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Pictures of Ireland

Hundred Gram Oz

Our Work is Never Over
Hi folks well I was out looking for a spot today and I snapped a few scenic pics while I was at it, I'm in no way a good photographer and most of the images came out blurry :biglaugh: but these few came out half alright, they might bore some of you Irish heads but maybe some internationals will enjoy my dodgy photography LOL. Here ya go...

[Click yellow bar to enlarge]













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Organic joe

It sure looks beautiful there in ireland I'll be there for a couple days in november then to amsterdam for a few days and I can't wait those pics give me something to look forward to

Hundred Gram Oz

Our Work is Never Over
It sure looks beautiful there in ireland I'll be there for a couple days in november then to amsterdam for a few days and I can't wait those pics give me something to look forward to

Thank you, Organic joe. I really don't give it any justice. Which part of Ireland are you going to if you don't mind me asking?

nice pics and lovely country you have there!

:thank you: Thank you very much BattleAxe

:wave: Thaks Trichy :)

Sure is green! Nice pics holmes, where's the leprechaun ?? Peace

Thank you bro, Leprechaun? Last I heard he was stuck up a tree in Alabama ;).....

Thanks for sharing the photos HGO :thank you:

Thank you for stopping by Brother Bear, your more than welcome :)


Organic joe

Thank you, Organic joe. I really don't give it any justice. Which part of Ireland are you going to if you don't mind me asking?

we will be in dublin it will be my self and soon to be wife we will stay there for a couple days then go to amsterdam for a few days for our honeymoon


Active member
Oh wow, what beautiful pictures!! Some of the places look magical. I like the ones where the light shines through the trees. You have a damn good eye!!!! What kind of camera do you use?

Hundred Gram Oz

Our Work is Never Over
The land of leprechaun's and magic

The land of leprechaun's and magic

:clover: class photos boy,ireland is daycent!
Hey, Dronli. Thank you for stopping by. She sure is!

we will be in dublin it will be my self and soon to be wife we will stay there for a couple days then go to amsterdam for a few days for our honeymoon

Congratulations, Organic joe! That sounds like a great get away. If your in Dublin city check out the Temple bar area for some good entertainment. Have fun and thanks again.


Thank you, NashvilleN.

Oh wow, what beautiful pictures!! Some of the places look magical. I like the ones where the light shines through the trees. You have a damn good eye!!!! What kind of camera do you use?

:wave: Thank you, castout! I'm no photographer though, I just use a basic camera it's a fujifilm FinePix S5500 and it's only got 4 mega pixels LOL. I had a lot of fun out there today, I found a lot of cool spots like the one beside the river, it's very very remote, so peaceful and a great place to go recharge the mind and soul. Thanks again.

Thanks for the look see.:clover:

:wave: Hiya, pine boy! I haven't seen you around in a minute or two, thanks for stopping by. Don't be a stranger bro.

Be safe one and all!


nice pics, first few remind me alittle of the film shrooms, did you find any good sites?


I saw the bubbles, but where are the little girls in pig tails skipping through the woods blowing them? :)This is so pretty that it is almost hard to believe. You are very lucky to live in such a beautiful place.