those totes/rubbermaid beens where perfect.

So technically you still have 1-More selection grow, and then possibly 1-2 more grows to see if the genes/traits are stable? Also what generations will you be releasing?

I dont understand why the males now days for either an Auto Strain or Photos are so small? Years ago they had colas of sacks just like the females.. But even if the males now days are alot skinnier, some look alot more resinous and covered in trichomes then the old Cola Sacks that seriously looked like A Bunch/Group of Bananas..

What are you going to be using those weakest girls that you have flowering at the very nds of the table for lol? You still have so many even if you cull them..

Haha nice work bro, I wouldnt mind trying these out in my area to see how they would do outside. Not many people mess with any type of autos ime or that I've heard..

yea lifes been hectic and I suspect it will only be getting worse but ive managed to stay on top of my breeding plans through it all.

I know!!!! its crazy to think that 3 years ago I set out to make this strain and its finally coming together!! I honestly didnt think I would get all the traits I was after on the first shot lol thats why I always save backups and have so many individual lines, in case I mess up hahahaha

I totally agree, its not that difficult to take pics and record your results, and in fact you should be doing that anyway at least for your own personal records anyway. Im all about transparency man I got nothing to hide lol

well i cant say with 100% certainty but its looking like 2-3 more generations and I will have a legit IBL on my hands. people throw around a lot of arbitrary measures of when a line is a true IBL but for me I think the strain needs to be bred to the point that all the traits of interest are at a point of homozygosity and progeny breed true for each trait (otherwise it wouldnt be useful for what its intended purpose is, hybridizing )

Ive already got to the point that 100% of the population produces colored buds (F7) but I still need to increase the number of ultra resinous individuals as well as pink pistil gals (much easier during outdoor) and maybe tighten up the variation in terpene profiles but overall the F7 generation has been really uniform in regards to flowers (2-3 phenos)

I will be doing a limited release of the F8 (fems) because the number of requests I have received for them, the strain isnt completed IMO so I will still be labeling it a cross (until it becomes a true IBL) but people are impatient and just want to start growing her so ill compromise and let out a few packs of these since they should be pretty uniform at this point (enough to get a great female from each pack)

well I cant speak for anyone else but personally I keep my males small on purpose. They could get a lot bigger if I let them but once I can tell sex they get taken from under the HID and under a CFL, dont have a ton of space for males so they need to be small in order for me to keep some alive for a few weeks till I can pick out a stud.

Im gunna smokum! hahaha im a pot head bro ;)

for sure, theyll be available soon I just dont want to put anything out with my name on it that I dont believe is up to my standards :D


UPDATE!!!!!!! DAY 54

Pollinated all my select females on Saturday and have reduced CS application from twice daily to once a day (first bottle of Tmist is done as of 12/12/2016)

3 females have all exhibited 2-3 pink/purple pistils from group 1 and all 3 are dark purple females sharing a pot with another plant. Ive noticed from the start that the plants most likely to exhibit the pink pistil trait are the darker budded ones so I suspect the pistil color has something to do with anthocyanins. I am also aware that pH and stress have a role to play in whether or not the trait is displayed, still trying to figure out the exact correlation however.

Homozygosity for all traits selected upon is almost upon us and I suspect Pinkie will be a true IBL within 2-3 generations :D 100% of the F7 plants grown are now displaying pink/purple buds and over 80% have a very thick coat of trichomes. Most plants also carry very similar vegetative characteristics and the terpene profiles seem to be limited to 2 distinct phenotypes ([pheno #1 fruity,citrus,cheese[-----[pheno#2 menthol, berry, cheese])

With all plants of interest pollinated from group #1 I no longer have a use for my male so I will be rubbing off his trichomes to document all of his relevant traits including terpene profile (aroma) and then scrapping him.


Group 2 starting to get some color on there calyx's
Lots of odd little mutations in this group
average group 2 plants are 6-8" inches tall and about 6 nodes up







One of the Pink pistil girls I pollinated, colors only visible in 2-3 pistils and its very light but its pretty obvious its pink when u see it in real life lol too bad shes polinated now and those pistils are gunna die off :/






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