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Pictures of Ireland

Hundred Gram Oz

Our Work is Never Over
I saw the bubbles, but where are the little girls in pig tails skipping through the woods blowing them? :)This is so pretty that it is almost hard to believe. You are very lucky to live in such a beautiful place.

Thank you OrganicOzarks, I really didn't do the place any justice with my photographs. :biglaugh: Yeah there actually was a lady with me blowing bubbles at the time, I had a few more pictures with bubbles but they were too blurry to post. Thank you.

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Bush Dr

Painting the picture of Dorian Gray
Wow ..... nice area around you bro', reminds me of the Pacific Northwest, it's just about as wet there ..... good to see you out and about

Hundred Gram Oz

Our Work is Never Over
:wave: Hi Bush, thank you bro! When we left to go up there it was dry then all of a sudden the sky went very dark and then there was very very heavy rain but the sun came out and set the area for some nice pics. Its a very nice area.


New member
Man, I went to Ireland this summer for a week and stayed about a 20 minute walk outside of Dublin and the whole country (from the little bit I saw) is absolutely beautiful. Went and took a tour of Wikalow and went out to Birr. Thanks for the pictures they are awesome! I can't wait to get back and see the rest of the country.